Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Counter arguments against an ongoing disclosure of the UFO phenomena.

"DARK JOURNALIST & DR. JOSEPH FARRELL: FAKE ALIEN INVASION THREAT! THE VON BRAUN UFO CARD 2020." Published on DarkJournalist´s YouTube channel on May 10, 2019. Duration: 49:10 minutes.



I ended my last post, writing that I would present opinions and perspectives which goes against my own opinions on what is going on with the UFO subject at the moment, and more specifically, opinions and arguments against my standpoint of an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process.

If you have read most of my posts, then you are familiar with my hypothesis of an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process of the truth about the UFO phenomena. Furthermore, you are also familiar with my opinion, or belief, that the people behind the disclosure process, and their intentions, are mostly benign.

And the following is very important: I am trying to base my hypothesis and opinions on the information, the data, that the people in, for example, "To The Stars Academy" (TTSA) have been putting out there in the public domain since the late 2017.

Of course, I am aware of, and take into account, the background of the people in TTSA. I am aware of, and take into account, the same peoples somewhat persistent focus on the "threat" aspect of the UFO phenomena, and so on and so forth. Even if, at the moment, I think that TTSA is making a genuine effort and a great job in facilitating disclosure, I do not believe in TTSA blindly or without a critical mindset.

With that said, I still think the content (information/data on UFOs or UAPs) is more relevant than the form (background of the people in TTSA, the history of government deception, misinformation).

So why do I want to present arguments and opinions about the recent news of the US government´s (the US Navy and the Pentagon) serious interest in the UFO phenomena, that goes against my own interpretation of the information and situation?

I can give several important reasons, but I mention the following:

1). The truth. No matter what we think and believe about the UFO phenomena in general, and disclosure or not in particular, we all want, need, and have the right to know, the unbiased and the whole truth about all aspects of the UFO phenomena. Whether we will like the truth or not, whether we can handle the truth or not, is another issue.

In order for us to even start to comprehend "what is really going on" at the moment with all these statements, confirmations by the US Navy and the Pentagon through the mainstream media, we have to take into account different perspectives and assessments on "what", "who", "why" and so on.

Who is right or not in his or her assessment about "disclosure" or "deception" is insignificant in the bigger picture. The UFO phenomena do not care about our egos. The truth do not care about how elegantly we can "connect the dots" or about what we believe, assume, hypothesis, etc.

Eventually, and surely, the truth will come out in the public domain, and when it does, we will probably all look stupid (if we are still around to experience and know the truth).

2). The truth.

3.) The truth.

4). Integrity. I mean that in two ways: A) To stay as true as I can to the main purpose of my blog, which is to present information rather than convince. I may have gone off on a tangent from the blog´s purpose in my 5 - 10 latest posts. B) To as objectively and as detached as possible, look at and interpret the information, data. Confirmation bias is just one of many cognitive "traps", and one of the most effective ways to avoid confirmation bias is to stay open to, and, at least, critically consider other ways to look at and interpret the data.

Those are the main reasons why I from now on, and to a greater extent than before, are going to present opinions, arguments and perspectives that differ from or goes against my own thoughts and beliefs relating to the different aspects of the UFO phenomena.

Remember, that the UFO phenomena is highly complex and multifaceted. The fundamental problem, or challenge, with all kinds of information, data is, that you in more cases than not, can interpret the same set of data in various ways.

What we think of as significant in a set of data, and how we interpret a set of data, depends on a complex interplay between nature and nurture. The very reason you are interested in the UFO phenomena is going to influence what your perception picks up in a set of data, and how you interpret it. The cartoons and books you read in your childhood, will influence what you think and believe about all the aspects related to the UFO phenomena.

My point with the two last sentences above is, self awareness and self knowledge. Know yourself. Be aware of not only "what" you think, but more importantly, "how" and "why" you think what you think.

But above all, be aware of and know what you do not know. Being open to, and listening to other peoples´ opinions, perspectives, and world views can help you to become aware of the gaps in your knowledge and understanding of a certain subject.

The word "phenomenon" comes from a Latin word that means "to shine forth." What "shines forth" in your perception of the UFO phenomena? Why?

Ok. To the video interview above. I am not going to make any comments on the conversation between Daniel Liszt, aka "Dark Journalist", and Dr. Joseph Farrell, more than that their conversation is related to the issue of "disclosure or deception", and to what the recent statements from the US Navy, etc., really means, according to Mr. Liszt and Mr. Farrell.

 And just because these two gentlemen have a different view than me on what is going on with the UFO phenomena and, what I believe to be, an ongoing careful, selective and benign disclosure process, do not mean that I discredit all of their thoughts and work on our subject at hand.

So, I am not going to give counter arguments or point out where I think Mr. Liszt and Mr. Farrell are  interpreting the data in a biased way. Remember, that is not really the point or the purpose with this blog.

The purpose is to show that different people can look at the same set of data and come up with widely different interpretations and conclusions about what the data means, and/or the implications of the data.

Therefore, and as always, I encourage everybody to do their own research, to look at the data, and as far as it is possible, to analyze, interpret the data objectively. Use your common sense (similar to "Ockham´s razor") and make up your own mind about what the information actually says or shows, and what it does not say or show. Or what the most reasonable meaning of the information is.

Then, the integrity part means to stay within the borders of what the information says. If you go beyond the borders of what the information with a high degree of certainty shows, then you have to be explicit and clear with that you are entering more uncertain and speculative territory.

I am well aware of that I do not know much with a high degree of certainty about the UFO phenomena in general, and the careful and selective disclosure process in particular. I hope that I have not given the impression in my post that I know for a fact that a disclosure process is a reality, because I do not know.

I think, or I believe, that an ongoing disclosure process is a reality. That is how I interpret the information, data that have come out from the "To The Stars Academy", the US Navy, the Pentagon, and other sources since late 2017. More correctly, I think we are in an educational- and preparatory phase of the careful and selective disclosure process.

But what probably is the most annoying part to a small but loud group in the ufo community and the alternative media sphere, is that I believe the possible disclosure process to be benign. I do not think there is any hidden agenda, a cover- up or that what we are seeing and experiencing is some kind of psychological warfare by the intelligence community.

On the other hand, I may very well be wrong. As long as I am around to know the truth behind the UFO phenomena, I do not care.

Take care!

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