Sunday, 10 March 2019

Dr. Sarfatti on the physics of the "Tic Tac UFO"

"Edition 1: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on the Physics of the 'Tic Tac' UFO." Posted on The Stardrive Report´s YouTube channel, on the 29/12 2018.

This video is about new physics discoveries on how UFOs like the "Tic Tac' are able to fly using very small amounts of energy. We discuss the political and military ramifications of this disruptive technological surprise in the light of Trump's replacement of General Mattis by Patrick Shanahan, the former student of his uncle, MIT Professor John Trump. Shanahan is allegedly the man who released the information we discuss and he has also championed the creation of the US Space Force.

If you are not familiar with Dr. Jack Sarfatti, his work in theoretical physics and consciousness, you can read his CV and some of his research papers on the following link:

Since approximately a month back, the 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) have been made public, or at least most of them. I think the paper by Kit Greene on the biological effects on human tissue is still classified. You can read more about the DIRDs, their purpose and titles on this excellent blog:

I believe the DIRDs not to be merely "thought experiments" about future technology and possibilities, but a description of what we actually know and understand about the physics and technology behind UFOs, or AAVs (Advanced Aerospace Vehicle). Or, at least, knowledge and understanding we are close to having. "We" are people like Eric W. Davis, Hal Puthoff, and the other authors of the DIRDs.

Dr. Jack Sarfatti also seems to be one in the know, or very close to know and understand "the magic" behind objects like the "Tic Tac." At least, according to himself. Since I am not a scientist, I do not have the competence to assess the validity of Dr. Sarfatti's theoretical model of the flight characteristics of the Tic Tac. 

But as a layman I think it is interesting to listen to what Dr. Sarfatti is saying in the interview above, and compare it with what, for example, Hal Puthoff is writing about "engineering the space time metric."

Take care!

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