Thursday, 30 May 2019

US Navy pilots had UFO sightings almost daily during a period of nine months.

New, and surprisingly well written and seriously covered, articles in the New York Times (NYT) and the Washington Post (WaPost) about military UFO sightings, and one case of near collision, were published on May 26 and May 28 respectively.

Yesterday May 29, I published an article on, in which I critically look at my own hypothesis about an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process, and ask the question if something else is going on with all those official and recent confirmations by the US Navy and the Pentagon about the reality of UFOs or UAPs?

If you have not already read, you will find links to the above mentioned articles in the NYT and the WaPost, in my article on

Here is the link to my article on

Take care!

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Counter arguments against an ongoing disclosure of the UFO phenomena.

"DARK JOURNALIST & DR. JOSEPH FARRELL: FAKE ALIEN INVASION THREAT! THE VON BRAUN UFO CARD 2020." Published on DarkJournalist´s YouTube channel on May 10, 2019. Duration: 49:10 minutes.



I ended my last post, writing that I would present opinions and perspectives which goes against my own opinions on what is going on with the UFO subject at the moment, and more specifically, opinions and arguments against my standpoint of an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process.

If you have read most of my posts, then you are familiar with my hypothesis of an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process of the truth about the UFO phenomena. Furthermore, you are also familiar with my opinion, or belief, that the people behind the disclosure process, and their intentions, are mostly benign.

And the following is very important: I am trying to base my hypothesis and opinions on the information, the data, that the people in, for example, "To The Stars Academy" (TTSA) have been putting out there in the public domain since the late 2017.

Of course, I am aware of, and take into account, the background of the people in TTSA. I am aware of, and take into account, the same peoples somewhat persistent focus on the "threat" aspect of the UFO phenomena, and so on and so forth. Even if, at the moment, I think that TTSA is making a genuine effort and a great job in facilitating disclosure, I do not believe in TTSA blindly or without a critical mindset.

With that said, I still think the content (information/data on UFOs or UAPs) is more relevant than the form (background of the people in TTSA, the history of government deception, misinformation).

So why do I want to present arguments and opinions about the recent news of the US government´s (the US Navy and the Pentagon) serious interest in the UFO phenomena, that goes against my own interpretation of the information and situation?

I can give several important reasons, but I mention the following:

1). The truth. No matter what we think and believe about the UFO phenomena in general, and disclosure or not in particular, we all want, need, and have the right to know, the unbiased and the whole truth about all aspects of the UFO phenomena. Whether we will like the truth or not, whether we can handle the truth or not, is another issue.

In order for us to even start to comprehend "what is really going on" at the moment with all these statements, confirmations by the US Navy and the Pentagon through the mainstream media, we have to take into account different perspectives and assessments on "what", "who", "why" and so on.

Who is right or not in his or her assessment about "disclosure" or "deception" is insignificant in the bigger picture. The UFO phenomena do not care about our egos. The truth do not care about how elegantly we can "connect the dots" or about what we believe, assume, hypothesis, etc.

Eventually, and surely, the truth will come out in the public domain, and when it does, we will probably all look stupid (if we are still around to experience and know the truth).

2). The truth.

3.) The truth.

4). Integrity. I mean that in two ways: A) To stay as true as I can to the main purpose of my blog, which is to present information rather than convince. I may have gone off on a tangent from the blog´s purpose in my 5 - 10 latest posts. B) To as objectively and as detached as possible, look at and interpret the information, data. Confirmation bias is just one of many cognitive "traps", and one of the most effective ways to avoid confirmation bias is to stay open to, and, at least, critically consider other ways to look at and interpret the data.

Those are the main reasons why I from now on, and to a greater extent than before, are going to present opinions, arguments and perspectives that differ from or goes against my own thoughts and beliefs relating to the different aspects of the UFO phenomena.

Remember, that the UFO phenomena is highly complex and multifaceted. The fundamental problem, or challenge, with all kinds of information, data is, that you in more cases than not, can interpret the same set of data in various ways.

What we think of as significant in a set of data, and how we interpret a set of data, depends on a complex interplay between nature and nurture. The very reason you are interested in the UFO phenomena is going to influence what your perception picks up in a set of data, and how you interpret it. The cartoons and books you read in your childhood, will influence what you think and believe about all the aspects related to the UFO phenomena.

My point with the two last sentences above is, self awareness and self knowledge. Know yourself. Be aware of not only "what" you think, but more importantly, "how" and "why" you think what you think.

But above all, be aware of and know what you do not know. Being open to, and listening to other peoples´ opinions, perspectives, and world views can help you to become aware of the gaps in your knowledge and understanding of a certain subject.

The word "phenomenon" comes from a Latin word that means "to shine forth." What "shines forth" in your perception of the UFO phenomena? Why?

