Sunday 11 March 2018

Credible information on the UFO phenomena

I detta inlägg kan besökaren hitta länkar till, enligt mig, trovärdig information om det mesta rörande UFO-fenomenet (listan på länkar kommer efter denna text). Det handlar om webbsidor, och om människorna knutna till dem, som i de flesta fall med en sund skepticism och i vissa fall med vetenskapliga metoder försöker närma sig sanningen om UFO-fenomenet.

I inlägget Be open to sound skepticism but skeptical of "the debunkers" ger jag min syn på vad som skiljer en sund skeptiker från en osund skeptiker. I ett annat inlägg som hittas här ger jag ett exempel på osund skepticism genom en webbsida som ägs av en osund skeptiker, och till råga på allt är en dålig representant för filosofiämnet (ägaren till webbsidan är en pensionerad filosofilärare.).

Astronomen, Bernard Haish, uttrycker skillnaden mellan sund och osund skepticism på ett annat sätt på sin webbsida, "UFOskeptic", vilken du hittar länken till nedan (nr 4 räknat uppifrån). Citatet nedan är ett utdrag från en längre utläggning av Bernard Haish på "UFOskeptic" om hur en sann skeptiker bör förhålla sig till kunskap, sanning och till det ännu okända:

Moreover just being a scientist confers neither necessary expertise nor sufficient knowledge. (I wish it did, sigh.) Any scientist who has not read a few serious books and articles presenting actual UFO evidence should out of intellectual honesty refrain from making scientific pronouncements. To look at the evidence and go away unconvinced is one thing. To not look at the evidence and be convinced against it nonetheless is another. That is not science. Do your homework!

De fyra sista meningarna i Haish citat ovan är helt enkelt: touché! Förhållningssättet som Haish fyra sista meningar beskriver är naturligtvis grundläggande inte endast vid utforskandet och undersökandet av kunskap, förståelse och sanning om UFO-fenomenet.

Jag vill också citera Bernard Haishs träffsäkra definition av en sann och sund skeptiker (som också finns att läsa på hans webbsida "UFOskeptic"):

Skeptic - One who practices the method of suspended judgment, engages in rational and dispassionate reasoning as exemplified by the scientific method, shows willingness to consider alternative explanations without prejudice based on prior beliefs, and who seeks out evidence and carefully scrutinizes its validity.

Jag rekommenderar starkt besökaren att utforska listan med webbsidor nedan som alla är utmärkta exempel på att UFO-fenomenet bör tas på allvar av allmänheten, journalister, forskare, osv. 

Jag överlåter till nyfikna besökare att på egenhand titta runt på allt det spännande material och den intressanta information som finns på respektive webbsida om UFO-fenomenet.

Samlingen länkar/webbsidor nedan är förstås ett subjektivt urval. Samlingen är inte på något sätt heltäckande över de mest tillförlitliga källorna eller de mest kompetenta UFO-undersökarna. Jag rekommenderar besökaren att klicka in på respektive webbsidas "resources" och "recommended reading" för att hitta ytterligare resurser och information av trovärdig karaktär.

Slutligen, för den historiskt intresserade i allmänhet och för den amerikanska försvarsmaktens stora intresse för UFO-fenomenet i synnerhet, kan jag rekommendera att klicka på länken till "Project Blue Book Archive" (sjätte länken räknat uppifrån). På den webbsidan hittas otaliga deklassificerade dokument som berättar om amerikanska försvarsmaktens efterforskningar och analyser av UFO-fenomenet. För tillfället nördar jag ned mig i den historiska aspekten av UFO-fenomenet på detta utmärkta webbarkiv.

Jag kommer även att lägga till fler länkar till pålitlig och trovärdig information om UFO-fenomenet efterhand som jag stöter på sådan, så den intresserade besökaren kan ta för vana att emellanåt titta in på detta inlägg och kolla om någon ny länk har tillkommit.

Håll till godo! 

Initiated during 2009 and in the framework of the International Year of Astronomy (1), The Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Observations Reporting Scheme is a project aiming at facilitating the collection of UAP reports from both amateur and professional astronomers, via a questionnaire to be downloaded from a dedicated website.

At UFODATA we seek to create a systematic, rigorous science of UFO phenomena. Such a science is needed because of misplaced certainties on both sides of the UFO debate: “believers” convinced that UFOs are extraterrestrials, and “skeptics” equally convinced that UFOs do not even exist. Our own view is that humanity knows very little about the true nature of unexplained UFO reports, and that the only way to resolve this lack of understanding is through serious scientific study.

En av de största webbsidorna om UFO-fenomenet. Täcker i stort sett alla aspekter av UFO-fenomenet och sökandet efter intelligent liv/intelligenta civilisationer i universum.

