Sunday, 9 December 2018

Roundtable discussion about the new documentary "The Nimitz Encounters," the Rendlesham/Skinwalker Ranch connection, and more.

"Ryan from Post Disclosure World, Chris Wolford, Danny Silva, and Twitter User Jay: Ep. 20
Streamed lived on UFO News Network Sunday, 18 November 2018. Duration: 2:15:24.

Ryan from Post Disclosure World, Chris Wolford, Danny Silva from and Twitter Jay join us for a roundtable discussion of the recent Italian UFO conference, the Irish case from this past week, the premiere of Dave C Beaty's documentary "The Nimitz Encounters" and a bombshell announcement promised by Danny.
The Nimitz Encounters Video:
Ryan of Post Disclosure World: YouTube: Twitter:
 Danny Silva: Website:
 Twitter: User Jay: Twitter:
 Chris Wolford: Twitter:
Follow Frank and James on Twitter too!
 Frank (UFONN): James (Engaging The Phenomenon):

The roundtable discussion is probably most interesting for the hard core ufo-entusiasts and whom are updated on the recent news about the UFO-phenomena and developments in the field of ufo-research.

But I think people who wants to get updated on what´s have been happening, what´s going on and what we may expect in the near future relating to the UFO-phenomena and the careful and selective disclosure-process, also can find the discussion interesting.

The discussion is mostly subjective interpretations, opinions and speculations about the happenings and subjects the roundtable are covering in the live stream from 18/11, 2018. But the individuals in the roundtable are all relatively knowledgeable and cool headed about the UFO-phenomena, so their opinions and speculations are worth listening to and take into consideration.

And also remember, my belief that we live in an era of a careful and selective disclosure-process - or a "preparation-and-educational-phase" of the UFO-phenomena - is just a belief and not something I know to be a fact.

On the other hand, I can with integrity and with a high level of certainty say that more information and material about the UFO-phenomena are going to be revealed to the general public in the near future.

Enjoy and take care!


Saturday, 17 November 2018

Historian Richard Dolan on how not to be a tool by the most recent UFO claims.

"Richard Dolan with Truth Be Told at CITD 2018 - Is Disclosure coming?" Published by and on Richard Dolan´s Youtube channel, 17 November 2018. Duration: 21:17 minutes.

This was an informative interview recorded May 31, 2018 while at Contact in the Desert. Richard discussed the latest and greatest in the UFO world. Talks about mainstream revelations, AATIP, To The Stars Academy and video releases.
Richard discusses researching claims, how "not to be a tool" and how "not to get hosed" by the most recent claims. It is important to do your own research. He mentions that the biggest problem in this field today are unverifiable claims by alleged whistleblowers about programs that sound like they have been stripped from Hollywood movies. People love to believe them, they want the stories to be true. The ideology is on board.
Truth Be Told with Captain Ron and Tony Sweet put together an incredible, well-edited video with relevant excerpts and video clips. They have a great channel right here on YouTube and you can see more of what they do:

As you can read in the description above, the interview with Richard Dolan is from earlier this year. Around the 8 minute mark to the 12 minute mark, Dolan talks about how not to be a tool in the very noisy and murky field of UFO research. Around the 14:45 minute mark Dolan is asked about the "Majestic 12 papers" that surfaced in the ufo-community in the 1980s´ and 1990´s ("Special Operation 101 Manual"). The remaining time of the interview Dolan shares his view on disclosure.

Enjoy and take care!


Friday, 9 November 2018

Former director of Pentagon UFO program confirms that religious beliefs hinders disclosure

"What We Know And What We Believe Are Not Always The Same Thing", is the latest article by Luis Elizondo published on Here is the link

Elizondo´s article is quite straightforward and with a lot of common sense in it´s message. The main reason I post it here, is because Elizondo himself confirms the latest information about how religious beliefs inside the Pentagon put a stop to the "Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program" (AAWSAP) which was a program with a broader mission than the AATIP. Elizondo being the former director of the latter program. AAWSAP was more of a program for paranormal/psychological phenomena and one of phenomena the program was researching was the one at Skinwalker Ranch.

But a powerful group of people in the Pentagon and the Department of Defense did not like the information AASWAP gathered from Skinwalker Ranch. Elizondo writes the following in the above mentioned article about this powerful group of people:

UAP has even been associated with demons and anti-Judeo Christian beliefs.
I experienced this first-hand during my time working at the U.S. Government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), where certain senior government officials thought our collection of facts on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) was dangerous to their philosophical beliefs.
In fact, my AATIP predecessor’s career was ruined because of misplaced fear by an elite few. Rather than accept the data as provided by a top-rank rocket scientist, they decided the data was a threat to their belief system and instead, destroyed his career because of it.
Although in private each confided to me they knew the phenomena was real, it still contradicted their view of the world and their beliefs. Therefore, they viewed the effort as an affront to their religious narrative and belief system.

Now, UAP or UFO do not exclusively refer to what we think of as a classic "flying saucer." An UAP or UFO can for instance be a small orb of light. Those kind of light orbs are common at for example Skinwalker Ranch. My point being, again (I say it in the first post from this date, 20181109), that the certain senior government officials that thought the facts on UAP was dangerous to their philosophical beliefs, were mostly opposed to the research on the Skinwalker Ranch.

Although note that Elizondo writes that the same senior government officials in private confided to Elizondo that they knew the phenomena was real.

So are religious government officials in the U.S. representative of religious citizens in the U.S? I assume we in this case mainly are talking about different branches of christianity and judaism. If so, does it mean that some kind of social upheaval and psychological trauma would occur among religious citizens in case of disclosure of the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch?

Disclosure is complex and it is not going to be easy no matter how you go about doing it. I am pretty convinced that a not so insignificant minority of the world's population will have a hard time handle the truth behind the UFO phenomena. Not only religious people from different traditions and cultures.

Are we prepared to take care of people who will be scared, anxious and even traumatized? Is it possible to mentally and emotionally prepare people for the truth of the UFO phenomena?

How do we minimize the psychological damage?

Take care,


A group inside the Pentagon thinks the UFO phenomena is satanic

"Luis Elizondo's Struggle to Get UFO Disclosure." Posted by Post Disclosure World on the 9th of November 2018. Duration: 16:39 minutes.

We are about to passage into a Post Disclosure World. Be grateful to those who have fought for it such as Luis Elizondo and others within the US government who seek greater transparency on this issue. This video explores who wants to stop Disclosure and why. And also covers some sacrifices Luis Elizondo has made to help us get there.
Interview with Luis Elizondo: Phenomenon Radio interview with George Knapp: Another Phenomenon Radio interview with George Knapp:
Dark Matters Radio Interview with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell: (10-19-2018)

In the video above, "UfoJesus", or Ryan, is summarizing some of the latest and most important information about the battle inside the Pentagon and the Department of Defense (DoD) over UFO-research in general and the "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP) in particular. Most of that information comes from investigative journalist George Knapp, who knows many of the key players involved in the ongoing careful and selective disclosure process.

In fact, there are many different, at least four, disclosure initiatives going on at the moment, but the most well known is probably the one by "To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science."

There is indeed at least two factions inside the Pentagon and DoD with different world views, beliefs and values that has created tension and opposition over what the UFO phenomena represents and if it should be studied or not. According to George Knapp, he has been told by Luis Elizondo and other key players that one of the factions inside the Pentagon and Dod do not want to study the UFO phenomena because the phenomena is demonic in its nature.

I am not sure, but I think the religious faction is more specifically referring to the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch, rather than the UFO phenomena as a whole.

Why do I think that? If George Knapp´s sources are reliable and correct, which I think they are, then there is information about the first Pentagon UFO-program, AAWSAP, being shut down by the religious faction inside the Pentagon and DoD. AAWSAP was actually more of a paranormal research program than a UFO program, and AAWSAP was doing investigations at Skinwalker Ranch.

Furthermore, just some weeks ago, Luis Elizondo revealed at a UFO symposium in Italy that the AATIP is still running. AATIP is more specialized on the UFO phenomena, but there was a certain degree of overlap and exchange of information between AATIP and AAWSAP, so what the current mission statement, objectives and title/name of Pentagon´s ongoing UFO research is unknown to me. But I am quite sure the name/title AATIP has been changed. Documentary director and protegé of Knapp, Jeremy Corbell has in a radio show (I think in Dark Matter hosted by Don Ecker?) said that there are at the moment four UFO programs runned by the Pentagon, and these will soon be revealed to the public.