Ok. To the video interview above. I am not going to make any comments on the conversation between Daniel Liszt, aka "Dark Journalist", and Dr. Joseph Farrell, more than that their conversation is related to the issue of "disclosure or deception", and to what the recent statements from the US Navy, etc., really means, according to Mr. Liszt and Mr. Farrell.

 And just because these two gentlemen have a different view than me on what is going on with the UFO phenomena and, what I believe to be, an ongoing careful, selective and benign disclosure process, do not mean that I discredit all of their thoughts and work on our subject at hand.

So, I am not going to give counter arguments or point out where I think Mr. Liszt and Mr. Farrell are  interpreting the data in a biased way. Remember, that is not really the point or the purpose with this blog.

The purpose is to show that different people can look at the same set of data and come up with widely different interpretations and conclusions about what the data means, and/or the implications of the data.

Therefore, and as always, I encourage everybody to do their own research, to look at the data, and as far as it is possible, to analyze, interpret the data objectively. Use your common sense (similar to "Ockham´s razor") and make up your own mind about what the information actually says or shows, and what it does not say or show. Or what the most reasonable meaning of the information is.

Then, the integrity part means to stay within the borders of what the information says. If you go beyond the borders of what the information with a high degree of certainty shows, then you have to be explicit and clear with that you are entering more uncertain and speculative territory.

I am well aware of that I do not know much with a high degree of certainty about the UFO phenomena in general, and the careful and selective disclosure process in particular. I hope that I have not given the impression in my post that I know for a fact that a disclosure process is a reality, because I do not know.

I think, or I believe, that an ongoing disclosure process is a reality. That is how I interpret the information, data that have come out from the "To The Stars Academy", the US Navy, the Pentagon, and other sources since late 2017. More correctly, I think we are in an educational- and preparatory phase of the careful and selective disclosure process.

But what probably is the most annoying part to a small but loud group in the ufo community and the alternative media sphere, is that I believe the possible disclosure process to be benign. I do not think there is any hidden agenda, a cover- up or that what we are seeing and experiencing is some kind of psychological warfare by the intelligence community.

On the other hand, I may very well be wrong. As long as I am around to know the truth behind the UFO phenomena, I do not care.

Take care!

Sunday, 26 May 2019

What does the Pentagon's confirmation on the reality of UFOs mean?

"PENTAGON ADMITS TO STUDYING UFOS. WHAT IT MEANS." Richard Dolan, The Big Picture. Live streamed May 25, 2019. Duration: 8:16 minutes.

We have moved into a new era in the public discussion of UFO or UAP. The Pentagon's latest admission, that the AATIP program did indeed study genuine UAP, is important. But the bigger picture is that we are inexorably moving in a direction toward this long-held secret continuing to unravel. Richard Dolan makes a clear and concise case as to why.

This live stream by Richard Dolan went down, for some unknown reason, after 7 minutes into the stream, so there is a "part 2" below, where Mr. Dolan continues his assessment on the official statement by the Pentagon that it has investigated, and still is investigating, UAP, or what most people call, UFOs.

What the Pentagon is officially acknowledging or confirming is the reality of the UFO phenomena or "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP), which is the preferred term by the Pentagon.

Yes, we who have been interested in, and, in some depth, studied the UFO phenomena, have known for decades that the UFO phenomenon is validated. Still a mystery, but a validated mystery.

So, there is a risk that some people in the ufo community will miss the importance of the Pentagon's admission that it has studied, and still is, studying and investigating cases of UAP. Mr. Dolan is in the video clip above and below, sharing his thoughts on what Pentagon's official statement about UAP or UFOs means.

Since September 2018, I have argued that a careful and selective disclosure process started in the late 2017 with "To The Stars Academy's" (TTSA) press conference, and then, two months later, the UFO articles by the New York Times, Politico and the Washington Post. Today we have the documents to prove that it actually was the Department of Defense (DoD) which released the now famous UAP/UFO videos. A couple of weeks ago, we had the official statement from the U.S. Navy about its interest in UAP or UFOs.

Mr. Richard Dolan seems, today, to be of the same opinion as me about an ongoing disclosure (rather than "just" an official confirmation), but he calls it a "slow and controlled disclosure." Or more correctly and fairly, Mr. Dolan has been talking about a possible ongoing disclosure for some time, but after the Pentagon's admission, he seems more certain and talks about a "slow and controlled disclosure" as a fact, rather than as a hypothesis. Of course, a cautious strategy and patience is both wise and needed when trying to navigate through the complex UFO subject.

But listen to Mr. Dolan yourself. Start with the 8 minute video above for some background of his talk, and then watch, listen to "part 2", where Mr. Dolan delivers his most important points and arguments for his case that we are living in a disclosure era. Mr. Dolan also argues that the "ufo secrecy" has an expiration date.

Below "part 2". I leave some more personal thoughts on Mr Dolan's assessment and on disclosure in general.

