I can’t mention everything and get into more specifics because in some cases I am covered by a non-disclosure agreement and in others I am still working with the individuals and groups… We are doing amazing things gang thank you for your support! Let’s keep making history! If there’s anything we can do to help you it is our honor! Just email If you’d like ita donation We also have a make account and would be happy to send you the info… Venmo
** IMPORTANT: I watched the video above and wrote the text below before the video was removed from
*** Addendum 191014: At the end of this post, you will find a new YouTube video from Alien Protocols published in 191014. In that video, Buddy, or Psychic X, explains why his video above, published in 191012, was removed from his YouTube channel. ***
If you are not already, I would like to advise you to get familiar with the work of D. Baron "Buddy" Bolton, or as he is also known as, "Psychic X." Why? One reason being the great voluntary work he is doing by healing people. Another reason being his intriguing and exciting involvement with scientists on the consciousness aspect of the Phenomenon. You can listen to Buddy talk about his involvement in various scientific studies in his video clip above.
The link below takes you to a good article about Buddy written by Maureen Seaberg. It is the second article she has written about Buddy or Psychic X. In the second article, you can find a link to Seaberg´s first article about Psychic X.
Back to Buddy´s video clip above. In it, he shares some quite incredible information about consciousness and its abilities (psychokinesis, remote viewing, astral projection, etc.). For many people, the psi phenomena are still woo and fringe. Personally, I do not think those abilities of consciousness are weird or impossible. For the last 20 - 25 years, I have been certain that science one day will be able to prove some, or all, of the so-called "extrasensory perception."
That is why I find Buddy´s work on the consciousness aspect of the Phenomenon with several scientists to be highly interesting and important. Especially because Buddy, in the video above, several times mentions that some of the experiments he has done with those scientists will be published as peer-reviewed papers and articles.
I hadto listen to what Buddy is saying in the video above a couple of times because it is quite packed with intriguing information and "teases", or hints, about what Buddy has been up to with different scientists and about what we may expect to come in the relatively near future.
Below, I am going to point out a couple of things that I found the most interesting. Still, I encourage you to carefully listen to Buddy´s information and make up your own mind on the most credible, interesting and important pieces of information. Because that will probably vary depending on your personality, familiarity with the psi phenomena, worldview, and so on. I have had my own paranormal experiences, so I really do not need any proof for my own sake that consciousness is not limitedto our brains and that everyone, to a greater or lesser degree, has psi abilities (just like with any other human ability).
But like with the UFO phenomena, I believe it is crucial to engage the scientific and academic community to look into these phenomena to a greater extent than the case today. One day, I believe, what we today call "paranormal" will be normal, and what we today call "extrasensory perception" will simply be "perception." Nevertheless, that normalization and reducing the stigma of the paranormal has to be elicited by credible and reliable scientific experiments and results published in respectable journals and contexts.
So, the most interesting and important pieces of information that Buddy shares in his video above are, in my view, the following:
Back to Buddy´s video clip above. In it, he shares some quite incredible information about consciousness and its abilities (psychokinesis, remote viewing, astral projection, etc.). For many people, the psi phenomena are
That is why I find Buddy´s work on the consciousness aspect of the Phenomenon with several scientists to be highly interesting and important. Especially because Buddy, in the video above, several times mentions that some of the experiments he has done with those scientists will be published as peer-reviewed papers and articles.
I had
Below, I am going to point out a couple of things that I found the most interesting. Still, I encourage you to carefully listen to Buddy´s information and make up your own mind on the most credible, interesting and important pieces of information. Because that will probably vary depending on your personality, familiarity with the psi phenomena, worldview, and so on. I have had my own paranormal experiences, so I really do not need any proof for my own sake that consciousness is not limited
But like with the UFO phenomena, I believe it is crucial to engage the scientific and academic community to look into these phenomena to a greater extent than the case today. One day, I believe, what we today call "paranormal" will be normal, and what we today call "extrasensory perception" will simply be "perception." Nevertheless, that normalization and reducing the stigma of the paranormal has to be elicited by credible and reliable scientific experiments and results published in respectable journals and contexts.