Troligen min favorit för tillfället i denna samling. Av, Bernard Haish (mannen med den träffsäkra definitionen av vad en skeptiker är) en professionell astronom sedan 1975. Han har arbetat för bland NASA och Lockheed Martin. Kanske är hans webbsida min favorit helt enkelt för att Haish, likt historikern Richard Dolan och många andra på den seriösa sidan av ufokulturen, anser det vara möjligt att kunskap om UFO-fenomenet sedan slutet på 1940-talet medvetet har undanhållits för allmän kännedom av b la den amerikanska försvarsmakten.

The Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) is an international group of scientists, academics, investigators, and volunteers dedicated to the continuing examination and analysis of the UFO phenomenon. Our purpose is to promote serious scientific interest in UFOs and their study, and to serve as an archive for reports, documents, and publications about the UFO phenomenon.

The Project Blue Book Archive provides researchers
with free online access to over 50,000 official US
Government documents relating to the UFO phenomenon.
A search engine and various indices are also
provided to modernize access to these documents.

This is a reference Website. It offers a collection of hand-picked UFO resources: real UFO pictures (see the "summary" and "technical overview" pages), video documentaries, video footage and testimonies, technical data and over 500 links to scientific studies, books, portals, newsfeeds, blogs and forums about UFOs. In short, by combining info from many diverse sources, our goal is to share a selection of valuable, representative (in a some cases unique UFO info and original research), as concisely as possible and offer some possible answers. Also provide a "starting point" for in-depth info and gems of real value in a labyrinth of (often false) information published on the fascinating subject of UFOs.

A skeptical perspective, or debunking, depending on what side of the fence one is standing.

"SCU is a cooperative of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials and other professionals, many of whom have decades of experience looking into UAPs, believe there are many unanswered questions, and that a serious examination is warranted"

The Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena is the official organization of the General Direction of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) that studies the aerial phenomena, known as Unidentified Flying Object.

Skeptoid: Critical Analysis of Pop Phenomena is an award-winning weekly science podcast. Since 2006, Skeptoid has been revealing the true science behind popular misinformation and urban legends.

Founded in 1985 by journalists and scholars to check rising government secrecy, the National Security Archive combines a unique range of functions: investigative journalism center, research institute on international affairs, library and archive of declassified U.S. documents ("the world's largest nongovernmental collection" according to the Los Angeles Times), leading non-profit user of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, public interest law firm defending and expanding public access to government information, global advocate of open government, and indexer and publisher of former secrets.

Of course, nothing about UFOs in this CIA history released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), but it is still an interesting document in that it, for example, shows that the government and military already in 1955 were into "black projects" funded by a "black budget." President Eisenhower started this trend, and later, in his speech from 1961, warned the American public against "the military and industrial complex."

Taken from the introduction page:

Approximately two years ago, NCAS placed the 1968 report of the University of Colorado UFO project, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, on the web. That report represented, and still represents, the mainstream scientific consensus on the UFO issue, to the effect that no scientific purpose would be served by further study of UFO's. That view, however, was not unanimous. A small minority of scientific critics of the Colorado work objected strenuously to its conclusions even as they were being developed. Those critics, in addition to their respectable scientific credentials, had connections to influential figures in politics and the media, and those connections led eventually to the convening of a hearing ("the Symposium") before the Committee on Science and Astronautics of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Paul Jaffe
National Capital Area Skeptics

I strongly recommend everyone to follow this blog by Keith Basterfield and Pauline Wilson.

I strongly recommend everyone to follow this blog by Paul Dean.

A must source for anyone interested in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) obtained documents on everything related to the UFO phenomenon.

FREE was formally incorporated as a not for profit academic research institute on July 15, 2015 by various retired Ph.D. Physicists, Ph.D. Scientists, Ph.D. Psychologists, Ph.D. Neuroscientists and lay researchers. FREE is a focused on researching “WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS” by undertaking cross comparative research on individuals that are having various types of “Contact with Non-Human Intelligence”.

One of the most fascinating thinkers and visionaries in the field of ufo-research, Jacques Vallée, and also one of the thinkers who has influenced my view on the UFO phenomena the strongest.
The link leads to the "personal research"-section on Vallée´s web site. In that section I highly recommend to anyone seriously interested in the UFO phenomena to read the following two papers:

1) Incommensurability, Orthodoxy and the Physics of High Strangeness: A 6-layer Model for Anomalous Phenomena (2003). Jacques F. Vallée and Eric W. Davis. The title of the link that leads to the paper is "A Six-Layer Model (English version with Eric Davis)."

2) Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Strategy for Research (2014). Jacques F. Vallée.

Research by Grant Cameron about the "Rockefeller Initiative 1993-1996." A lot of FOIA-material on Laurance Rockefeller's effort to convince President Bill Clinton to disclose the truth about the UFO phenomena. The whole truth or a partial truth? I am not sure.

One of the 34 reference documents for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The link goes to the paper by Harold Puthoff when he worked as a contractor for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications (AAWSA) Program. If the reader is not familiar with the website Public Intelligence, I recommend you to explore its content.

Noted researcher Robert L. Hastings' informative and important website about UFOs and the nuclear weapon connection. From Hastings' website:
Since 1981, Hastings has presented his research findings at more than 500 colleges and universities nationwide, and possesses hundreds of highly favorable letters of recommendation from sponsors. "I am not condemning any government agency for its policy of secrecy regarding UFOs", says Hastings, "but I believe that the public should be given the facts."
I can recommend the (supporting) "Documents" section on There one can read that the term "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) was used by the U.S. Military in the late 1940s - see the document "Los Alamos, December 1948 (FBI Memorandum)" - so the term UAP is not a current one. In the same section, if one scroll down a bit, one can find some interesting stills of a craft "from Paul Bennewitz's film."

A skeptical perspective.

A skeptical perspective.

PROJECT 1947 is a world-wide effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the FOIA, newspaper articles and contemporary accounts. Some of the material gathered by PROJECT 1947 is on display here.
As I understand it, "Project 1947" is founded and coordinated by the excellent researcher, Jan Aldrich.

The 1st UFO documentary by an African American. A film by Patricia Avant. Avant´s documentary contains some of the most compelling and strange UFO footage I´ve seen so far.  

Christopher Mellon spent nearly 20 years in the U.S. Intelligence Community, to include serving as the Minority Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. In the Senate he conceived and drafted the legislation establishing the US Special Operations Command in 1986 while working as an aide for US Senator William S. Cohen (R-ME).

Rigorous and interesting image analysis by experienced image processors. Even if one doesn't agree with the Image Analysis Team's hypotheses or conclusions, one cannot deny the high quality of the team's work. 

The Galileo Project, headed by professor Avi Loeb, Harvard Astronomy Center for Astrophysics. 
The goal of the project is:
The goal of the Galileo Project is to bring the search for extraterrestrial technological signatures of Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations (ETCs) from accidental or anecdotal observations and legends to the mainstream of transparent, validated and systematic scientific research. This project is complementary to traditional SETI, in that it searches for physical objects, and not electromagnetic signals, associated with extraterrestrial technological equipment.

A wonderful resource to keep track of important events and developments (media news, interviews, official statements, etc.) related to the UFO phenomenon and greater official transparency. 

International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER).

"Award-winning journalists Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel take on the UAP/UFO mystery and expect to find answers." Podcast.

The journal of UAP studies. Biannual and peer-reviewed. Check out the names and credentials of the members of the editorial board.

Who is behind this fascinating website is unknown to me. But whoever it is (a person, duo, a group?), they seem to have at least a basic grasp of special- and general relativity, and of the scientific method (and/or how the US military conduct intelligence analysis).
We present a theory of how UAPs work that explains everything one can observe about them. By understanding them, we can also explain their origin and nature. We aim to settle the matter once and for all.
The structure of this page follows the scientific method.
Data -> Hypothesis -> Predictions -> Observation

Besides the main article (homepage), I recommend the interested reader to read the explanation of the crucial concept of "geodesics" for understanding why we should replace the term Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) with Unidentified FALLING Objects:

Sign Oral History Project. 

Many individuals who have personal knowledge of some aspect of UFO history, whether witnesses, government officials and personnel, scientists and investigators, or individuals involved in the social aspects of the phenomenon, have never been interviewed concerning perspectives only they can provide. We therefore initiated the Sign Oral History Project to preserve significant historical information and ultimately make it available for scholarly study.

Jack Sarfatti, PhD in physics, has a blog on the website Stardrive. The link takes you to a presentation by Sarfatti and David Chester, PhD in physics, on the theoretical physics behind the "Tic Tac". You can compare the physics and mathematics in the Sarfatti and Chester presentation with the content on UAP Theory (see above,

An important initiative that not only media in the United Kingdom should know and utilise.

Our goal, is to provide information, context and resource to the UK media and others to approach the debate on objects of unknown origin with a serious tone, bringing the conversation to the publics attention, as it is being done around the world. We aim to not only remove the public stigma surrounding the topic, but to minimise the inaccuracies and unverifiable science fiction approach that so often pervades the UK broadcast and print media.

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