"PENTAGON ADMITS TO STUDYING UFOS. WHAT IT MEANS. PART TWO." Richard Dolan, The Big Picture. Live streamed May 25, 2019Duration: 22:00 minutes.

As I mentioned above, Mr. Richard Dolan argues the case that the Pentagon's admission on studying "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP), together with other pieces of information coming out the past 18 months, is an official confirmation of the reality of UAPs or UFOs. Furthermore, Mr. Dolan is in his assessment above arguing that the "ufo secrecy has an expiration date."

I agree with both points made by Mr. Dolan. I have also mentioned several times on this blog that the truth about the UFO phenomena will eventually come out in the public domain. But I have not put together a coherent and valid argument for an ongoing disclosure process and an "expiration date" for the ufo secrecy, as elegantly as Mr. Dolan does in his videos above.

I am still very ambivalent to claims about an intentional cover-up and secrecy regarding the UFO phenomena (or rather the content of the cover-up), but I will not in this post go into my "pro" and "con" arguments on a cover-up comprising dramatic elements such as recovered "space craft", and whatnot.

Except for bringing up one convincing argument for an actual cover-up or "ufo secrecy." And that convincing argument is the public presentation by Mr. Hal Puthoff on June 2018, that Mr. Dolan talks about in "part 2" above. Mr. Dolan talks about Mr. Puthoff's presentation at around the 9:30 minute mark.

I posted Mr. Puthoff's presentation on this blog last summer. You can listen to it, and read my thoughts on Mr. Puthoff's presentation here.

I respect the skepticism against what is going on with the UFO subject, and, more specifically, the skepticism against the people in the "To The Stars Academy."

Readers whom have followed and read my posts will know that I do not agree with that skepticism. At least not fully. But in the name of fairness and integrity, I will soon present information that goes against my own standpoint of an ongoing careful and selective disclosure, and which I believe to be driven by mostly benevolent intentions. But far from everyone in the ufo community, or in the alternative media sphere, are agreeing with me on that. And that is how it should be.

All perspectives are important in order to get a clear and accurate picture of what is going on with the UFO phenomena. We do not have the luxury to get too attached to our own personal beliefs and opinions of what is right or wrong, or which interpretation, analysis of the information is correct or incorrect.

Whatever we choose to call what is going on at the moment - "disclosure", "deception", "confirmation"  or "misinformation" - and regardless of our current level of knowledge and insight in the UFO phenomena, the one thing that unites us is our pursuit of the truth. We all strongly need to know the genuine truth about the UFO phenomena.

Therefore, I think it is crucial that I present information and people with different perspectives of what is going on at the moment with "official confirmation/disclosure" or "deception/misinformation."

Until then, take care!


Saturday, 25 May 2019

The Pentagon finally admits it investigates UAP/UFOs

The following link takes you to an article, and a short video interview with the founder of the website, John Greenewald, Jr., in the New York Post, or The Post, from May 22, 2019.

I am aware of The Post not being the most reliable source, and the article has one misleading use of terms, which I will come to shortly. However, the video interview with Mr. Greenewald is sensible, and so too the comments in the article made by Nick Pope, a former official in the British Ministry of Defence in the 1990s.

According to The Post, it has got an exclusive statement from a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spokesperson, Christopher Sherwood:
In a statement provided exclusively to The Post, a Department of Defense spokesman said a secret government initiative called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Now, it is the use of the term "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) by the DoD and/or the Pentagon that many in the UFO community have taken notice of, and probably, reacted to and interpreted differently. The misleading use of terms in the article by The Post comes in the following paragraph:
And while the DOD says it shut down the AATIP in 2012, spokesman Christopher Sherwood acknowledged that the department still investigates claimed sightings of alien spacecraft. (My emphasis).
The DoD, and/or the Pentagon, have not used words as "alien spacecraft." Neither does UAP, UFO nor AAV (Anomalous Aerial Vehicle) mean "alien", "extraterrestrial", or "interdimensional".  Both UAP and UFO simply refers to something "unidentified", "unknown", or "unexplained."

If you know your ufo history, the amount of well-studied ufo cases and credible witnesses, and so on and so forth, you do not have to dramatize anything related to the UFO phenomena.

Furthermore, you would recognize - as Mr. Greenewald and Mr. Pope are doing - that even if the DoD and/or the Pentagon are not saying "alien spacecraft", their acknowledgement of investigating "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP), is significant. It is also unfortunate that The Post uses the words "alien spacecraft" in relation to the statement from Mr. Sherwood that "the department still investigates claimed sightings of ...". That is, I am quite certain that the term Mr. Sherwood used in his statement was "UAP" and not "alien spacecraft".

I believe that the DoD making an official statement of investigating UAP is, just like the U.S. Navy confirming its interest in UAP some weeks ago, another small step in an ongoing educational- and preparatory phase of the disclosure process of the UFO phenomena.