At around the 10:30 minutes mark, "UfoJesus" starts to talk about some of the information about the different factions inside the Pentagon and Dod. Besides the religious faction, there is a group opposing disclosure of the UFO phenomena not out of fear of public panic and social upheaval, but because of fear of the public reactions to secrecy, denial and black budgets.

I wrote about some of those reasons for the secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomena, and probable changes in the power dynamics inside the Pentagon and Dod, in this article from the 4th of September, 2018.

I don't think we need a "secret space program" as an explanation for the secrecy surrounding and opposition against a disclosure of the UFO phenomena.

But if you need a dramatic and fantastic reasons for a cover-up, then study the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch. The implications of what has been going on on that ranch are reasons enough for the national security apparatus doing everything in its power to keep the public ignorant about. I can understand the mindset of secrecy and caution in the case of Skinwalker Ranch, but that doesn't mean it is right in an ethical and a legal meaning.


there are more UFO information and material coming. When it will be released to the general public is difficult to say. In the UFO symposium mentioned above, Luis Elizondo said that "To The Stars Academy..." (TTSA) within the next four months will release the results from their analysis of a piece of material from a potential UFO. In the same presentation in Rome in October of this year, Elizondo referred the source of the "exotic material" to come from the famous Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. I do not think that Elizondo would have mentioned the coming release at all, if he and his colleagues at TTSA were not already quite sure that the material is, let us say, "highly unusual."

But there is also tons of other UFO footage, videos and material from the Pentagon and Dod waiting to be released to the general public. The Navy probably has the most material than any of the other defense branches. NORAD has its own jet planes and has scrambled them several times during the last five to ten years. You do not scramble a jet plane to chase a meteorite....

And let us not forget that other countries than the U.S. are highly interested in, and perhaps concerned about, the UFO phenomena and paranormal phenomena. Countries like Russia and China may very well know more about these phenomena than the USA. Of course, there is always the possibility that one or several countries not yet mentioned in the UFO-research-race are working diligently in the background.

So patience, patience. But rest assured, we have exciting times ahead of us.

Take care!


Thursday, 1 November 2018

Luis Elizondo´s UFO presentation in Italy on October 2018

Live-streamed on cun network´s Youtube channel 27 October 2018. Luis Elizondo´s and Tom DeLonge´s presentation starts at 1:08:30 (total duration: 3:56:04).

You can find a transcript of Elizondo´s and DeLonge´s presentation thanks to Joe Murgia on this link

If you´re an impatient person like me, then you perhaps prefer to read the transcript rather than watch and listen to the presentation since there is a translation going on for the people in the Italian audience not speaking English. Nothing wrong with that, at the same time it means that Elizondo and DeLonge have to talk quite slowly and take breaks for the translator, so if patience is not one of your virtues...

The presentation took place on the 27th October 2018, at Italian UFO Conference (Centro Ufologico Nazionale - CUN). Elizondo and DeLonge start at the 1:08:30 mark. 

Some interesting statements in the presentation.

At around 1:25:20 Elizondo starts his presentation with a brief overview of the U.S. military´s interest in the UFO phenomena through history. When he comes to the 1980s he mentions one of the most famous UFO incidents in the history of UFOs; the Rendlesham, or Bentwater, UFO incident. Luis Elizondo says the following during his talk about the early 1980s and the Rendlesham UFO incident:

Several of those individuals that were involved in that incident, I had the privilege of debriefing myself. Furthermore, information involving this incident, within the next four months, will be forthcoming. Further giving the world a better appreciation of what occurred those three nights. The capabilities that were stored at that facility, were highly sophisticated and may have even lead to UAP interest.

The information that will be forthcoming within the next four months, is going to be about meta-materials collected from the Rendlesham UFO incident if I have the correct information.

After the historical overview, Elizondo goes on to talk about the Pentagon UFO program he was the director of, AATIP, and at the end of that part of his presentation he says:
Last year around this time, its program director (that’s Lue) decided to leave the government in frustration, based on the bureaucracy. At no time was my office discredited. But having a conversation with senior leadership, proved to be near impossible. The stigma was simply too much. The next natural question is: Does the program still exist? And I am here to tell you right now, the effort is ongoing.
 Directly after he continues to say:
This slide is verbatim what the focus of AATIP was and what $22 million purchased. For those who can’t read the lettering, I’ll read it for you: Lift, Propulsion, Control, Power Generation, Spatial and Temporal Translation, Signature Reduction or I guess you say Footprint. And Technology Integration. Also, Very Advanced Materials, Configuration and Structure, Human Interface, Human Effects and Armament. Now, if you read between the lines, you will notice that human effects is something that may or may not be typically associated with conventional technology. And if you look at what the emphasis on the contract was, it says specifically NOT exploitation of current technology. This is not inventing a better screw driver. This is a paradigm change in the way we interact with our environment. This is verbatim from the U.S. government contract. You, yourself can look this up today on Google. The line I want to read to you is very special: Investigate legitimacy of currently observed phenomena. These are not the words of Luis Elizondo. These are the words of the US government.
"This is a paradigm change in the way we interact with our environment."  Now, I think Elizondo is referring to far more than the physical and technological aspect of the UFO phenomena.

Why do I think that? Well, Luis Elizondo gives a very intriguing answer to one of the questions during the Q and A session of the presentation. The question is about "psychotronic weapons" and the consciousness link to, or aspect of, the UFO phenomena:
Remote viewing is a very interesting topic. I said I wouldn’t give you an opinion and here I’m about to give you an opinion. I think the quantum world, the quantum state is extremely bizarre but very relevant. The quantum world is real even if it’s hard to understand. There’s been much research in the last ten years about human consciousness and the quantum state. I think there’s a strong degree of probability that the quote, unquote, voodoo science of remote viewing is in fact part of the quantum world. There’s some very interesting, compelling data that points to very specific quantum mechanics involved in potentially things like remote viewing. In essence, remote viewing may be quite natural. But I’m certainly not qualified to say conclusively one way or the other.

But as always, make your own interpretation of the content of Elizondo´s presentation and draw your own conclusions.

And thanks to Joe Murgia at for spending time and energy to transcribe Elizondo´s and DeLonge´s presentation! You can also find him at Twitter, @ufojoe11.

Enjoy and take care!


Sunday, 28 October 2018

Battle over research of the UFO phenomena inside the Pentagon, according to journalist George Knapp.

"Linda Moulton Howe - Guest George Knapp." Published on Earthfiles Youtube channel 13th October, 2018. Duration: 1:59:37. 

PHENOMENON Radio with co-hosts Linda Moulton Howe, Reporter and Editor of, and retired USAF Tech Sgt. John Burroughs.
Our guest is Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist George Knapp, head of the I-Team at KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada. In the spring of 2018, George received documents from the Department of Defense through unidentified sources.
George breaks down more details behind the December 16, 2017, New York Times release of UFO infrared videotape from military gun cameras and the two agencies behind the release: AAWSAP and AATIP, also known as the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program and Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. As part of the AAWSAP and AATIP investigations of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs/UFOs), George describes in detail some of the highly strange and even hostile phenomena that AATIP and subcontractor Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) tried to study at the Skinwalker Ranch in the Uintah Basin of Utah. But the phenomena “outguessed” the scientists and military intelligence personnel anticipating and countering their research efforts — and manipulated the BAASS investigators’ minds.

The interview with George Knapp starts at 7:00 minutes. Linda and John are asking Knapp about what he knows about the origin of AAWSAP and AATIP, the relation between senator Harry Reid and Robert "Bob" Bigelow, how the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) got involved in the research at Skinwalker Ranch, and much more.

Very interesting and informative to listen to George Knapp talk about how government works and the political battle inside the Pentagon about the study of UFO phenomena in general and AAWSAP in particular. And his information, that in many instances comes from the horse's mouth, in part backs up some of the things I am writing in this post.

Other interesting revelations in this interview are:

  • At least two foreign nations tried to penetrate the AATIP.
  • How the visit from DIA at the Skinwalker Ranch acted as the spark that ignited AAWSAP and AATIP.
  • Jeremy Corbell´s (director of the documentary about Skinwalker Ranch, released Sept. 2018) statement about four other Pentagon UFO-programs that soon are going to be made public.
  • How the manifestations of the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch may have been a reason for the hostility towards AAWSAP from a fraction inside the government and that lead to the "termination" of AAWSAP.
  • And more.

