Sunday, 26 May 2019

What does the Pentagon's confirmation on the reality of UFOs mean?

"PENTAGON ADMITS TO STUDYING UFOS. WHAT IT MEANS." Richard Dolan, The Big Picture. Live streamed May 25, 2019. Duration: 8:16 minutes.

We have moved into a new era in the public discussion of UFO or UAP. The Pentagon's latest admission, that the AATIP program did indeed study genuine UAP, is important. But the bigger picture is that we are inexorably moving in a direction toward this long-held secret continuing to unravel. Richard Dolan makes a clear and concise case as to why.

This live stream by Richard Dolan went down, for some unknown reason, after 7 minutes into the stream, so there is a "part 2" below, where Mr. Dolan continues his assessment on the official statement by the Pentagon that it has investigated, and still is investigating, UAP, or what most people call, UFOs.

What the Pentagon is officially acknowledging or confirming is the reality of the UFO phenomena or "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP), which is the preferred term by the Pentagon.

Yes, we who have been interested in, and, in some depth, studied the UFO phenomena, have known for decades that the UFO phenomenon is validated. Still a mystery, but a validated mystery.

So, there is a risk that some people in the ufo community will miss the importance of the Pentagon's admission that it has studied, and still is, studying and investigating cases of UAP. Mr. Dolan is in the video clip above and below, sharing his thoughts on what Pentagon's official statement about UAP or UFOs means.

Since September 2018, I have argued that a careful and selective disclosure process started in the late 2017 with "To The Stars Academy's" (TTSA) press conference, and then, two months later, the UFO articles by the New York Times, Politico and the Washington Post. Today we have the documents to prove that it actually was the Department of Defense (DoD) which released the now famous UAP/UFO videos. A couple of weeks ago, we had the official statement from the U.S. Navy about its interest in UAP or UFOs.

Mr. Richard Dolan seems, today, to be of the same opinion as me about an ongoing disclosure (rather than "just" an official confirmation), but he calls it a "slow and controlled disclosure." Or more correctly and fairly, Mr. Dolan has been talking about a possible ongoing disclosure for some time, but after the Pentagon's admission, he seems more certain and talks about a "slow and controlled disclosure" as a fact, rather than as a hypothesis. Of course, a cautious strategy and patience is both wise and needed when trying to navigate through the complex UFO subject.

But listen to Mr. Dolan yourself. Start with the 8 minute video above for some background of his talk, and then watch, listen to "part 2", where Mr. Dolan delivers his most important points and arguments for his case that we are living in a disclosure era. Mr. Dolan also argues that the "ufo secrecy" has an expiration date.

Below "part 2". I leave some more personal thoughts on Mr Dolan's assessment and on disclosure in general.

"PENTAGON ADMITS TO STUDYING UFOS. WHAT IT MEANS. PART TWO." Richard Dolan, The Big Picture. Live streamed May 25, 2019Duration: 22:00 minutes.

As I mentioned above, Mr. Richard Dolan argues the case that the Pentagon's admission on studying "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP), together with other pieces of information coming out the past 18 months, is an official confirmation of the reality of UAPs or UFOs. Furthermore, Mr. Dolan is in his assessment above arguing that the "ufo secrecy has an expiration date."

I agree with both points made by Mr. Dolan. I have also mentioned several times on this blog that the truth about the UFO phenomena will eventually come out in the public domain. But I have not put together a coherent and valid argument for an ongoing disclosure process and an "expiration date" for the ufo secrecy, as elegantly as Mr. Dolan does in his videos above.

I am still very ambivalent to claims about an intentional cover-up and secrecy regarding the UFO phenomena (or rather the content of the cover-up), but I will not in this post go into my "pro" and "con" arguments on a cover-up comprising dramatic elements such as recovered "space craft", and whatnot.

Except for bringing up one convincing argument for an actual cover-up or "ufo secrecy." And that convincing argument is the public presentation by Mr. Hal Puthoff on June 2018, that Mr. Dolan talks about in "part 2" above. Mr. Dolan talks about Mr. Puthoff's presentation at around the 9:30 minute mark.

I posted Mr. Puthoff's presentation on this blog last summer. You can listen to it, and read my thoughts on Mr. Puthoff's presentation here.

I respect the skepticism against what is going on with the UFO subject, and, more specifically, the skepticism against the people in the "To The Stars Academy."

Readers whom have followed and read my posts will know that I do not agree with that skepticism. At least not fully. But in the name of fairness and integrity, I will soon present information that goes against my own standpoint of an ongoing careful and selective disclosure, and which I believe to be driven by mostly benevolent intentions. But far from everyone in the ufo community, or in the alternative media sphere, are agreeing with me on that. And that is how it should be.

All perspectives are important in order to get a clear and accurate picture of what is going on with the UFO phenomena. We do not have the luxury to get too attached to our own personal beliefs and opinions of what is right or wrong, or which interpretation, analysis of the information is correct or incorrect.

Whatever we choose to call what is going on at the moment - "disclosure", "deception", "confirmation"  or "misinformation" - and regardless of our current level of knowledge and insight in the UFO phenomena, the one thing that unites us is our pursuit of the truth. We all strongly need to know the genuine truth about the UFO phenomena.

Therefore, I think it is crucial that I present information and people with different perspectives of what is going on at the moment with "official confirmation/disclosure" or "deception/misinformation."

Until then, take care!



Rafiqulislam7234785 said...

Thank you your valuable post

J T said...

Thank you!