Thursday 1 November 2018

Luis Elizondo´s UFO presentation in Italy on October 2018

Live-streamed on cun network´s Youtube channel 27 October 2018. Luis Elizondo´s and Tom DeLonge´s presentation starts at 1:08:30 (total duration: 3:56:04).

You can find a transcript of Elizondo´s and DeLonge´s presentation thanks to Joe Murgia on this link

If you´re an impatient person like me, then you perhaps prefer to read the transcript rather than watch and listen to the presentation since there is a translation going on for the people in the Italian audience not speaking English. Nothing wrong with that, at the same time it means that Elizondo and DeLonge have to talk quite slowly and take breaks for the translator, so if patience is not one of your virtues...

The presentation took place on the 27th October 2018, at Italian UFO Conference (Centro Ufologico Nazionale - CUN). Elizondo and DeLonge start at the 1:08:30 mark. 

Some interesting statements in the presentation.

At around 1:25:20 Elizondo starts his presentation with a brief overview of the U.S. military´s interest in the UFO phenomena through history. When he comes to the 1980s he mentions one of the most famous UFO incidents in the history of UFOs; the Rendlesham, or Bentwater, UFO incident. Luis Elizondo says the following during his talk about the early 1980s and the Rendlesham UFO incident:

Several of those individuals that were involved in that incident, I had the privilege of debriefing myself. Furthermore, information involving this incident, within the next four months, will be forthcoming. Further giving the world a better appreciation of what occurred those three nights. The capabilities that were stored at that facility, were highly sophisticated and may have even lead to UAP interest.

The information that will be forthcoming within the next four months, is going to be about meta-materials collected from the Rendlesham UFO incident if I have the correct information.

After the historical overview, Elizondo goes on to talk about the Pentagon UFO program he was the director of, AATIP, and at the end of that part of his presentation he says:
Last year around this time, its program director (that’s Lue) decided to leave the government in frustration, based on the bureaucracy. At no time was my office discredited. But having a conversation with senior leadership, proved to be near impossible. The stigma was simply too much. The next natural question is: Does the program still exist? And I am here to tell you right now, the effort is ongoing.
 Directly after he continues to say:
This slide is verbatim what the focus of AATIP was and what $22 million purchased. For those who can’t read the lettering, I’ll read it for you: Lift, Propulsion, Control, Power Generation, Spatial and Temporal Translation, Signature Reduction or I guess you say Footprint. And Technology Integration. Also, Very Advanced Materials, Configuration and Structure, Human Interface, Human Effects and Armament. Now, if you read between the lines, you will notice that human effects is something that may or may not be typically associated with conventional technology. And if you look at what the emphasis on the contract was, it says specifically NOT exploitation of current technology. This is not inventing a better screw driver. This is a paradigm change in the way we interact with our environment. This is verbatim from the U.S. government contract. You, yourself can look this up today on Google. The line I want to read to you is very special: Investigate legitimacy of currently observed phenomena. These are not the words of Luis Elizondo. These are the words of the US government.
"This is a paradigm change in the way we interact with our environment."  Now, I think Elizondo is referring to far more than the physical and technological aspect of the UFO phenomena.

Why do I think that? Well, Luis Elizondo gives a very intriguing answer to one of the questions during the Q and A session of the presentation. The question is about "psychotronic weapons" and the consciousness link to, or aspect of, the UFO phenomena:
Remote viewing is a very interesting topic. I said I wouldn’t give you an opinion and here I’m about to give you an opinion. I think the quantum world, the quantum state is extremely bizarre but very relevant. The quantum world is real even if it’s hard to understand. There’s been much research in the last ten years about human consciousness and the quantum state. I think there’s a strong degree of probability that the quote, unquote, voodoo science of remote viewing is in fact part of the quantum world. There’s some very interesting, compelling data that points to very specific quantum mechanics involved in potentially things like remote viewing. In essence, remote viewing may be quite natural. But I’m certainly not qualified to say conclusively one way or the other.

But as always, make your own interpretation of the content of Elizondo´s presentation and draw your own conclusions.

And thanks to Joe Murgia at for spending time and energy to transcribe Elizondo´s and DeLonge´s presentation! You can also find him at Twitter, @ufojoe11.

Enjoy and take care!


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