Enjoy and take care!


Friday, 26 October 2018

What is significant with the year of 1952 in the history of UFOs?

"UFO Invasion of 1952. Richard Dolan, UFOs the Big Picture." Streamed live on 29th of September, 2018, on Richard Dolan´s Youtube channel. Duration: 29:30 minutes.

Richard Dolan on the 1952 UFO Invasion - This presentation involves one of the most forgotten but major years in the history of UFOs, at least as far as we've been keeping track of it, and that year is 1952. It is the great forgotten year in the United States. The number of good UFO sightings reached their highest total ever, at least in the pre-internet era.

Why so many UFO sightings in the USA in 1952? Was it just in the USA? What were the consequences in form of U.S. Air Force and Navy police regarding reporting UFO sightings and encounters? In other words, why is the year 1952 so significant in the history of UFOs and how does it help us to understand the complex issue of disclosure of the UFO phenomena?

You may not get the answers to all the questions above in Richard Dolan´s short overview of the major year of 1952 in the history of UFOs, so I recommend curious visitors to do some inquiries on their own. Doing your own research into the year of 1952 is well worth your time and effort if you want - or need - some evidence of the military and intelligence agencies serious interest in and concern over these mysterious and advanced flying objects.

Your own research will also give you a deeper and broader understanding of the complex issue of disclosure and that "the national security apparatus" never has been a monolithic entity. The complexity of disclosure is perhaps not so much about the UFO phenomena itself, but more about human vanity, ignorance, greed, pride, misunderstandings, misperception and power dynamics between different individuals in different branches and fractions in the military and intelligence agencies. There has always been individuals and groups of individuals inside the national security apparatus that has been for or against a disclosure of the UFO phenomena.

As I have said many times before, I believe - I do not know it to be a fact - something in the dynamics in the power structure of the national security apparatus has changed, and this change has probably been going on for some time before the confirmation of the reality of the UFO phenomena by the Pentagon and the Department of Defense in December, 2017 (the New York Times articles about the Pentagon UFO program, AATIP, and today we know of another and separate Pentagon program, AAWSAP, that has been involved in studies on the paranormal phenomena/UFO phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch).

Enjoy and take care!


Sunday, 14 October 2018

Who has the most information about UFOs and why is info about UFOs highly sensitive?

Published by and on ALIEN PROTOCOLS Youtube channel on 13 October, 2018. Duration: 12:32 minutes. "Who has UFO INFO?"

An informative video from ALIEN PROTOCOLS (AP) about some of the branches and people in the U.S. military whom have the most information about the UFO phenomena. The video is also about what these branches and people are afraid of about the UFO phenomena, and subsequently, why they are reluctant to release certain information about the UFO phenomena to the general public.

The only thing I really disagree with AP in the video, is the importance of a figure named Ron Pandolfi. I don't dispute Pandolfi´s scientific savvy, but I think he is in the ufo-field merely as a distraction from the important people and projects.

And as continuation of the video of AP, and the theme of why different people in the government and the military with knowledge about the UFO phenomena are reluctant to inform the general public, is a video by Richard Dolan: "Implications of UFO Disclosure", duration: 29:29 minutes.

Live streamed on Richard Dolan´s Youtube channel, 14 October 2018.  "Implications of UFO Disclosure." Richard Dolan. UFOs The Big Picture. Duration: 29:29 minutes.

If we combine the content of AP`s video above and the content in this video by Richard Dolan, then we can start to understand why "full disclosure" of the UFO phenomena by official channels and representatives, is unlikely to occur in the near future. So does that mean that we should give up our hopes and efforts for a disclosure?

My answer is; no, at the same time we have to be smart about disclosure and have patience. One reason being that not everyone on the planet is going to handle "full disclosure" of the UFO phenomena very well. In fact, I think a significant minority of the world's population would get scared and perhaps even traumatized. Think about the truth of abductions and Skinwalker Ranch. How would people unfamiliar with those aspects of the UFO phenomena handle the truth, a full disclosure?

So the matter of disclosure is just as complex as the UFO phenomena itself. It is not just to tell the whole truth to the world. You also have to prepare people to be able to handle the truth.

And that is why I think that we since the 16 December 2017 (the first New York Times article about Pentagons UFO-program, "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program"), are in a "preparation-and-educational-process" of the truth of the UFO phenomena.

That is my belief, I do not know that to be a fact. Time will tell if I am right or not about the preparation-and-educational-process, or with other words, a "careful and selective" disclosure-process.

Keep your eyes and ears open. I think new material about UFOs is in the pipelines of the Pentagon and the Department of Defense. When it will be released to the general public, is of course the big question.

Take care!


Wednesday, 3 October 2018

What does the Holographic Principle got to do with the UFO phenomena?

"Leonard Susskind on The World as A Hologram." Published on tvochannel on the 4th of November, 2011. Duration: 55:26 minutes.

Leonard Susskind of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics discusses the indestructibility of information and the nature of black holes in a lecture entitled The World As Hologram.

In one of my previous posts I speculated about some of the reasons for the long history of denial, lies and disinformation on the UFO-issue by some fractions in the national security state-apparatus (yes, another vague term like "the cabal", "deep state," etc). I also wrote about the complexity of the UFO phenomena, and that the implications of that complexity can be one of the reasons that we now are living in an era of a careful and selective disclosure-process of the truth behind the UFO phenomena, rather than in an era of a full disclosure.

Before I move on, I should point out that professor Leonard Susskind is not in any way associated with the UFO phenomena or subject. So why a lecture by Leonard Susskind on a blog about the UFO phenomena?

Well, maybe some of the more bizarre aspects of the UFO phenomena, and "the high strangeness" so closely related to the phenomena, can be explained with Susskind´s and other´s work with the hypothesis about the universe as a hologram?

I am not going to pretend that I have a deep understanding of what professor Susskind is lecturing about, or what kind of general inferences it is correct or not to make from the hologram-hypothesis. It is more on an intuitive-level that I sense that the hologram-hypothesis fits with some of the events, displays and behaviors of UFOs, frequently reported in ufo-sightings, and especially among experiencers.

Maybe the holographic principle can offer a tentative explanation on how some of the UFOs travel to, or manifest in, what we perceive and call, our reality.

The keyword in Leonard Susskind's lecture is "information" and the key-ability is to manipulate information, or code and decode information.

The Holographic Principle says, according to Susskind in the lecture: The maximum amount of information in a region of space is proportional to the area of the region.

Bare with me. According to Susskind in the lecture we know that the part of the universe that is beyond our horizon to observe, is at least 1000 times larger in volume than the observable horizon of the universe. We also know that the universe is expanding at an increased rate of acceleration.

Now, is our cosmic horizon (the visible universe) a two-dimensional hologram of all that lies beyond it? That is, what we think of as reality, life on Earth and the entire universe may be a two-dimensional mathematical representation of a three-dimensional mathematical representation that is 1000 times larger in volume and which we cannot directly observe. Our reality and universe may turn out to be a holographic representation of... something else, in lack of better word.

Is this some kind of likeness of the ideas of Pythagoras and Socrates (or Plato, depending on how you look at it)?

Anyhow, what does the holographic universe got to do with the UFO phenomena? Perhaps everything?! Or nothing. Or perhaps to some degree or extent?

I do not know, as I said, it is more of a hunch. I hope there are readers, visitors of this blog whom is more well versed in science than I am, and whom can see more clearly in what ways Susskind's lecture can be relevant to the UFO phenomena, if relevant at all.

In the lecture Susskind begins with talking about the horizon of black holes as acting as holographs. At the 48 minutes mark of the lecture, he then takes a cosmological perspective and generalizes the concepts and laws from the black hole part of the lecture to being "true" for the whole universe.

I cannot help to think that some of the more bizarre manifestations of the phenomenon at the Skinwalker Ranch can be looked at and explored from the theoretical framework of the universe as a hologram. The phenomenon at Skinwalker Ranch obviously knows how to manipulate our three dimensions + time.

"Chaos is information that takes longer time to interpret than Order."

Enjoy and take care!


Sunday, 30 September 2018

"The age of impossible" with visionary thinker Jacques Vallée

"The age of impossible, anticipating discontinuous futures: Jacques Vallee at TEDxGeneva." Published on and by TEDx Talks Youtube channel, 10th of October, 2013. Duration: 15:14 minutes.