So, the most interesting and important pieces of information that Buddy shares in his video above are, in my view, the following:
- At the beginning of the video, Buddy says that he has been working "for and with some extraordinary groups and people." He says he has worked in a Utah location that is well known and that some of that work he did at this Utah location was, according to several of the people involved, "historical."
- After that, Buddy talks about his work with a scientist (I cannot make out the name Buddy mentions) in Reno, which was about a psychokinesis testing "with an aspect of the branch of the military." The nature of the test was to effect "shielded electronics." Though Buddy cannot go into the specifics of the test/experiment, he says he showed an ability to affect shielded electronics. He also says that he believes that some of this work - both in the Utah location and in Reno, or are they the same test/experiment? -
come out in the public domain in the form of scientific papers and articles.will - Around the 6 minute mark, Buddy tells about "a very close encounter" (encounters?) with advanced intelligence that happened with two scientists present and who witnessed the whole encounter (s?) that took place close to and inside
. According to Buddy, "one of the scientists recognized the odd nature at first." I am not sure what Buddy is referring to here; that the scientist recognized the odd nature of the encounter at first, the advanced intelligence, or something else in the encounter?Buddy´s van - A minute later, or so, and if I understand Buddy correctly, he seems to say that this very close encounter (s?) witnessed by two scientists "sprang from a fascinating work with special, true random event generator... Strangely by following a certain protocol, working with a genius scientist..." Note that Buddy is saying a "true random event generator" and not a "random number generator."
- At the end of the video, Buddy is repeating that papers and articles are coming out.
Whether you believe in psi abilities or not, Buddy is sharing some pretty extraordinary information in his video about working for, and with some very intelligent, competent, and, may I guess, respectable and well-connected scientists. I believe him for my own reasons, but I do not expect, or even recommend, anyone else to believe Buddy`s information at face value. One can research some of the pieces of information or clues that Buddy is sharing, keep following the development of Buddy´s collaboration with those groups of and individual scientists and keep an eye open for those future peer-reviewed papers and articles.
Is this work that Buddy and the scientists are doing representing another group of people attempting to disclose the reality of the consciousness aspect of the UFO phenomena? Is this group silently collaborating with "To The Stars Academy" (TTSA), or is this group´s work and intentions independent from TTSA´s?
Is Buddy referring to the Skinwalker Ranch when he talks about historical work in a well-known location in Utah? Are his work and the results going to be a part of the coming documentary about the Skinwalker Ranch, featuring the new owner and his team´s work on the ranch?
And what about the test/experiment with "an aspect of the branch of the military" that Buddy mentions? Effects on shielded electronics: what is the purpose? What is this aspect of the branch of the military? Has it something to do with UFOs affecting nuclear missiles , or is the test unrelated to the UFO phenomena?
How could a test with a true random event generator "cause" a close encounter with an advanced intelligence?
Many questions and I have few, if any, answers. Perhaps some of the readers have more background knowledge and insight into the group of scientists that Buddy is working for and with, the nature of the experiments, the motivation, the purpose behind them, and so on and so forth?
Finally, here is Buddy's YouTube video published on October 14, 2019, where he explains why the video published October 12, 2019, was removed:
Take care!
Finally, here is Buddy's YouTube video published on October 14, 2019, where he explains why the video published October 12, 2019, was removed:
Take care!
One Gray once claimed that all here is related to our faith.Real faith that can change or create real events here.I guess we cannot really grasp what we re capable of.
Interesting. Thank you for your comment.
Thanks for your incisive pragmatic approach to the work I'm BLESSED TO BE involved with.... So much has been so amazing I can barely believe I have been involved!! Other stuff is just too much out of people's range of beliefs they HAVE to see themselves.... I'm so humbled n blessed & just want to help humanity....❤👽❤👽❤👽❤👽❤✨✨✨✨✨
I appreciate your response, Buddy. I wish you all the best with your work and service. Take care!
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