"Fox News | New York Times Latest Article." Uploaded by YouTube channel Project Unity on July 24, 2020. Duration: 1:16 minutes.
Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us...
The New York Times story has hit the wire and I will be speaking about this in more detail very soon, I am happy to announce I will be conducting the first interview with both Ralph Blumenthal & Leslie Kean.
The creator and manager of Project Unity, Jay, is speaking more about his involvement with Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean in this video. Congratulations to and well done by Project Unity. I also raise my hat to other UFO researchers who have played a part in the New York Times investigating this aspect (the Pentagon´s UAP Task Force, possible "off-world vehicles", etc.) of the UFO phenomenon.
Both the video above with Tucker Carlson on Fox News, and the video below from Mystery Wire with Senator Mark Warner, is mainly directed at people who are unfamiliar with the transformation of the status of the UFO subject. The public has to understand that the UFO phenomenon is no longer a tin foil hat subject. That it never has been in some parts of the US Armed Forces is another story.
The important thing at the moment (the 70 years of official silence is crucial but has to be addressed at a later point), is to make the general public aware of this transformation in the status of the UFO subject, and inform the general public about the recent developments of greater transparency from particularly the US Navy and lawmakers in Washington D.C. regarding the UFO phenomenon.
At the moment, it seems like the US Government (USG) is leading the way of greater transparency, but I would guess that other nations are watching closely what is happening in Washington D.C. regarding the UFO/UAP issue. Probably, there is also communication between the USG and other nations on what and how to handle the UFO issue on a military level, in what ways and how to inform the general public about the UFO/UAP issue, and so on. Is there a coordinated strategy? Should there be? To the latter question, I will answer yes, because the UFO phenomenon is neither a political nor a question for a single nation. The UFO phenomenon, and its implications, concerns humanity.
Below you find a short interview with US Senator Mark Warner, vice chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence. My comments come below the video clip.
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) talks about UFOs and government
As I mentioned above, the main reason for the two videos in this post is to show that the UFO phenomenon is no longer a woo subject. Parts of the US Military (especially the US Navy) and lawmakers in Washington D.C. are taking the UFO/UAP issue seriously. People, unfamiliar with the evidence of the psychical and technological aspect of the UFO phenomenon, should ask themselves why Senators like Mark Warner, Marco Rubio, and others, are prepared to officially and openly (as openly as they are allowed to) talk about a subject associated with "little green men"?
Do these Senators have an unconscious urge to destroy their careers, or to humiliate themselves in public? Or is all of this new transparency a part of a shady Psy-Op? No, no, and no. A more probable and realistic answer is that Senator Mark Warner has been shown data on UFOs/UAPs which has convinced him of the reality of the UFO phenomenon. The following is a guess of mine: I believe that Senator Warner does not only know the reality of UFOs/UAPs but also that some UFOs/UAPs do not represent technology made by human hands. Of course, no one of the Senators who have been briefed on the UFO issue, including Mark Warner, will go so far as to explicitly state the latter of the nature of UFOs/UAPs. Not yet.
What about the interview above with Senator, and vice chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Mark Warner? The only thing I find noteworthy in the interview - and that has been noteworthy for a while in several of the public statements about UFOs/UAPs by different senators - is that Senator Warner uses the term "threat", or "potential threat", only concerning the "health and well being of our pilots." Neither Senator Warner nor the chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Marco Rubio, have so far said that UFOs/UAPs are a potential threat to the American people or a (potential) existential threat in general.
So, again, what people should focus on is that Senators like Warner and Rubio are on the whole speaking publicly and officially about the UFO issue. Sure, they cannot go into details about classified information, and, yes, that can be frustrating, but this is the way the game is played (if it should be classified is a different question). Deal with it. That this kind of public conversation about the UFO issue is at all happening, is the most important thing to remember and focus on at the moment. This is progress. For some, the progress may seem slow. But the careful and selective disclosure process has to have this slow and step-by-step nature.
Disclosure - whatever that is - will be slow. That is also something we have to accept and deal with. Disclosure is all about balance, which I write about in this previous post.
But remember, we are making progress. The transparency is genuine. The intentions and ambitions of the USG to find clearer and more certain answers to the UFO mystery are genuine. This is not "Project Blue Book" all over again. What is happening at the moment is not a public relations stunt or some dubious Psy-Op.
Disclosure is a real thing, it is ongoing. It is going to take time, it is going to be a slow process. But it is happening. Remember that. And prepare yourself and others mentally and emotionally for the forthcoming information about UFOs/UAPs.
The last thing: the disclosure process is actually going better and faster than predicted. Ask Mr. Luis Elizondo and Mr. Chris Mellon. So instead of 5 to 10 years to prepare yourself and others, you may have 2 to 5 years (disclosure will not happen in February next year as one activist has claimed because it started in late 2017).
Take care!
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