The acceleration of technology in an increasingly connected society producing "impossible futures" that range from rapid collapse of major banks to the emergence of complex new forms of political power. The Internet has become both a tool and a victim of this global mutation.

If you wait until the 8:29 minutes mark, then you will understand why this mainstream talk by Jacques Vallée in a mainstream context is doing on a blog about the UFO phenomena.

However, the main topic of Jacques Vallée´s TEDxGeneva talk is not the UFO phenomena, but about  possible futures of the internet, both negative and positive futures.

As I have mentioned before, Jacques Vallée is probably the most profound and important thinker in the field of ufo-research, and has been so since his collaboration and friendship with J. Allen Hynek.

Ufo-aficionados are of course familiar with the fact that Steven Spielberg used Vallée and Hynek as consultants to "Close encounters of the third kind", and that the character in the movie, Claude Lacombe, is loosely based on Jacques Vallée.

Anyone seriously interested in the UFO phenomena, and who particularly wants get aware of the complexity of the UFO phenomena, should read at least one or two books about the UFO phenomena by Jacques Vallée. Personally I have read three of Vallée´s books and therefore can highly recommend them:

The Invisible College. What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered  About UFO Influence on the Human Race. Originally published by E.F. Dutton & Co. in 1975. 2014 edition published by Anomalist Books.

The Edge Of Reality. A progress report on Unidentified Flying Objects, J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee (1975).

Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception, first edition 1991 and second edition 2008 published by Anomalist Books. "Revelations" is the third and last volume in Vallée´s "Alien contact" series.

Enjoy and take care!


Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Intriguing video from "To The Stars Academy..." about meta-materials.

"Observations On Potential UAP/UFO Material In Possession for The ADAM Research Project." Published on to The Stars Academy of Arts & Science´s Youtube channel, on the 19th of September, 2018. Duration: 3:03 minutes.

“The expectations are huge and when expectations are extremely high, performance has to follow... performing is key to me now," says Steve Justice, current COO of To The Stars Academy and former head of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin's "Skunk Works."
 TTS Academy's world-class team of intelligence experts and physicists are the first port of call to research credible accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena. They are laser-focused on advanced physics research that could bring breakthroughs in advanced technology systems. The ADAM Research Project has the potential to discover metamaterials that could launch a journey of new scientific breakthroughs for generations.

In the video above we are mainly getting to see and listen to Steve Justice, who has not been so public since the press conference of "To The Stars Academy..." (TTSA) in October, 2017. At least I am not aware of him being so visible as late.

Besides us getting to know Steve Justice´s thoughts and feelings about his work at TTSA, there are some intriguing comments made about the progress TTSA is making with its studies of  meta-materials.

For people following the UFO phenomena/subject, the meta-materials have of course been of great interest and speculation. There has in the public domain already come out some information about for example the bismuth/magnesium sample, supposedly originating from an "Advanced Aerial Vehicle"  (AAV), a term that Hal Puthoff seems to prefer.

If I take some of the comments made by Justice, Puthoff and particularly by Luis Elizondo in the video above at face value, then I think we have some very exciting and fascinating news and information to look forward to.

But, and if I am right, it is going to be a careful and selective disclosure of the UFO phenomena. If I am right, it is not TTSA who is controlling and directing the ongoing disclosure-process, but rather a fraction inside defense departments, intelligence agencies and players from the private sector both in- and outside the USA.

Then, of course, we have "the others." You know, the ones flying the UFOs. What role do they - who or whatever they are - play in the disclosure-process? Probably one of the answers to "why disclosure now?" has something to do with "the others" playing an active role in and perhaps even pushing for a disclosure. Obviously I am speculating about the role of "the others." Next speculation that naturally would follow if "the others" are pushing for a disclosure, is for what reason(s)? Or perhaps "the others" do not care less about the earthlings business of disclosure?

Take care!


Saturday, 15 September 2018

Luis Elizondo says this YouTuber has some insights about UFOs.

"UFO Gun Camera Videos PROVE Aliens Exist." Published by "UFOJesus" on his Youtube channel Post Disclosure World, on the 7th of July, 2018. Duration: 10:01 minutes.

Tom DeLonge's team of government insiders have made it clear that Disclosure is near. His team has promised to reveal formerly classified footage of a UFO from sophisticated military cameras. I talk about the difficulties the Pentagon faces with Disclosure, and why, at this current time, they have chosen to green light Disclosure.
In Luis Elizondo´s latest article for, his main message is how the social stigma of the UFO phenomena is not helpful in the ongoing disclosure process - Elizondo does not use the term "disclosure process", but "government processes."

He also writes about how tabloids and social media only are adding to the social stigma and therefore hinders "government processes" rather than facilitates them.

However, Elizondo also writes: But not all social media sites or Youtube channels have it wrong. He goes on with giving an example of a credible Youtuber: One specific example I have found is “UFOJesus,” a humorous YouTube channel that seems to have some credible inside information and insight.

Of  course, Elizondo does not elaborate on which specific information "UFOJesus" is spreading that is "credible inside information and insight." Would we not like to know?

Since my curiosity has not killed me yet, I took a look at some of UFOJesus´s Youtube-videos and listened carefully on what he was saying and not saying in those videos. Before Elizondo´s article, I had heard of UFOJesus, but I had never been on his Youtube channel, because, frankly, he did not come off as serious to me. Hmm... these assumptions and prejudices of mine...

So do not be taken aback with UFOJesus´s somewhat eccentric and intense way of delivering his thoughts and hypotheses about the UFO phenomena, disclosure and so on.

I choose the video above because UFOJesus and I think alike in the majority of the points he is covering in the video. However, I do not mean by "think alike" that he and I are "right" or "know it to be the case."

Personally, I maintain that the only thing I can say with certainty and integrity is that the UFO phenomenon is validated to be real. Another thing I can say with a lesser but still high degree of certainty and integrity is that it was the Pentagon and the Department of Defense who gave the green light to "To The Stars Academy..." to release the gun camera footage of UFOs. So yes, the release of the UFO-videos were at least a confirmation by the U.S. government of the reality of the UFO phenomenon.

Was it more than a confirmation? Yes, I believe it was not only a confirmation, but also the first step, or phase, of a careful and selective disclosure process. I say that with a lesser degree of certainty than the points just mentioned above. But I still think it is reasonable to believe it, so I can say it with maintained integrity. However, I do not know it to be the case beyond any reasonable doubt.

So I agree with UFOJesus when he in the video above says that there is more declassified UFO-material to be made public. Much more. "When" I do not even dare to start speculating on. But I dare to say that more material is going to be released into the public domain at some point in the future.

If you are curious and have some time, take a look at some of the videos made by UFOJesus. Watch and listen with both an open and skeptical mind. Form your own opinions and conclusions about if and what of the content in UFOJesus´s videos that possibly "seems to have some credible inside information and insight", according to Luis Elizondo.

Perhaps it is simply the information and insight that UFOJesus has gotten from "To The Stars Academy..." that Elizondo is referring to as "inside information"?

I do not know. As I said, make up your own mind.

Enjoy UFOJesus´s videos - some of them are at worst humorous, entertaining- and take care!


Friday, 14 September 2018

Why social stigma about UFOs holds humanity back, according to Luis Elizondo

A new article by Luis Elizondo was published on the 13th of September, 2018, on both Medium and on the website of "To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science." The link takes you to the article on "To The Stars..." website.

The title of Elizondo's article is "Why Social Stigma about Unexplained Phenomena Holds Humanity Back."

First, I have to say that I applaud Luis Elizondo - and the collective he is a part of- for addressing the important topic of the stigma attached to the UFO subject, and for his (their) contribution to get rid of the stigma. The way the public and mainstream media, and some of the so-called alternative media, perceive and talk about the UFO phenomena, have to change. They have to catch up and understand that we are beyond the question of "are UFOs real or not?"

Elizondo's new article is straightforward in its message and to a high degree a continuation of the theme in his first article for, "Why Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Are A National Security Risk And Also An Opportunity For Progress."

The message, as I understand it, in both articles is that the opportunity of progress outweighs the risk of making certain information and material about the UFO phenomena public.

I will not make a lot of comments on the content in Elizondo's second and latest article for Medium. At the same time, there are a couple of things that I find a bit more noteworthy and that I cannot help pointing out.

