Saturday 15 September 2018

Luis Elizondo says this YouTuber has some insights about UFOs.

"UFO Gun Camera Videos PROVE Aliens Exist." Published by "UFOJesus" on his Youtube channel Post Disclosure World, on the 7th of July, 2018. Duration: 10:01 minutes.

Tom DeLonge's team of government insiders have made it clear that Disclosure is near. His team has promised to reveal formerly classified footage of a UFO from sophisticated military cameras. I talk about the difficulties the Pentagon faces with Disclosure, and why, at this current time, they have chosen to green light Disclosure.
In Luis Elizondo´s latest article for, his main message is how the social stigma of the UFO phenomena is not helpful in the ongoing disclosure process - Elizondo does not use the term "disclosure process", but "government processes."

He also writes about how tabloids and social media only are adding to the social stigma and therefore hinders "government processes" rather than facilitates them.

However, Elizondo also writes: But not all social media sites or Youtube channels have it wrong. He goes on with giving an example of a credible Youtuber: One specific example I have found is “UFOJesus,” a humorous YouTube channel that seems to have some credible inside information and insight.

Of  course, Elizondo does not elaborate on which specific information "UFOJesus" is spreading that is "credible inside information and insight." Would we not like to know?

Since my curiosity has not killed me yet, I took a look at some of UFOJesus´s Youtube-videos and listened carefully on what he was saying and not saying in those videos. Before Elizondo´s article, I had heard of UFOJesus, but I had never been on his Youtube channel, because, frankly, he did not come off as serious to me. Hmm... these assumptions and prejudices of mine...

So do not be taken aback with UFOJesus´s somewhat eccentric and intense way of delivering his thoughts and hypotheses about the UFO phenomena, disclosure and so on.

I choose the video above because UFOJesus and I think alike in the majority of the points he is covering in the video. However, I do not mean by "think alike" that he and I are "right" or "know it to be the case."

Personally, I maintain that the only thing I can say with certainty and integrity is that the UFO phenomenon is validated to be real. Another thing I can say with a lesser but still high degree of certainty and integrity is that it was the Pentagon and the Department of Defense who gave the green light to "To The Stars Academy..." to release the gun camera footage of UFOs. So yes, the release of the UFO-videos were at least a confirmation by the U.S. government of the reality of the UFO phenomenon.

Was it more than a confirmation? Yes, I believe it was not only a confirmation, but also the first step, or phase, of a careful and selective disclosure process. I say that with a lesser degree of certainty than the points just mentioned above. But I still think it is reasonable to believe it, so I can say it with maintained integrity. However, I do not know it to be the case beyond any reasonable doubt.

So I agree with UFOJesus when he in the video above says that there is more declassified UFO-material to be made public. Much more. "When" I do not even dare to start speculating on. But I dare to say that more material is going to be released into the public domain at some point in the future.

If you are curious and have some time, take a look at some of the videos made by UFOJesus. Watch and listen with both an open and skeptical mind. Form your own opinions and conclusions about if and what of the content in UFOJesus´s videos that possibly "seems to have some credible inside information and insight", according to Luis Elizondo.

Perhaps it is simply the information and insight that UFOJesus has gotten from "To The Stars Academy..." that Elizondo is referring to as "inside information"?

I do not know. As I said, make up your own mind.

Enjoy UFOJesus´s videos - some of them are at worst humorous, entertaining- and take care!


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