"NEW INTERVIEW: US Senator Marco Rubio Speaks Out About UFOs." Posted on brian hanley´s YouTube channel on July 17, 2020. Duration: 2:12 minutes.
This interview was conducted by investigative reporter Jim DeFede.
A short, but what may very well turn out to be a historical, interview with Senator Marco Rubio for CBS Miami. Even though the interview is short, and Mr. Rubio mainly repeats his main premise ("national security") as to why the US government needs to study UFOs, Mr Rubio also says some highly interesting things.
The following is what I think are the most noteworthy statements from Mr. Rubio, and how I interpret those statements to fit in the bigger picture of the ongoing careful and selective disclosure process:
- At the beginning of the interview, Mr. Rubio says that UFOs/UAPs are flying over our military bases and places where military exercises are conducted. So does Mr. Rubio mean nuclear weapon bases and other military installations over land when he uses the term "military bases"? I believe he does, since he probably with "places where military exercises are conducted," is referring to the USS Nimitz encounters, the USS Roosevelt encounters, etc. This is interesting since the mainstream media has not yet reported much on UFO incursions over nuclear weapon bases. Former Senator Harry Reid has said that at least 80 % of the data from the Pentagon´s UFO program "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP) is public, and for anyone interested to see. Including reports/evaluations/assessments of UFO incursion over nuclear weapon bases in very recent times. So it is not a coincidence that the first season of "Unidentified: Inside America´s UFO investigation", had one or more episodes on nuclear weapon bases and UFOs.
- During the first minute, Mr. Rubio says that he frankly thinks that it could be better for the US if those UFOs/UAPs are something from outside of the earth than those UFOs representing a technological leap by Russia, China or some other adversary to the US. I think during the second minute, he expresses in certain terms that those things flying over and around military bases "are not ours." So if that is Mr. Rubio´s honest opinion based on what he has been briefed on UFOs/UAPs, then we are down to two alternatives: Either, for example, the "Tic Tac" is a technology from another nation than the US, or the "Tic Tac" represents a technology not made by human hands. Add to this, that Mr. Rubio mentions that other nations have had similar military UFO encounters and incursions as the US. So is it a private group or corporation that is behind this advanced technology, and that no nation seems to be aware of the existence of such a group/corporation? Is it a breakaway civilisation? I am quite certain the answer is no to both alternatives. Despite what is said in the Wilson documents (and under the assumption the content is true). As long as I have not seen some concrete proof of a UFO crash retrieval and back-engineering, it will all be fairy tales to me. I am aware that I might soon be proven wrong (the rumours says that the New York Times is on the story) but until then...
- This point is very important. Mr. Rubio reiterates that the UFOs reported by the US military (mainly by the US Navy) "are not ours", and "we do not know who´s they are." Think about what Mr. Rubio is saying with those two statements. Add that he has already said that other nations have had similar UFO encounters. So it is not the US flying over its own or other nation´s nuclear weapon bases or carrier strike groups. And I highly doubt that Russia or China is flying over their own nuclear weapon bases or risking the security of their own pilots. So is Russia, China or some other nation flying over and around US military bases and carrier strike groups? Very unlikely, because the US military probably has the most sophisticated radar technology (and other signal detection capabilities) in the world. That is, a military technology that can differentiate between a bird and an aeroplane, between a Russian MIG and a drone, etc., etc. So when Mr. Rubio says that those UFOs are not the US government´s and that the US government do not know who is behind those UFOs, I believe 1) that Mr. Rubio is honest, 2) that Mr. Rubio with a high degree of certainty knows that those UFOs are not from this earth. That is, he can still claim that we do not know who is behind, for example, the "Tic Tac." Which makes the next and final point intriguing.
- If I am right in what I have said so far, then why is Mr. Rubio saying that the US government´s data on UFOs do not necessarily fall into the mould of classified information? He is referring here to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence´s directive to the relevant parts of the US military and intelligence agencies to produce a public UFO report (see pp. 11-12 in the linked document). As far as I know, that the Intelligence Act for 2020-2021 is yet to be adopted, but let us entertain that the Act will be adopted. Why not a classified report (some parts would/will be classified)? Well, if Mr. Rubio has got accurate data on UFOs, then he knows that that advanced technology does not originate from the US government. Therefore, no military secrets are jeopardized and the UFO report can be made public. The same goes for if the UFO data shows that the technology does not originate from another nation on the earth. My guess is that if the UFO report is indeed produced, then the final assessment, or conclusion, will echo Mr. Rubio´s words in the interview above: the UFOs/UAPs are not from the US government, we do not know who they belong to, and The Phenomenon is unexplained.
Take care!
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