First, the title of the article. Elizondo does not write "Unexplained Aerial Phenomena" or "UFO phenomena", but he uses the word, or term, "Unexplained Phenomena." As in "paranormal phenomena?" Elizondo does not use the word "paranormal" in his article, so this is only speculation from my part. Why do I think that Luis Elizondo might allude to not only the UFO phenomena but also to the broader term "paranormal"?

My first thought to why that may be the case, was the connection between Robert "Bob" Bigelow and his involvement in Pentagon's secret UFO program(s). And of course, Bigelow´s creation of the science team, NIDS, which investigated the Skinwalker Ranch. Many of the same scientists in NIDS are now colleagues to Luis Elizondo at "To The Stars...". And I am pretty sure that Bigelow is in one way or another involved with "To The Stars..."...

Ok, let us leave it at that. I know I may read in too much in a specific choice of words.

A cool thing to see is that Elizondo not only uses the term UAP but also UFO. And he uses the latter term in one of his key statements: "When it comes to UFOs, ignoring the unknown is similarly harmful because it might mean failing to seize upon opportunities and new understandings".

Why cool? Because the term UFO is the more stigmatized term and has historically been around for a longer time than UAP. So, maybe the use of the term UFO is a recognition to all the people who through the decades have been ridiculed and ostracized for being interested in the UFO phenomena?

Enjoy Elizondo's article and take care!


Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Dr. Hal Puthoff on how to analyze potential UAP/UFO material (meta-material).

"How to Analyze Potential UAP/UFO Material." Published on the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences´ Youtube Channel on the 12th of September, 2018. Duration: 5:34 minutes.

Dr. Hal Puthoff discusses the steps his pioneering research laboratory, EarthTech International, uses to determine if material collected for The ADAM Research Project is likely to have come from an advanced aerial vehicle.
TTS Academy's ADAM Research Project, an acronym for Acquisition & Data Analysis of Materials, focuses on the collection and scientific evaluation of material samples obtained through reliable reports of advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin.
Learn more at
For some reason "To The Stars Academy", or someone else, took down the first video they published on 11th of September, 2018, and today, 12/9, published the video above on their youtube channel. I can see that the comment-section related to the video from today, is inactivated. It was not inactivated yesterday, 11/9, so I do not know if taking down yesterdays video and putting up another today has something to do with what kind of comments the video got yesterday?

Take care!


Saturday, 8 September 2018

RIchard Dolan about the abduction-aspect of the UFO phenomena.

"What’s up with Abductions? Richard Dolan: UFOs The Big Picture (live)." Streamed live on Richard Dolan´s Youtube-channel on the 8th of September, 2018. Duration: 17:34 minutes.

I am not going to make a lot of comments on what Richard Dolan is thinking and saying about the abduction-aspect of the UFO phenomena, simply because I feel somewhat tired and lazy, hahaha. But mainly because I should stop being a "ufo-nerd," and instead, spend time with my beautiful loved ones.

In general I agree with what Dolan is saying about the abduction-aspect, and in particular with what he is saying towards the end of the live stream, beginning at the 13:00 minutes mark and to the end. For example, around the 13:45 minutes mark Dolan is saying that the abduction-cases may be the most significant part of the UFO phenomena. I also believe, and I have said it in many previous posts, that the experiencer-aspect (abductions, contact) is one of the strongest drivers of maintaining the secrecy of the UFO phenomena. Dolan says during the first minute of the stream, that disclosure of the abduction-aspect is probably going to be one of the most volatile issues of the UFO phenomena to be made public. Indeed, it will. 

And since the people in charge of the disclosure-process has started to tell "A" (the physical aspect of the UFO phenomena), they sooner or later have to tell "B", and so on. 

Lastly, I fully agree with Richard Dolan when he around the 16:20 minutes mark says, that we need to have a public and serious conversation about the abduction-aspect. If not for anything else, then for the abductees whom in many cases have been traumatized by their experiences, and feel that they have no one to talk to in our society about what happened to them. They need help and support.

Is that not reason enough for disclosing the abduction-aspect of the UFO phenomena? 

Take care!


Why UFOs/UAP are both a risk and an opportunity, according to Luis Elizondo

"Why Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Are A National Security Risk And Also An Opportunity For Progress," says the headline of Luis Elizondo´s article for Medium, published on the 4th of September, 2018.

Based on the title ("And Also") of Elizondo´s article, it seems one keyword in the ongoing careful and selective disclosure process is balance. A balance between satisfying the public's need - and right! - to know what their government knows about the UFO phenomena, and the government's need to keep some information and material classified so it doesn't fall into the hands of a foreign adversary.

From a military and a national security perspective, I can buy that argument. But in my mind, there is a contradiction in Elizondo´s reasoning in his article, because he is also saying that "the U.S. knows less than it should, and perhaps much less than our adversaries," referring to the factors that the U.S. Government (USG) looks at when determining whether an unknown entity is friend or foe: capabilities, intentions, vulnerabilities and exploitability. So, is the USG hiding their lack of knowledge about the UFO phenomena from foreign adversaries in fear of and in embarrassment to show its own vulnerabilities and lack of capabilities, rather than covering up some exotic technology for the public?

The balance for the USG - or the national security state apparatus - is between the risk of too much openness, transparency and too little secrecy, or vice versa. What can the consequences be from a national security perspective of telling too much or too little to the public and media?

But as Elizondo wisely writes, the concept of risk is subjective: "The significance of that risk depends on who you ask." I believe this is one reason that the ongoing disclosure is going to be a complex and slow process to reach a consensus on. I can imagine the many reactions from congressional representatives and other influential individuals when they are being briefed about the UFO-issue by the "To the Stars Academy" (TTSA). And I can imagine the many views on and opinions about "what" and "how" to do with the UFO-issue and disclosure.

Also remember, this preparation- and educational phase, which I am writing about in a previous post - of politicians, media and lawmakers, is not only going on in the USA. The careful and selective disclosure process - or the preparation- and educational phase of the process - is not yet so visible in Europe, but I believe some select individuals in different European countries are being read into the UFO-issue as well, and as we speak.

In my country, Sweden, there were no or very little news or mentions in the mainstream media about, for example, the AATIP-articles by the New York Times in December, 2017. So the careful and selective disclosure process that has got a lot of mainstream media-attention in the USA has gone unnoticed by most of the Swedish people. Hence, one reason I wanted to start this blog.

On a more hopeful note, Elizondo is saying the following about the balance between government transparency and secrecy about the UFO phenomena: "As someone without a political or religious agenda, I´m free to say the rewards outweigh the risks in this situation." 

Luis Elizondo is obviously not only referring to himself as a civilian, or to his personal opinion. It is said by a man with an insight into the UFO phenomena that few people have, and who is very careful with his public statements. His sentence on "the rewards outweigh the risks" is mainly intended to reach and affect influential individuals that may not yet have decided what to think about the UFOs: "friend or foe?"

The last third of Elizondo´s article is both interesting and to the point. Those last paragraphs is, I assume, directed to the more conspiratorial faction of the ufo-community, and he also ties back to one risk for, in this case, the USG being too secretive about its knowledge of the UFO phenomena (which according to Elizondo is "less than it should be", whatever that means):

"Secrecy empowers people selling their snake oil and YouTubers profit from peddling their ill-informed narratives about UFOs." 

In the last paragraph, he writes:

"The more knowledge people have, the better they will be able to master their own destinies, and not be held hostage to the monsters of their imaginations."

Well put, by Luis Elizondo.

Before I forget to mention it: Don't miss the neat "detail" at the beginning of Elizondo´s article. It comes in the 7th paragraph from the top which starts with the sentence "As a species..." I leave it up to the reader to speculate what Elizondo is trying to convey (if anything) with his "detail" in the form of a link that leads to the Roswell incident.

More of my thoughts on Luis Elizondo´s article.

I assume that Elizondo knows a few things about how to write a report, an article and so on. If that is the case, then he knows that the beginning and the end are where you should put the most important information. Simply because that is how our memory works: we remember the first and last bits of information and often forget the ones in the middle. 

With a string of numbers -- 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 0, 4, 8 -- it is pretty straightforward to test that "memory-rule."

With a text, it is a bit more complex, because we are not only dealing with working- and long-term memory but also with "meaning." That is, as readers, we have to interpret the meaning of words, sentences and how they are put together -- the relations or pattern between them. Then you have paragraphs that also can have certain relations with each other, and of course, we have to consider the author and the context. 