One thing I am quite sure of is, that none of these official statements since October 2017 (the press conference of "To The Stars Academy"), and December 2017 (The New York Time´s articles on the Pentagon´s black UFO program, AATIP), up until today, are neither random nor a coincidence. For example, I am quite sure that the latest news from the U.S. Navy and the DoD/the Pentagon, were planned to come just before "To The Stars Academy´s" documentary series "Unidentified", which will premiere on the History Channel on May 31, 2019.

According to the main figure in the six-part documentary, Luis Elizondo, "Unidentified" will reveal more material and information on UAP, similar to the UFO videos released in late 2017, and early 2018. A cheap PR trick, or a true statement? I believe the latter, but we can only be certain after the sixth and last episode.

So, I believe, we are seeing and experiencing a "conditioning" process of the general public´s perception of the UFO phenomena. The term "UFO" is going to be replaced by the less stigmatized term "UAP." Unidentified Aerial Phenomena is going to be a subject to have open, public and serious discussions about. Politicians, lawmakers, and scientists are going to be able to openly be interested in, publicly talk about, and study UAPs without fear of losing face or position.

I also leave a link to a website with credible information about the UFO phenomena, and which is good to follow if you are interested in the latest news on the UFO subject, disclosure, etc:

As always, do your own research, have both an open and a critical mind, and make up your own mind of what is going on with the UFO phenomena, disclosure (or not), and so forth.

Take care!


Monday, 20 May 2019

An article by Luis Elizondo: UFOs and quantum mechanics

On March 6, 2019, former director of Pentagon´s black UFO program AATIP, Luis Elizondo, published an article on Medium. You can read the article in the link below:

Mr. Elizondo´s article is about how quantum physics/mechanics probably can help us understand the fantastic flight characteristics (and other characteristics) of UFOs, or UAPs.

Mr. Elizondo ends his article with this sentence:
Now, equipped with more information than ever before, we’re on the precipice of some serious revelations and discoveries about our place in the universe.
Of course, that is an unspecific statement, but also a most tantalizing one. Especially, if you tie in the "consciousness aspect" of the UFO phenomena in Mr. Elizondo´s above quoted sentence.

What do I mean by the "consciousness aspect" of the UFO phenomena? In simplified terms, I mean that some UFOs, or UAPs, is either conscious "entities" in themselves or is maneuvered by consciousness (by thought/cognition), or both. Secondly, I mean that what we refer to as "paranormal phenomena" seems strongly correlated with UFOs sightings and encounters. For example, some of the military witnesses from the USS Nimitz 2004 UFO encounter (the "Tic Tac" incident), have had the courage to openly speak about the effects the Tic Tac incident had on some of their abilities, like heightened intuition and empathy.

Mr. Elizondo is in his article above, writing about the U.S. Governments´ interest in studying "paranormal phenomena" like remote viewing, and he is mentioning the CIA program "Stargate", which later became a DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) program. Today we know, that the DIA also funded and studied the phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch.

So, a third meaning I put in the "consciousness aspect" of the UFO phenomena, is an ontological one, and perhaps formulated as a question, makes it more clear: Is consciousness more fundamental than matter? If so, what are the scientific, existential and societal implications?

The following may seem as a tangent from Mr. Elizondo´s article, but in my mind, it is closely related to, and central to study, if we want to further our understanding of UFOs, consciousness, and of what we call "reality": Is the human brain operating under the laws of quantum mechanics? A more difficult question is: Is the human brain, producing or receiving what we call "consciousness", or both? The same questions could imply to human DNA.

Back to Luis Elizondo´s article. One of the most important points in his article, is the fact that human knowledge and understanding of quantum physics/mechanics is now starting to be able to explain some of the "magical" capabilities of UFOs.

Which, for example, means that our current model of macro- and micro cosmos, is not totally flawed. We probably do not have to discover some entirely new universal laws, but rather look at the ones we have discovered with a different mindset and from different perspectives.

For instance, and perhaps, we should "go back to basic" and look at the work of Faraday, Maxwell and Tesla from a fresh perspective? My personal belief is that electromagnetism, and electromagnetic waves (and/or fields), is crucial in understanding both the UFO phenomena and (human) consciousness.

I recommend you to read the article above by Luis Elizondo, and also, his other articles about the UFO phenomena he has published on Medium. Some of those other articles by Mr. Elizondo, I have posted on this blog, and analyzed more in detail, for example here, than the article in question.

On May 17, 2019, I posted an article on Medium about the U.S. Navy´s guidelines related to UFO sightings, and my thoughts on an ongoing educational- and preparatory phase of the UFO phenomena. You can read it here

If you scroll down to the end of my article, you can see that a certain Luis Elizondo has given my article a clap, or thumbs up. Yes, I feel a little proud of that :)

Enjoy Mr. Elizondo´s article and take care!


Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Two brilliant Australian UFO researchers shares information on UFOs

"Paul Dean w/co-host Chant Hannah 5/13/2019." Published on UFO News Network`s YouTube channel on May 13, 2019. Duration: 1:45:02. 

Paul Dean discusses NORAD, the USAF Space Command, the FAA and NASIC in relation to UFOs. Visit Paul's site at: http://ufos-documenting-the-evidence....

The link below takes you to Paul Dean´s blog and his recent (as today May 14, 2019) post about "National Air and Space Intelligence Center" (NASIC), which Mr. Dean is also covering in the interview above.

I am recommending Paul Dean´s blog on my list of reliable information on the many different aspects of the UFO phenomena. On the same list, I also recommend Mr. Dean´s Melbourne collageue Keith Basterfield´s blog:

I highly recommend everyone with a serious interest in the UFO phenomena to follow Mr. Dean`s and Mr. Basterfield´s research into the UFO phenomena.

Keith Basterfield has also been interviewed in an episode of  UFO News Network (UFONN), and just like Mr. Dean, Keith Basterfield is a wealth of information on the UFO phenomena. Below you can hear the interview with Mr. Basterfield on UFONN.

"KEITH BASTERFIELD with co-host Chant Hannah 4/15/2019." Broadcast live on April 15, 2019, on UFO News Network´s YouTube channel. Duration: 1:21:46.

Keith Basterfield, UFO researcher and author of the book “UFOs: a Report on Australian Encounters”, joins us to discuss the latest on TTSA, AATIP/AAWSAP and Bob Bigelow. Visit Keith's blog at:

As you can read in UFONN´s descriptions of the two separate interviews, Mr Dean and Mr Basterfield have a quite different focus - but not totally unrelated -  on the UFO phenomena. And their different area of expertise will be clearer, if you listen to the interviews above, or even better, go their respective blogs and read their posts.

What they both have in common is that their respective work is grounded in reliable sources of information, and their persistent avoidance of anecdotes, third hand sources, and general nonsense in their articles, books and interviews.

The respective interviews above, contains so much of interesting and important information, so it is hard for me to point out any specific segment or topic to listen more closely to.

What I can do, is to say that I think that Paul Dean and Keith Basterfield are two of the top UFO researchers out there today. If you listen to the interviews above, and/or take part of the material on their respective blogs, I think you will understand why I hold these two Australian gentlemen in such a high esteem.

Enjoy and take care!

Sunday, 12 May 2019

The History Behind the Pentagon´s UFO-program, AATIP

The link below takes you to a "special" episode of Open Minds UFO Radio from May 7, 2019. In this episode (duration 97:45 minutes) radio host Alejandro Rojas spends almost the whole episode on trying to clarify the narrative of the Pentagon´s UFO-program Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), who really released the UFO-videos ("Tic Tac/FLIR", "Gimbal" and "Go Fast"), the DoD´s confusing and contradictory statements about the AATIP and the UFO-videos, and much more. 

The first 24 minutes of the episode, Mr. Rojas is spending on the latest UFO news and editorials. Related to the content of the episode are also some interesting and informative links (see the list of links below under the headline "Related links:"). I recommend everyone to listen and pay close attention to what Mr. Rojas is covering during the first 24 minutes. Also, to take a look at the related links below, provided by Mr. Rojas, and read the ones you are not familiar with. 

Before listening to Alejandro Rojas radio episode below, and if you have not already done it, it can be a good idea to take a look at and read the information in my previous post here and here.

Open Minds UFO Radio: In this episode, we review the confusing and complicated timeline of how the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) UFO project got started, how we found out about, and the history of some of those involved. To really understand AATIP and all of the news coming at us about it, we have to understand this vital background. This includes why and how rockstar Tom DeLonge is involved, who Robert Bigelow is, the paranormal background of Dr. Hal Puthoff, what AAWSAP is and how it was taken down, AATIP’s relation to BAASS and TTSA, and much much more. We will not be interviewing Lue for a little while yet, but covering this background will make you all ready for it.
 Alejandro on Patreon
Related links:
Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program – The New York Times
Leslie Kean’s recent comments regarding UFO FLIR videos – Facebook
Inside Tom DeLonge’s UFO Obsession, Blink-182 Turmoil – Rolling
 I-Team: Documents prove secret UFO study based in Nevada – KLAS
Exclusive: I-Team obtains some key documents related to Pentagon UFO study – KLAS
What We Know And What We Believe Are Not Always The Same Thing. Here’s How Our Perception Of Fact Influences Our Worldview – Medium (By Elizondo)
George Knapp Hunt for the Skinwalker Interview Transcript –
Leslie Kean – Former US Government Officials’ New UFO Research Initiative – October 17, 2017 – Open Minds UFO Radio
Leslie Kean – UFOs and The New York Times – January 16, 2018 – Open Minds UFO Radio
Hillary’s campaign manager’s leaked UFO emails –
Tom DeLonge’s UFO research team revealed, includes government insiders –
Hillary campaign manager held UFO meeting with USAF generals, rock star and top secret aircraft developer –
Is a U.S. Air Force general from Wright-Patterson helping Tom DeLonge obtain official UFO disclosure? –
Tom DeLonge strikes UFO gold – in WikiLeaks as reference for Bill Clinton’s UFO interests and remarks –

Enjoy and take care!

