Published on YouTube by Paranormal Videos You may have Missed, 12th of June, 2017.
Ron Reagan Show: UFOs (September, 1991) Part 1.
Very rare two-part program from the short-lived TV talk show. Guests: Stanton Friedman, Philip Klass, Jacques Vallee, Buzz Aldrin, Bill Maxwell.
The YouTube video above represents a continuation on the theme about the strange discrepancy between the governments/militaries official standpoint that there is nothing to the UFO phenomenon and their unofficial interest in and worry about the UFO phenomenon.
Why cannot the government and military officially acknowledge the overwhelming amount of evidence for the existence and reality of the UFO phenomenon (the physical aspect)?
Unfortunately, I am mainly referring to the government, military and intelligence agencies in and of the United States of America. Of course, USA is not the only nation suppressing information about the UFO phenomenon (henceforth "the phenomenon"). But there are other powerful nations that are more transparent with their interest in the phenomenon; for example France; Spain; Chile; Brazil; Russia, and others. Those nations even have state funded and public investigations of the UFO phenomenon.
Or perhaps we should reason as the living legend Jacques Vallée about the question "cover-up or not?" Vallée, at least as I understand his view on this question, seems to think that we should not focus on the question about a "cover-up or not." I think his reason for saying that is simply because he does not believe in a big cover-up or secrecy, or maybe because he thinks it is not productive in further our understanding of the phenomenon.
In the episode of the Ron Reagan Show above, Vallée enters the show around the 8:00 minutes mark. The people who are most active and dominate the discussion is another living legend, Stanton Friedman, and the late UFO skeptic, Philip J. Klass. The key question they are discussing and arguing about in the show is "are UFOs real or not (and what or where is the evidence)?" And, of course, the question about a cover-up or not.
Jacques Vallée is only making comments when asked a question or when he feels it is appropriate in the general discussion. So Vallée does not seem interested in the cover-up-or-not-matter. At least, he is not talking about it in public.
By making a post about Jacques Vallée, I am going ahead of myself. For me, Vallée has made the biggest contribution to the field of ufology by looking at the UFO phenomenon from many perspectives and angels. Like his colleague and friend, Dr J. Allen Hynek, Vallée is a rare blend of a rigorous scientist and an open-minded, curious seeker. A scientist and a seeker who is genuinely and intrinsically driven by a need to understand a phenomenon and come closer to the truth (whatever the truth may be).
We are soon going to explore the most bizarre aspect of the UFO phenomenon. It is the most misunderstood and mythologized aspect of the phenomenon. I am referring to the aspect of "contactees" and "abductions."
Now, this aspect is so infected with speculations, ridicule and nonsense, that the so called "scientific ufologists" do not want to touch it. I can understand why.
On the other hand, I believe that the abduction aspect of the UFO phenomenon is crucial for us getting the complete picture of the phenomenon.
Because I agree with Vallée, Hynek and others; the UFO phenomenon - with all of its aspects - is an opportunity for us to understand reality, the universe and ourselves profoundly. And in a way that most likely has both its constructive and destructive implications.
For example, if there is any truth in the most credible cases of abductions, then it seems like humanity can be in trouble. If so, then everybody can understand why the secrecy (if any) surrounding the UFO phenomenon must end. If only to acknowledge that people have been traumatized and need professional help and support.
Because, whether we believe in it, people around the world truly believe that they have experienced something extraordinary and life changing (for some positively, for others negatively).
Who or what is behind the abduction and contactee phenomenon? Extraterrestrial beings? Interdimensional beings? A secret military program/experiment? A mix of both? Or something or someone totally different? The big question is, of course, why?
Below you will find links to different interviews with Jacques Vallée (one link goes to his own website), where he talks about the different aspects of the UFO phenomenon and gives his thoughtful views on the abduction/contact aspect.
The first link goes to a radio interview with Vallée done by Skeptiko, the next link to Vallée´s own website, and the two last links to written interviews done respectively by FATE magazine and OMNI magazine.
The bizarre aspect of abductions and contactees is at its fundamental level intimately connected with the question, "what is consciousness?" That is reason enough to conduct serious scientific studies on this mind-boggling and poorly understood aspect of the UFO phenomenon.
"So here’s a guy, who’s right in the middle of the computer revolution in Silicon Valley, a world-class computer scientist at the time, and he’s right in the middle of the parapsychology thing, and right in the middle of the UFO thing, and he wrote it all down. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here on Skeptiko."
"Now, this interview covers a lot of ground in the one hour we had and I did have the chance to ask Dr. Vallée directly about the UFO consciousness link that we were talking about on the last episode of Skeptiko and I thought his answer was quite interesting."
I highly recommend everyone interested in the different aspects of the UFO phenomenon to read this interview with Jacques Vallée, done by Jerome Clark for the FATE Magazine in 1978. The link leads to the website, which published the original article under fair trade use.
In the first part of the interview, Jacques Vallée shares his thoughts about what he thinks the UFO phenomenon is or is not, and subsequently how one should go about to investigate and research the phenomenon in the most effective way(s).
In the second part of the interview, Vallée goes more in depth on what he means with his "control system" hypothesis of the UFO phenomenon. I will not elaborate on Vallée´s "control system" concept (or "conditioning process") here and now, but I find the "control system/conditioning process" very intriguing. I believe Vallée could be on to something essential about the UFO phenomenon with his hypothesis/concept.
I also liked the empathetic touch on his reasoning about what is the most important thing when investigating UFO reports:
The thing I really want to emphasize is that the investigator's first responsibility is to the witness and not to the UFO phenomenon. The average witness is in shock because he's had a very traumatic experience; what he's seen is going to change his life. Your intervention, the very fact that you're talking with him about it, is also going to have an effect on him. Now he may say to you, "I need help to understand what I saw," but in fact he needs more immediate help as a human being who is deeply troubled by a very disturbing experience.
Unfortunately this element has been neglected. The more UFO investigators try to appear "professional," the more they ignore that human aspect - and by extension their own ethical obligations. I want to convince my friends in UFO research that whenever we have a choice between obtaining interesting UFO data and taking chances with the life of a human being, we should forget the UFO data.
Another thought provocative interview with Jacques Vallée, made and published originally by OMNI magazine. Some of the content is the same as in the FATE magazine interview. But also some new stuff (at least for me) about what triggered Vallée´s early interest in the UFO phenomenon, the three main hypotheses of the phenomena he thinks should be looked into more and as alternatives to "the spacecraft theory", and more. Also, some cool art work in the article.
So now you know what aspect of the UFO phenomenon we will explore next and after the "cover-up or not" issue. Consider this post with material about Jacques Vallée as a warmup.
Enjoy and take care!
Enjoy and take care!