Ok, I will not make this more complicated than necessary, but I think it is important to be aware of the power of words, and particularly the meaning and associations a word can elicit in different readers. And perhaps the most important factor of all: the emotional effects words can have on a reader. 

Why do I bring this up? Because Elizondo's article is dealing with a topic that is highly charged with emotions and personal opinions and beliefs to most of us who are interested in and are following the UFO phenomena and disclosure. So, we have to read Elizondo's article with as much detachment as possible and with impartial eyes. 

Also keep in mind, the article is written by a man who seldom utters an irrelevant word. As a former military and counterintelligence officer, he is an expert in communication. And as with every skill or tool, you can use it for good or bad.

A second, and important, thing to keep in mind is that Luis Elizondo - because of his very good and sharp communication skills - has been put in the spotlight to represent a collective voice and effort. So, I do not think Elizondo put together the article all by himself (well, he probably wrote the article, but the content was likely vetted with others). 

In this article, I think Elizondo is using his communication skills for the greater good. Without having read, seen or heard every article or public appearance, he made the last eight to nine months, I get the sense that he is bolder in his statements about the USG's national security-policy regarding UAPs. Also, notice that he's using the word "secrecy." Perhaps his patience is running out?

The first and last part of the article ends with the same message, or meaning, even if formulated in slightly different ways. That is, he is connecting the beginning and the end of the article, or narrative if you will, and repeating his message. Respectively, the first and last part ends with:

"Declassifying certain information... with the public could lead to new technological discoveries..." and,
"The more knowledge people have, the better they will be able to master their own destinies..."

 As I interpret the article, the main point Elizondo is making -- the delivered message from the collective he is representing -- is that the disclosure of certain information about UAP is not only safe to do, but it could also be beneficial for society and the world. Think about it. That is not small potatoes. 

Remember Elizondo´s chess-allegory at the very beginning of the article. He is playing chess when he uses words as "certain" and "could." He is also playing chess in the title of his article. Instead of "but also an opportunity, " he writes, "and also an opportunity." Remember the power of words and the crucial balance in the ongoing disclosure-"game."

I think he genuinely believes that "certain" information is ok to declassify at this point in the disclosure, but I also think that he genuinely believes that other types of information should not be released to the public in this phase of the disclosure-process.  

The "could" is Elizondo playing chess. He knows that sharing certain information about UAP with the public will lead to new technological discoveries, and "new forms of medical research, and a broader view of how humanity understands reality."

But who or whom is he playing chess against? I don't think he is playing against the ufo-community or the disclosure-movement. In fact, based on the content of his article, I think he is playing chess on the same side of the chessboard as everyone else who wants a disclosure. However, he knows that a quick and aggressive attempt to strike out the King is not the right strategy with his adversary on the other side of the board. We can only speculate or make an educated guess to who/whom that adversary is/are. 

So, all the above makes me think that Elizondo has become bolder, or more clear, in conveying what he and the TTSA want and where they stand on the question of disclosure. I get a sense that he is back in a counterintelligence-mode :) but this time around, perhaps, directed against some "not-so-keen-on-disclosure"-faction within his former employer. 

The sentence "broader view of how humanity understands reality" is, of course, intriguing, and it ties in with a paragraph, again, in the last part of the article. I take it a little out of context here, but the paragraph in the last part of the article ends like this:

"What our ancestors thought were sea monsters are great white sharks, blue whales, and giant squid. It turns out they're just another part of our natural environment."

Before the metaphor with sea monsters turning out to be other species part of our natural environment, he writes, also in the last part of the article: "At this point, there's no question whether UAPs are out there - they are."

We know from before that Elizondo, and the others in TTSA (except for Tom DeLonge), have been, and still are, reluctant to use terms as "extraterrestrials", "aliens", etc. One obvious reason for their consistent avoidance of those terms is because they are riddled with all kinds of connotations and associations.

However, I think another and perhaps a more pertinent reason is the fact that the UFO phenomena cannot solely be understood and explained in terms of physical objects maneuvered by physical beings. I have in several and previous posts talked about how this complexity is one of the strongest drivers in maintaining the secrecy of the UFO phenomena. 

But it is easy for people to understand what Elizondo is saying with his metaphor of sea monsters and the sentence about broadening our view of how we understand reality. Yes, he is probably saying that we have neighbors out there in the universe and that some of them have been visiting Earth for some time. At the same time, I don't think that it is the only thing he is alluding to with "broaden our view of how we understand reality." 

That is why I call the ongoing disclosure for a careful and selective disclosure process. Or you can think of it as the world being in a preparation- and educational phase. Bit by bit, step by step, and carefully, people are going to be facilitated to broaden their understanding of our reality and what is part of our natural environment. And probably has been all along. Careful means it is going to take time. 

So, I am cool with the "careful" part in the disclosure process, but I am worried about the "selective" part. 

I can imagine a chess game on a cosmic scale taking place behind the scenes and away from the media's and the public's awareness. 

Disclosure is here. It is happening. But it is going to be a slow process rather than an event. The only question now is in what way and in which form the "selective"-part will play out.

Are we in the future going to get the real, unbiased, and unfiltered truth of the UFO phenomena, or are we going to get a truth that will benefit the few?

I believe the answer is going to be very much up to us in the public. And if we choose to believe or disbelieve the information and material about the UFO phenomena that are in the pipelines. Yes, sound skepticism is going to be necessary, but not paranoia. A detached analysis of the information coming from the Department of Defense, and other places, is going to be necessary, but not knee-jerk reactions. 

Anyway, I choose to be carefully optimistic about this time around. If Luis Elizondo's words truly reflect what is in his heart, and in the hearts of the collective he is a part of, then I think we have some exciting and fascinating times to look forward to.
"The more knowledge people have, the better they will be able to master their own destinies, and not to be held hostage to the monsters of their imaginations." - Luis Elizondo

Take care!


Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Some thoughts on the blog's content so far

A while ago, I posted a text in Swedish where I share some thoughts on how my views on the UFO phenomena, in some instances, have changed during the work with this blog.

In the following text, I am going to summarize the main thoughts and reflections I bring up in the Swedish text posted on August 23, 2018.

I would like to begin by emphasizing that due to the complexity of the UFO phenomena/subject, I'm in the following text generalizing and simplifying the UFO phenomena/subject with its many different aspects. Even if my work with this blog has expanded my knowledge about the UFO phenomena and, in some instances, changed my views on some of the aspects of the phenomena, I don't consider myself wiser or having a better understanding of the big questions like "what is the UFO phenomena?", "who or what is behind it?", "why?", "cover-up or not?", "disclosure?", and so on and so forth.

In fact, I am struggling with more questions about the UFO phenomena today, compared with when I started this blog in February this year (2018). At the same time, those questions have made me even more fascinated with the UFO phenomena than before.

I also want to underline that, at the moment, I don't have a favourite hypothesis about the UFO phenomena, or a favourite ufo researcher. Of course, I think the work of some ufo-researchers are more credible, reliable and relevant than others, but it does not mean that I agree with every word they say or write about the UFO phenomena and its related aspects (disclosure, experiencers, etc.).

What I can say with certainty and integrity, is that no human being has a full understanding of what the UFO phenomenon is about. No group of people is sitting on the ultimate truth of the UFO phenomenon. Another thing I can say with the same certainty and integrity is that the UFO phenomenon has no black or white answers, or explanations. That has become very clear to me during my work with this blog.

Please remember, I am generalizing, simplifying, assuming and speculating about the specific questions and aspects of the UFO phenomena I am covering in the following. There are, of course, other important and relevant questions and aspects of the UFO phenomena to discuss, but it is not possible to cover them all even in a 600-page book, less so in a blog post by an armchair commentator on the UFO phenomena.

Ok, here we go.

Was the 16th of December, 2017, the first step in a careful and selective disclosure?

The date, and the question, is referring to the publication of the New York Times (NYT) first article about Pentagon's UFO-program, AATIP, and the associated UFO videos - nicknamed "Gimble", "Go Fast" and "Tic Tac" - released by the Department of Defense (DoD).

First of all, I am well aware of and familiar with "Project Mockingbird", so I think it is reasonable to be skeptical towards everything the NYT, the Washington Post, and other mainstream media are publishing on the UFO phenomena in particular.

Second, I am also well aware of the history of lies, denial, misinformation and deliberate stigmatization of the reality of the UFO phenomena by the military, intelligence agencies and other players in the whole "military-industrial complex" (whatever that term exactly means and includes). So I think it is equally reasonable to look at the question "why now, after decades of lies?", with skepticism and discernment.