More about the latest development of the confirmation and/or disclosure of UAP.

The link below takes you to an episode of Open Minds UFO Radio from April 30, 2019, with guest Dr. Eric W. Davis. The whole episode lasts 101:16 minutes. The interview with Dr. Eric W. Davis starts at the 26 minute mark. The purpose with this blog post is to argue that Dr. Davis is wrong when he claims that an intentional disclosure of the UFO phenomena is a "conspiracy theory."

Open Minds UFO Radio describes the work of Dr. Eric W. Davis, and what the interview is covering, like following:
Dr. Eric Davis: Investigating and Experiencing the Paranormal – April 30, 2019.
Open Minds UFO Radio: Eric W. Davis, Ph.D. is the Chief Science Officer of EarthTech Int’l, Inc. and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin. Dr. Davis’ research specializations include breakthrough propulsion physics for interstellar flight, interstellar flight science, beamed energy propulsion, advanced space nuclear power and propulsion, directed energy weapons, future and transformational technology, general relativity theory, quantum field theory, quantum gravity theories, experimental quantum optics, and SETI-xenoarchaeology.
 Eric has spent decades working with Robert Bigelow and his paranormal investigation efforts, including the National Institute for Discovery Sciences, and Bigelow Aerospace and Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS). The company he works for now, EarthTech International Inc., is working with the To the Star Academy to analyze anomalous materials. In this episode, we talk to Eric about how he got involved with paranormal research, his personal paranormal experiences on the Skinwalker Ranch, and thoughts of that investigation, and other relevant research he has worked on.
Read more about Dr. Davis here:

The following link takes you to an article by Alejandro Rojas on his blog. The headline and first paragraph of Roja´s article from May 3, 2019, are as follows:

DoD Confirms They Released Navy F-18 FLIR UFO Videos
A document leaked by KLAS and a letter from the DoD given to a government documents researcher proves the Department of Defense (DoD) did release Navy videos related to UFO incidents, despite an earlier denial.

All of the material posted yesterday May 11, 2019, and today May 12, 2019, is about the latest information on specifically the USS Nimitz 2004 UFO encounters, and the latest development of the - what I call and believe is a - careful and selective disclosure process of the UFO phenomena.

If you listen to the interview above with Dr. Eric W. Davis, you will find that Dr. Davis thinks that the concept of a planned or intentional disclosure of the UFO phenomena is a conspiracy theory. I highly respect Dr. Davis for all the work and time he has spent on the UFO phenomena, the Skinwalker Ranch, etc., but I disagree with him about "conspiracy theory". And I will soon tell you why. 

First I want to say that we who are quite sure of the existence of an ongoing disclosure process should seriously listen to Dr. Davis and critically look at our standpoint: what reasons do we have to believe in what I call a careful and selective disclosure process? How have we reached our conclusion, or opinion, about an intentional disclosure process? Maybe "confirmation" is a more correct term for what is going on?

 At around the 37:10 minute mark, Dr. Davis is saying that the US Government through the DoD has confirmed the reality of the UFO phenomena, or UAP. That is, the DoD is confirming that the US military has encountered unidentified flying objects, or unidentified aerial phenomena, that are showing aerodynamics, maneuverability, and other characteristics that are hard to explain with the current physics and technology we have on earth. And that is also what Alejandro Rojas is writing in his blog post above from May 3, 2019.

With all that said, I still think that an intentional disclosure process is a reality and is ongoing. Or perhaps a more correct way of thinking about what is going on at the moment, is that we are in an education- and a preparatory phase of the disclosure process. And this education- and preparatory phase is mostly going behind the scenes. We now know - which Mr. Rojas is covering during the first 20 minutes of the radio episode above - that briefings of the USS Nimitz 2004 encounter, and very likely other kind of information about the UFO phenomena, has been taken place in Washington D. C.

Confirmation and disclosure of UFOs  are, of course, two different things. But to be able to educate and prepare the public of the truth about the UFO phenomena you first have to confirm the validity of the phenomena, the reality of the phenomena. And to me, it seems like the strategy is to first educate and prepare politicians and people high up in the hierarchy of the Pentagon who are unfamiliar with all the valid data on UAP, or UFOs.
The way I think about what is going on at the moment is that, in a way, confirmation and disclosure is happening at the same time.

