**Addendum 2025-02-01: The link above to does not work. I encourage you to visit the following link to read a condensed transcript of Dr Hal Puthoff's address at the SSE/IRVA Conference:
The condensed transcript is made by Kaleen Howdy and published on on October 6, 2019. My text below (from July 7, 2018) is still referring to the material on** / J. T.
Read carefully the text written and edited by Jack Sarfatti with the title "Hal Puthoff interview on USS Nimitz UFO close encounter." Sarfatti writes in his introduction:
In his address to the SSE/IRVA conference Puthoff became the third member of the TTS/AAS team to publicly discuss the FLIR video released to and published by the New York Times on December 16, 2017. As with Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo, he made it quite clear the advanced aerospace object was not of human design without saying it was of extraterrestrial origin.So what Jack Sarfatti has done is to publish the talk, or presentation, that Dr Harold "Hal" Puthoff held at the SSE/IRVA conference on the 8th of June, 2018, in Las Vegas. It is Dr Puthoff's presentation I encourage you to read with focus, and carefully.
At the beginning of his talk, Dr Puthoff says,
The third area, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, I have not published anything in. Why? Because the program I was involved in, in the Pentagon and in the intelligence community has been Top Secret, behind-the-scenes and only recently has there been release of information about the program. So this is the first chance that I’ve had a chance to actually appear before the public and speak about details of the program and not go to jail. So I’m going to go along at a rapid clip; I’ve got a lot of information here. So here we go.
The following is my interpretation of the most important "message" in Dr Puthoff's talk or presentation:
Government and private experts worldwide know UFOs are real. The scientific evidence shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the UFO phenomenon is real.
We are almost certain that most UFOs, or Advanced Aerospace Vehicles, do not pose a threat to national security. We are certain - but are not allowed to say it in public - that some UFOs are not constructed or manoeuvred by human intelligence.
We continue to study the UFO phenomenon because we aspire to be first with understanding and developing technological applications from our findings (it is the same old arms race but some of us want to use the new and exotic technology and energy sources for peaceful purposes).
"We who are in the know" do not see eye to eye on many of the issues, problems, and dilemmas surrounding the UFO phenomena, for example, on the question of disclosure or not.
Some of us have decided to change the media's and the public's perception of the UFO phenomena from a woo-subject to a scientifically significant subject. In that way, we are hoping the pressure for a disclosure from informed citizens will be too strong for politicians and lawmakers to ignore.
My interpretation may be mistaken in parts or as a whole. I may have missed relevant and interesting points in Dr Puthoff's talk. And, of course, there are many questions about the different topics and aspects in Dr Puthoff's talk that come to mind.
One question would be: Who is giving Dr Puthoff and the other people behind "To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science" (TTSA), the clearance to publicly talk about sensitive information on the UFO subject, and implicitly say that UFOs/UAP/AAVs (whatever acronym you want to use) are not from earth?
I know that many people in the UFO community are very suspicious towards the individuals involved in TTSA, and strongly question the agenda with the whole initiative. And perhaps suspicious for good reasons, since the individuals have been (and probably some of them still are) working for the "enemy side".
But I do not think that everyone on the "enemy side" is thinking in the same way, has the same values, has the same agenda, etc. I can back that up with basic group psychology and group dynamics. Eventually there is going to be tension and conflict in any kind of group of people. Sooner or later, a group is going to be divided into factions with informal leaders. More often than not, those tensions and factions are caused by "bad chemistry" between two individuals, rather than strong differences in opinions or values.
Also, and always, remember the universal rule of change: Nothing stays the same, everything is in a constant change (even if the change goes very slow and it is not visible to the naked eye).
What I am trying to say is that I think - I am quite certain - big changes have, and are, taking place in the ranks of the so called "power elite" behind the scenes. Now this is a difficult question, so I will not elaborate more on it here and now. But suffice to say is that the power elite (whoever they are) have been divided into at least two factions with different views on what to do with the UFO phenomena/subject.
At the moment, I believe that Dr Harold Puthoff and the other individuals involved in TTSA (both the known and currently unknown individuals) are sincere and honest with their motives and goals. Many government entities and individuals, including TTSA, may be working together to disclose information about UFOs.
Also, and always, remember the universal rule of change: Nothing stays the same, everything is in a constant change (even if the change goes very slow and it is not visible to the naked eye).
What I am trying to say is that I think - I am quite certain - big changes have, and are, taking place in the ranks of the so called "power elite" behind the scenes. Now this is a difficult question, so I will not elaborate more on it here and now. But suffice to say is that the power elite (whoever they are) have been divided into at least two factions with different views on what to do with the UFO phenomena/subject.
At the moment, I believe that Dr Harold Puthoff and the other individuals involved in TTSA (both the known and currently unknown individuals) are sincere and honest with their motives and goals. Many government entities and individuals, including TTSA, may be working together to disclose information about UFOs.
Some in the UFO community believe advanced propulsion technology already exists secretly, making TTSA's efforts redundant. I do not know if there is a secret space program or not. Maybe, maybe not. In my mind, that is not the point or the relevant aspect to focus on right now. What can you and I do if there is such a thing as a secret space program, or a breakaway civilisation that Richard Dolan is taking about? Can we stop it? No. Can we expose it (if it exists)? Perhaps, but then we need the help from guys like Dr Harold Puthoff and initiatives like TTSA.
For what reason? Well, TTSA is trying to empower the media and the public, politicians, and law makers with the information they are coming out with related to the UFO phenomena. I think the first step in TTSA's strategy is to make the UFO phenomena a legitimate subject to be interested in and openly and seriously discuss. They hope to encourage academic research into UFOs and make it safer for military personnel to come forward.
I think most of us interested in and following the UFO subject realise that disclosure will not be a "top down" process. It is going to be a "bottom up" process. I believe TTSA wants to support and trigger that bottom-up process.
Another question is: Why now? Why release the "Tic Tac", "Gimble" and other UFO videos at this point in time? I do not have any good answer to that question. I can only speculate that it has to do with changes within the power elite and those changes are mostly taking place behind the scenes. We also have to zoom out and take a bird's view on what is happening in the world. The question has to be looked at from different levels of analysis, but at the moment, the question is too complex for me, and there is too much information I am not aware of. So, any attempt to answer the question would be guess work from my part.
Instead, I encourage you to ponder Dr Puthoff's talk and draw your own conclusions on what it can mean or not. And consider the context; where was the talk being held, why and to who?
Enjoy and take care!
J. T
For what reason? Well, TTSA is trying to empower the media and the public, politicians, and law makers with the information they are coming out with related to the UFO phenomena. I think the first step in TTSA's strategy is to make the UFO phenomena a legitimate subject to be interested in and openly and seriously discuss. They hope to encourage academic research into UFOs and make it safer for military personnel to come forward.
I think most of us interested in and following the UFO subject realise that disclosure will not be a "top down" process. It is going to be a "bottom up" process. I believe TTSA wants to support and trigger that bottom-up process.
Another question is: Why now? Why release the "Tic Tac", "Gimble" and other UFO videos at this point in time? I do not have any good answer to that question. I can only speculate that it has to do with changes within the power elite and those changes are mostly taking place behind the scenes. We also have to zoom out and take a bird's view on what is happening in the world. The question has to be looked at from different levels of analysis, but at the moment, the question is too complex for me, and there is too much information I am not aware of. So, any attempt to answer the question would be guess work from my part.
Instead, I encourage you to ponder Dr Puthoff's talk and draw your own conclusions on what it can mean or not. And consider the context; where was the talk being held, why and to who?
Enjoy and take care!
J. T
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