But as I have said in a previous post: there is a big difference between sound skepticism and unsound skepticism. The latter borders to paranoia and that is not helpful or constructive for anyone, especially not for the person or people suffering from unsound skepticism.

Yes, I was also highly skeptical when the NYT published its first AATIP-article in December 2017, and I continued to be so sometime afterwards. I followed the pro and con debate regarding "confirmation of the UFO phenomenon or not?"

 Then I digested everything and made up my own mind about what the New York Times' AATIP-articles (hereafter NYT AATIP-article(s) ), the UFO videos and the creation and press conference of "To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science" (TTSA), was all about. The TTSA press conference happened two months before the publication of the first NYT AATIP-article.

Despite that, it was the NYT who first published the AATIP-articles with the associated UFO videos, and despite that the individuals in TTSA are, by some, considered "insiders" and "shadowy", I believe that the NYT AATIP-articles - together with TTSA´s press conference in October 2017 - constitutes a historical confirmation of the reality of the UFO phenomena by the Pentagon and the Department of Defense. 

 At the very least, a confirmation of the reality and great significance of the physical/technological aspect of the UFO phenomena. But was the fall and winter of  2017, also a beginning of disclosure of the UFO phenomena? After all, confirmation and disclosure are two entirely different things.

So why do I think the NYT AATIP-articles with the UFO videos were a confirmation, rather than the same old game of misinformation, ridicule or distraction by the Pentagon, DoD and other players involved in the so-called, cover-up of the UFO phenomena?

I can give several reasons for the confirmation scenario, but I think one obvious reason suffices to show the NYT AATIP-articles + the UFO-videos were not some kind of mind-game by the Pentagon, DoD, etc.

The obvious reason is that we have to ask ourselves what the Pentagon/DoD gained by handing over the UFO material to and let the NYT publish it? That is, if the military and intelligence agencies agenda are to keep denying the existence of and maintaining the secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomena?

What was the effect of the NYT AATIP-articles, and the creation of TTSA? Especially in the United States of America? So, how has the increased coverage of the UFO phenomena in mainstream media, and the increased status of the UFO subject as a legitimate topic to seriously discuss, supported the national security apparatus in its goal to maintain the status quo?

But, was it not the former director of the AATIP, Luis Elizondo, who after his resignation released the UFO videos and handed the information about AATIP to journalist Leslie Kean, and the other writers of the AATIP-articles in the NYT?

My answer is: no way! And how?! Was Luis Elizondo given the information and videos as a gift for leaving the Pentagon and DoD, and given the permission to do whatever he felt with the defence- and national security material? Common sense says: Of course not!

That takes me to the initial and main question: Was the 16th of December, 2017, the first step in a careful and selective disclosure process of the UFO phenomena? Does the date stand for more than a confirmation?

Today, and after more than eight months of the NYT AATIP-articles, I am inclined to answer yes. Yes, it was more than a confirmation of the UFO phenomena by the Pentagon, DoD and other players involved in the UFO-issue.

Yes, I am inclined to think and say that the 16th of December, 2017, was the first step in a bigger and long-term plan for a careful and selective disclosure process of the UFO phenomena.

Just like Jacques Vallée has a hypothesis about the UFO phenomena being a "conditioning process" or a "control mechanism", I believe that humanity since the 16th of December, 2017, is in a conditioning process, or perhaps, in a conditioning phase of a grander process. We are being conditioned to the reality and truth of the UFO phenomena. Bit by bit, small steps at the time.

Or we may think of the current phase of the careful and selective disclosure process as a preparation- and educational phase. 

What made me more certain and confident to voice my opinion or belief that we are now in a preparation- and educational phase, was the recent presentation by Luis Elizondo, which you can watch and listen to here. I particularly found the last third of the presentation as the most interesting and telling (starts around 23:45 minutes into the presentation of total 31 minutes). If you listen to the last third of Elizondo´s presentation, I think you will understand why I believe that a careful and selective disclosure process started on the 16th of December, 2017.

But with that said...

I believe there are also reasons to be concerned and skeptical about what otherwise seems to be a great momentum and opportunity for the world to finally know the truth about the UFO phenomena.

It is here it gets difficult for me to clearly see the whole picture. What is really going on? Also, what constitutes the truth of the UFO phenomena? "Careful and selective disclosure" can mean many different things, and can unfold in many different ways. Who or whom are directing and controlling the careful and selective disclosure process? What are their motives, what drives them? More specifically: what kind of information about the UFO phenomena would a disclosure entail?

In the first half of the above-mentioned presentation by Luis Elizondo, he talks about a "laundry list" of subjects, disciplines, which from a military standpoint are very interesting to study and develop. This laundry list, unintentionally or intentionally, got out to the public domain some weeks ago from the date of this post.

Also remember the word "threat" in Pentagon´s UFO-program, "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP). There was an earlier  UFO-program, also by the Pentagon with the name "Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program" (AAWSAP). The keyword in the title of course being "Weapon."

In my ears the words "threat" and "weapon" do not sound so good, considering the context and the phenomena we are talking about.

Does the national security apparatus - and I am including TTSA in my vague term - perceive some or all UFOs to be a threat? A threat to humanity, a specific nation, the military, religion, social norms? 

 Or is the use of words as "threat" and "weapon" a way of covering-up data and knowledge about UFOs that the military finds highly interesting and useful to study and develop to gain an advantage over foreign nations of the earth? To control outer space?

Or does the national security apparatus have knowledge and understanding about the UFO phenomena that it for some reasons is not yet prepared to share with the public? What kind of knowledge and understanding? Or is the US military - and probably other nation´s military - afraid or ashamed of not knowing enough about UFOs? What are the motives of decades of ridicule and secrecy of the UFO phenomena: Greed, self-interest, power, control and paranoia? Pride? Denial and ignorance? 

Or are there more benevolent reasons for not going full disclosure, like for example, protecting the mental and emotional health of the public?

Yes, it is quite easy to become conspiratorial with all those questions. At the same time, I think above stated questions, and other questions not mentioned here, are important and relevant to ask and keep asking, as we move along and experience the development of this careful and selective disclosure process.

What I am mostly concerned about is that it seems to me that the whole careful and selective disclosure process is "owned" by the national security state apparatus. That apparatus is, mostly, I would guess, made up of individuals from the military, the intelligence community, the world of finance and private contractors. And the apparatus is most likely transnational. These are people with a certain mindset. They are trained to perceive reality in a specific way. And most worrisome, they are very, very good at what they do.

I do not like the idea that those kinds of people are going to have a monopoly on the disclosure process.

On the other hand, I do not believe that the national security apparatus is monolithic in its way of viewing and thinking about the UFO phenomena or disclosure, or thinking about what is the right thing to do regarding honesty and transparency about the truth of the UFO phenomena.

Perhaps a part of the answer to "why disclosure now?" has to do with power dynamics between at least two factions within the national security state apparatus with different views and opinions on the UFO phenomena and disclosure?

Or maybe the answer is simply that everything in the world changes, nothing stays the same?

Or maybe it is only wishful thinking on my part? However, I am carefully optimistic about this time around. Promises of and attempts at disclosure of the UFO phenomena has happened many times before since the 1950s. Many in the ufo community are highly skeptical of the whole situation I have been describing and discussing above. That is, that there is an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process of the UFO phenomena. I understand and respect that. We have to keep being vigilant and use our discernment about the what, how, who, when and why, as the careful and selective disclosure process unfolds in front of our eyes.

I am now going to move on to the next aspect I want to bring up in this text.

The complexity of the UFO phenomena, and possible reasons for the secrecy of the UFO phenomena.

The next aspect of the UFO phenomena I reflect upon in the Swedish text posted August 23, 2018, is the complexity of the UFO phenomena. 

It has become clear to me during my work with this blog, that we are not dealing with a phenomenon, but "phenomena". Behind the UFO phenomena is much more than the physical/technological aspect with "aliens", "extraterrestrials", "non-human entities", or whatever we want to label the intelligence we imagine is manoeuvring the UFOs. Some UFOs are physical objects with physical occupants from who knows where, but definitely not all UFOs.

The complexity of the UFO phenomena becomes clear when you study and look into the experiencer aspect, abduction cases, and for example, the phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch.