What has to be added to the DoD´s confirmation for it to transition into an undeniable disclosure? What has to be added is, of course, an official statement that in indisputable terms says that the US Government´s standpoint is that UAP, or UFOs, are not man made, not from the Earth. An official disclosure does not have to state what UFOs are, who or what is behind it, the intentions, and so on.

And here is where I disagree with Dr. Eric W. Davis. At least to some degree. Unofficially the DoD, DIA, CIA and other players in the study of the UFO phenomena, have been making exactly the statement that UAP very likely is not a man made phenomena/technology, not coming from earth, through people like Hal Puthoff, Chris Mellon, Luis Elizondo and others. People familiar with the UFO phenomena know the background of the mentioned persons.

So what are my reasons for believing in an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process? My main reason is that people like Hal Puthoff and Luis Elizondo would not be allowed to publicly talk about UFOs as not coming from earth. Not even as their personal opinions. Not allowed by whom? Obviously by their former (?) employers like the Pentagon and the CIA. Mr. Elizondo - who constantly is saying that he is bound by non disclosure agreements and cannot answer all questions - has in several presentations he made the last 6-7 months said that he thinks that "disclosure is happening right now" and that "disclosure is not an event, but a process." It seems thus that Dr. Davis and Mr. Elizondo disagrees whether disclosure is a "conspiracy theory" or not. Or even whether the right term is confirmation or disclosure.

 At the moment I believe that we have a disclosure by proxy. A group of people - a faction - inside the Pentagon, DoD, CIA, etc., is using - or "hiding behind" - a private company like To the Stars Academy (TTSA) to get the message out to politicians and to the general public that the UFO phenomena is real, that it has to be taken seriously, studied by scientific methods, and that the opportunities of understanding the UFO phenomena outweighs the risks.

Or more correct, the general public is going to be educated about these facts further down the road. Right now, TTSA is focusing on people who have the power and influence to take the issue of UAP to the next level. Let us hope that those people of power and influence are going to make the right choices and take the right decisions on what and how to inform the general public about the UFO phenomena.

Why disclosure now? Probably because the power dynamics inside the Pentagon has changed; the faction "pro-disclosure" is today stronger than the faction against a disclosure. Another reason is probably geopolitical: Russia and China have, according to Hal Puthoff and others, come further in their studies of the UFO phenomena. A third reason may be the phenomena itself, or "the Others" themselves. Have the sightings by the military increased the last decade or so? Has the behavior of the UFOs changed? Have the encounters between the military and UAP taken another form? Perhaps the personnel in the different military branches - especially the Air Force and the Navy - are demanding to be taken seriously with their experiences and encounters with UAP?

What I am saying is that TSSA is nothing less than a disclosure project or initiative by a faction inside the Pentagon and from other government branches and private companies. TTSA is not acting totally independent or without restrictions from players in the background. Whether that is positive or negative I cannot determine at the moment. I am leaning towards the positive side, but I think it is still too early to determine either way with certainty. It is impossible for me or any other outside observer to know the true intentions of the people involved in TTSA (including those I speculate are in the background).

But with that being said, I think it is unfair to take away the good work that the public people in TTSA have done, and their efforts to further a more open and serious dialog about the UFO phenomena and paranormal phenomena. I am not saying that there is a "puppet master" in total control over TTSA. I think it is more of a collaboration, and co-creating a disclosure strategy, between the people in TSSA and a faction inside the Pentagon, the CIA, DIA, etc.

Now, I am reasonably sure of what I have claimed so far, but I am not 100 % certain. My reasons are mostly based on statements made by people like Hal Puthoff and Luis Elizondo. Specifically, statements they have made in recent presentations (which you can find on this blog), and Mr. Elizondo´s articles on (which you also can find on this blog).

But also on the recent witness testimonies from the USS Nimitz 2004 UFO encounters, which you can watch and listen to on Simeon Hein´s YouTube channel. These eye witnesses were also allowed to go public by the Pentagon, is my guess. And soon after these eye witnesses (who for a reason did not have to sign any non disclosure agreements) bravely shared their experiences, the US Navy went public with its new guidelines for its personal to report UAP.

And of course, I base my claims on the long history of denials, lies, disinformation, etc., etc., about the UFO phenomena by particularly the U.S. Government. Other countries have been more open and transparent with their interest in and studies of the UFO phenomena.

However, that long historical record of lies and denials should not blind or mislead us from what is going on today. Yes, we should stay critical, use our common sense and discernment concerning everything our governments and militaries are claiming or not about their knowledge about the UFO phenomena. But dismissing everything as lies or disinformation on a knee jerk reaction is not going to help us in our pursuit for the truth. Sometimes past behavior is the best predictor for future behavior, but far from always.

The most important thing and crucial in all this, is not whether I am right or wrong about a careful and selective disclosure process. The only important and crucial thing is the truth about the UFO phenomena. Whatever the truth is and looks like, I do not want to live in an illusion or be trapped by wishful thinking of what is real or not. I want the raw and hard truth.

