Friday 9 November 2018

A group inside the Pentagon thinks the UFO phenomena is satanic

"Luis Elizondo's Struggle to Get UFO Disclosure." Posted by Post Disclosure World on the 9th of November 2018. Duration: 16:39 minutes.

We are about to passage into a Post Disclosure World. Be grateful to those who have fought for it such as Luis Elizondo and others within the US government who seek greater transparency on this issue. This video explores who wants to stop Disclosure and why. And also covers some sacrifices Luis Elizondo has made to help us get there.
Interview with Luis Elizondo: Phenomenon Radio interview with George Knapp: Another Phenomenon Radio interview with George Knapp:
Dark Matters Radio Interview with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell: (10-19-2018)

In the video above, "UfoJesus", or Ryan, is summarizing some of the latest and most important information about the battle inside the Pentagon and the Department of Defense (DoD) over UFO-research in general and the "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP) in particular. Most of that information comes from investigative journalist George Knapp, who knows many of the key players involved in the ongoing careful and selective disclosure process.

In fact, there are many different, at least four, disclosure initiatives going on at the moment, but the most well known is probably the one by "To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science."

There is indeed at least two factions inside the Pentagon and DoD with different world views, beliefs and values that has created tension and opposition over what the UFO phenomena represents and if it should be studied or not. According to George Knapp, he has been told by Luis Elizondo and other key players that one of the factions inside the Pentagon and Dod do not want to study the UFO phenomena because the phenomena is demonic in its nature.

I am not sure, but I think the religious faction is more specifically referring to the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch, rather than the UFO phenomena as a whole.

Why do I think that? If George Knapp´s sources are reliable and correct, which I think they are, then there is information about the first Pentagon UFO-program, AAWSAP, being shut down by the religious faction inside the Pentagon and DoD. AAWSAP was actually more of a paranormal research program than a UFO program, and AAWSAP was doing investigations at Skinwalker Ranch.

Furthermore, just some weeks ago, Luis Elizondo revealed at a UFO symposium in Italy that the AATIP is still running. AATIP is more specialized on the UFO phenomena, but there was a certain degree of overlap and exchange of information between AATIP and AAWSAP, so what the current mission statement, objectives and title/name of Pentagon´s ongoing UFO research is unknown to me. But I am quite sure the name/title AATIP has been changed. Documentary director and protegé of Knapp, Jeremy Corbell has in a radio show (I think in Dark Matter hosted by Don Ecker?) said that there are at the moment four UFO programs runned by the Pentagon, and these will soon be revealed to the public.

At around the 10:30 minutes mark, "UfoJesus" starts to talk about some of the information about the different factions inside the Pentagon and Dod. Besides the religious faction, there is a group opposing disclosure of the UFO phenomena not out of fear of public panic and social upheaval, but because of fear of the public reactions to secrecy, denial and black budgets.

I wrote about some of those reasons for the secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomena, and probable changes in the power dynamics inside the Pentagon and Dod, in this article from the 4th of September, 2018.

I don't think we need a "secret space program" as an explanation for the secrecy surrounding and opposition against a disclosure of the UFO phenomena.

But if you need a dramatic and fantastic reasons for a cover-up, then study the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch. The implications of what has been going on on that ranch are reasons enough for the national security apparatus doing everything in its power to keep the public ignorant about. I can understand the mindset of secrecy and caution in the case of Skinwalker Ranch, but that doesn't mean it is right in an ethical and a legal meaning.


there are more UFO information and material coming. When it will be released to the general public is difficult to say. In the UFO symposium mentioned above, Luis Elizondo said that "To The Stars Academy..." (TTSA) within the next four months will release the results from their analysis of a piece of material from a potential UFO. In the same presentation in Rome in October of this year, Elizondo referred the source of the "exotic material" to come from the famous Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. I do not think that Elizondo would have mentioned the coming release at all, if he and his colleagues at TTSA were not already quite sure that the material is, let us say, "highly unusual."

But there is also tons of other UFO footage, videos and material from the Pentagon and Dod waiting to be released to the general public. The Navy probably has the most material than any of the other defense branches. NORAD has its own jet planes and has scrambled them several times during the last five to ten years. You do not scramble a jet plane to chase a meteorite....

And let us not forget that other countries than the U.S. are highly interested in, and perhaps concerned about, the UFO phenomena and paranormal phenomena. Countries like Russia and China may very well know more about these phenomena than the USA. Of course, there is always the possibility that one or several countries not yet mentioned in the UFO-research-race are working diligently in the background.

So patience, patience. But rest assured, we have exciting times ahead of us.

Take care!


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