Those aspects of the UFO phenomena have made the most impact on my view about the UFO phenomena and influenced my opinions about the phenomena the strongest. In what way, and how, was difficult for me to describe even in Swedish, so I am not sure I should even try in English.

What I can say - and I discuss and speculate about it at length in the Swedish text - is that I believe that the experiencer aspect of the UFO phenomena, is a central factor for decades of denial and ridicule of the UFO phenomena by the world's military and intelligence agencies. 

It is not the only central factor or reason, but one of the strongest reasons for driving and keeping the secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomena. Of course, that is speculation on my part.

But when I started to study the experiencer- and abduction aspect, and the Skinwalker phenomena more in-depth, I found myself totally lost. I now understand why some people - both ufo researchers and armchair commentators as myself - avoid the experiencer- and abduction aspect. Even if you find the research material and witness testimonies credible and reliable, the UFO phenomena/subject as a whole, suddenly, becomes as incomprehensible and elusive as entanglement in quantum physics.

I believe this elusiveness of the UFO phenomena is, to a large degree, intentional from who- or whatever is causing it. I also come to believe that it may be the case that the human brain is not capable of grasping "why?" or "how?" the phenomena is taking place in our reality.

The experiencer- and abduction aspect has really messed with my mind. Both in good and bad ways.

The experiencer- and abduction aspect has convinced me that full disclosure of the UFO phenomena is going to be a heavy mix of "light and dark", "hope and despair", "belief and disbelief", "trauma and healing", "order and chaos", and so on.

My personal opinion is that the truth about the UFO phenomena sooner or later, and in one way or another, will come out to and be known by the general public.

But I am not so sure how humanity will react to and handle the truth about the UFO phenomena. I find it likely that not an insignificant minority of people around the world, will have a hard time to digest and cope with the truth. Some will wish that they never got to know the truth and that things just could go back to normal.

But the world will never be the same again after full disclosure of the UFO phenomena. How we perceive reality and ourselves will never be the same again after full disclosure.

What we think of as possible and impossible to occur in this reality and world, will forever be changed after full disclosure.

Something or someone, or both, is crashing into our world and reality, whether we like it or not. Who or what is visiting and leaving our world and reality, however and whenever, "they", "it" like it? Why?

I obviously do not have any answers to those questions. But I can speculate that we soon may have to start thinking differently about the part of our world and our reality. This part is also going to be one of the most difficult implications of the UFO phenomena for many in the general public to digest and handle.

The reason for decades of secrecy of the UFO phenomena has not for a long time been the "people will panic" if they got to know that not only are we not alone in the universe, but we are also visited by "others." I believe that implication of the UFO phenomena is the least shocking for most people to know and get used to.

So, let me try to tie up both of the aspects I have brought up in this text, and summarize my main thoughts.

To summarize

I am to a high degree certain that October and December in 2017, was the starting point of a careful and selective disclosure process of the UFO phenomena by one of at least two factions in the national security state apparatus. The apparatus is not confined to the borders of the U.S. but is rather a collection of people mainly from the domains of the military, intelligence agencies, finance, and private companies. Both in and outside the U.S.

I have mixed thoughts and feelings about the careful and selective disclosure process. I am ok with the word "careful", but the word "selective" is a bit more troubling, or potentially, troubling. There is a possibility that the selective part can have understandable reasons behind it or oppressive reasons behind it. I am simplifying, I know.

The oppressive reasons could have to do with the military and intelligence agencies eager to construct new toys to play with, both on Earth and in space. The players from the domains of finance and private contractors see an opportunity to make big money and invent never before seen toys. 

The more understandable reasons could have to do with the complexity of the UFO phenomena and the experience- and abduction aspect of the phenomena. The sheer volume of the information and material on the phenomena for the public, politicians, media and lawmakers to digest and cope with is reason enough to be careful and selective.

But perhaps the biggest reason for being careful and selective are the implications of the UFO phenomena? For example, the impact of the truth on people's mental and emotional health.  

The truth of the UFO phenomena will change what we perceive as possible or impossible to occur in our reality. I believe the whole truth about the UFO phenomena and the full insight of its implications will for some in the general public be overwhelming, and perhaps, even traumatic. 

Another way to look at and think about the careful and selective disclosure process is that it is comprised of different phases, each phase with a specific goal and desirable effect.

I believe we went into a "preparation phase" when the NYT AATIP-articles with the associated UFO-videos was published in December 2017. The faction in- and outside the Pentagon/DoD, CIA, etc., and other high-level people outside the USA, are well aware of that the public needs to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the truth of the UFO phenomena.

There is a thin line between education and conditioning. Are we slowly being educated, or conditioned, on the reality of a phenomena that is much more complex than the physical/technological aspect of it?

At the moment we are being educated in the physical aspect of the UFO phenomena. We are conditioned to start seeing and hearing mainstream media reports on and seriously discuss ufo sightings and ufo cases. The goal of this phase of the disclosure process is to make the UFO phenomena/subject a legitimate topic to be interested in and seriously discuss.

But what kind of information will come after the physical aspect of the UFO phenomena?

How do you tell the general public that people are being abducted from their homes by "others" against their will? How do you tell the general public about all the bizarre manifestations and displays of the phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch?

Or are we going to get the wrong education about what the UFO phenomena are all about? Are we going to be conditioned to go from one illusion of reality to another illusion?

Time will tell. Meanwhile, we should follow the progression of the preparation- and educational phase with both an open and skeptical mindset. We should critically look at the curriculum and continue questioning the information about the UFO phenomena which will keep coming out in the public domain. Carefully. Selectively. Bit by bit.

Some final thoughts.

We have to empower ourselves as individuals and as a collective with knowledge, discernment and courage. Using our discernment, looking at the data and at the whole situation impartially and fairly is going to be crucial in the coming months and years. That is going to be fundamental if we want to know the unfiltered and raw truth behind the UFO phenomena. Whatever shape or form that truth may have.

In the bigger picture, and beyond blogs like this, the only thing that matters is the truth. In the bigger picture, our egos and needs to be right are insignificant (and frankly, quite narcissistic).

Instead, we have to prepare ourselves and others for the truth. The truth is seldom nice, cute or easy. The truth is often hard to hear and difficult to handle.

It is like taking an honest look at yourself, to truly examine all your flaws, insecurities and guilt. It is not pleasant, believe me. But paradoxically, when you explore and face all the hidden and "dark" corners of your inner world, a sense of clarity, tranquillity and acceptance comes over you. It is not easy, it takes time, and it is probably a lifelong process.

So when I am talking about that the truth of the UFO phenomena being hard and difficult, I am not implying any kind of eschatology. Neither am I believing nor saying that the truth of the UFO phenomena will save the world.

What I am thinking and saying is that the truth behind the UFO phenomena is highly complex. What is going on with the careful and selective disclosure process is also highly complex. Human beings are highly complex, some, perhaps most of us, are even complicated.

So, complexity is the main reason why I believe the truth behind the UFO phenomena is going to be hard to digest and difficult to cope with for most in the general public.

The simple reason being that in general we humans are not good at dealing with complexity. The human brain has to use too much energy to understand complex things, and for evolutionary reasons, the human brain wants to save as much energy as possible at any given moment. Hence, automatic thinking - prejudice, biases, stereotyping, etc.- is the dominant mode of perceiving and interpreting our surroundings.

 The most important and relevant thing about the whole UFO phenomena is the truth. Let us always remember that we all have the same goal and want the same thing: the truth. The search for the truth has nothing to do with individuals or egos. It is unimportant and irrelevant who gets the most attention and accolades on social media. 

Instead, focus on what you can control. Figure out in what ways you can prepare and educate yourself and others about the truth of the UFO phenomena.

Just make sure to use your discernment and being impartial, so that you perceive and interpret the information in a nuanced and an accurate way. You want to be a competent and compassionate teacher to others, don't you?

Finally, I want to remind the reader that I have been speculating and simplifying throughout the text above. I am well aware of my ignorance about the UFO phenomena, and what I believe is an ongoing careful and selective disclosure process. I may very well be wrong about what the NYT article on 16th of December, 2017, represents. 

On the other hand, I am not claiming to be a serious researcher, or investigator, who has found credible and reliable information about the UFO phenomena.

However, I am seriously interested in the UFO phenomena/subject, and highly concerned about getting accurate and nuanced information about the UFO phenomena.

I rather have the raw and hard truth, than be living in an illusion.

Take care!