Thus, keep in mind that even if I try to base my claims on credible and valid information, material and people, and I try to be clear with when I am fairly certain or when I speculate, the elusive nature of the UFO phenomena sometimes makes it hard for me to differentiate between my own wishes, biases, and believes of the facts, and what the facts actually are (independent of the human mind).

Therefore, you should always be critical of my posts, the information and the people (their claims, opinions, conclusions) I present on this blog. If you really want to figure out what is correct or not, what is a fact or not, then you always have to make your own effort and take the time to find out for yourself. There are no short cuts to the truth. There never has been and probably never will be.

In many cases, using common sense is the most simple and most effective way of figuring out what is reasonable or not, fact or speculation, and so on and so forth. Today, common sense is underrated. Do not make that mistake. Instead, use your common sense.

Take care!

Saturday, 11 May 2019

New developments in the careful and selective disclosure process of the UFO phenomena.

"US Navy Admits UFOs are HERE." Posted by and on the YouTube channel Post Disclosure World, 24th of April 2019. Duration: 14.32 minutes.

In a bombshell Politico article the US Navy confirms that UFOs are real and that they contend with them! This is history in the making, folks. This video is brought to you by UFO Jesus.
Some References: Simeon Hein's interviews: 
Interview with PJ Hughes:
 Interview with Gary Voorhis:
 Interview with Jason Turner:
 Interview with Kevin Day:
 Politico article:

And a YouTube upload by Richard Dolan on his take on the same topic:

"Richard Dolan. The Navy & UAP: Controlled Disclosure Continues," published on Richard Dolan´s YouTube channel on the 2 of May 2019. Duration: 18:30 minutes.

The U.S. Navy recently stated that it is issuing new guidelines relating to UFOs or UAP. It's noteworthy that the Navy acknowledges the proliferation of unknown objects penetrating sensitive airspace, something that has occurred for decades. But another trend is at work: the ongoing rebranding of UFOs into UAP. Removing the baggage of the term UFO also means siphoning out the history of military confrontation, of crash retrievals, and even of apparent alien encounters. It's part of a slow process we can call Controlled Disclosure.

First, just like UFO Jesus, I highly recommend everyone interested in the latest developments of the USS Nimitz 2004 UFO incident(s) to take a look at Simeon Hein´s YouTube channel, and specifically his interviews with eye witnesses from the USS Nimitz 2004 UFO incident(s).

Secondly, there was an article in "Live Science" by Laura Geggel on May 2, 2019, with the headline "Navy Plans to Document UFO Sightings, But Keep Them Confidential." The article in Live Science is mostly referring to an article in the Washington Post, to whom Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the Office of the Deputy Chief Naval Operations for Information Warfare, said that "no release of information to the general public is expected" (from the Navy´s UFO-reporting system).

So what does the Navy´s openness with its new guidelines relating to UFOs and effort to destigmatize the UFO phenomena really mean? According to me, the Navy´s announcement is merely another confirmation of the "careful and selective disclosure-process" at play, and that has been at play since the autumn and winter of 2017. I have written about what I call a careful and selective disclosure process on numerous posts on this blog, for instance here.

I believe that the world since late 2017 is in an education- and preparation phase of this disclosure process. Now, is the Navy a part of the education- and preparation phase? It does not seem like that considering the statement above by Joe Gradisher. But the openness of the Nayy about its new guidelines for reporting UFOs seems to support that the Navy is now playing along in the disclosure process of the UFO phenomena. A contradiction?

Not necessarily. Remember that the key words in the ongoing disclosure process are "careful" and "selective." Or "controlled" as Richard Dolan calls the process. However we label the disclosure process, we can be sure it´s going to be very slow.

The "careful"-part can be a good thing since there is a huge amount of information about the UFO phenomena for the general public to digest, and some parts of that information are going to be difficult for the general public to handle; think John Mack´s term "ontological chock."

On the other hand, the "selective"-part of the ongoing disclosure process is in my mind a bit more worrisome, and something that everyone interested in the UFO phenomena has to be vigilant about. The truth about the UFO phenomena is not the business of only the military. The knowledge about the physics and technology behind, for example, the "Tic Tac UFO" (USS Nimitz 2004 UFO incident), and the potential applications and consequences of that knowledge, is something that concerns the whole of humanity.

Thus, the Navy´s statement about its new guidelines relating to UFOs, or UAP, has in my world more of a symbolic value than any practical value for the disclosure process. Yes, it is great that the U. S. Navy is officially confirming the reality of the UFO phenomena and that the Navy is trying to destigmatize the phenomena. At the same time I do not think that the Navy´s new guidelines for reporting UFOs are going to speed up or facilitate openness and transparency in the ongoing careful and selective disclosure process. At least not in the near future. 

Be very vigilant and critical of the selective part of the disclosure process.

Take care!