Friday, 25 October 2019

UFOs and nuclear weapon systems

"August 23, 2019, Before the Supreme Court of India - Sabir Hussain." Published on the YouTube channel of Bob Salas on August 22, 2019. Duration: 20:53 minutes.

The decision by the Supreme Court of India to consider this petition was historic. They now have the opportunity to create a world safer from nuclear war.

If you are unfamiliar with the UFO phenomenon in general and its significance to us all in particular, then the video above should make you more aware of why the military and the world's governments have taken the UFO phenomenon seriously for decades.

Mr Sabir Hussain, director of "Indian Society For UFO Studies" (INSUFOS), made the video above. Hussain has written the book Accidental UFO Apocalypse and based on the findings in his book, he has sent a petition to the Supreme Court of India with the purpose "to prevent an accidental India-Pakistan nuclear war due to misunderstood UFO activities." At the 9:20 minute mark (to the 11:40 mark) in the video above, Hussain describes why this awareness of UFO activity at and around nuclear military sites is critical in India and Pakistan today.
Before that, Hussain is in the video summarizing (if I have understood it correctly) the ten chapters of his aforementioned book. He is, so to speak, building his case and showing why he decided to file the petition to the Supreme Court of India.

At the 12:00 minute mark, we can see that Sabir Hussain is not alone in his concern over an accidental nuclear war due to misunderstood UFO activities. Prominent individuals worldwide have shown their support of Hussain´s cause by writing letters to the Supreme Court of India. Among those individuals are Luis Elizondo, Dr Harold Puthoff, Ricardo Bermudez (Air Force General, Chile), Dr Jean Jacques Velasco (former director of French GEPAN), and several more.

Another of those individuals supporting Hussain´s cause is Mr Robert "Bob" Salas* (fmr U.S. Air Force Missile Launch Control Officer). Bob Salas is well known in the ufo community. On March 24, 1967, he was in command of the Malmstrom missile base when a UFO disabled ten nuclear missiles within seconds. Further down, you can find a fascinating video regarding the "Malmstrom missile shutdown" incident, made by Bob Salas and published on his YouTube channel. I will say some more about that video further down.

At the 16 minute mark in the video above, Hussain shows a treaty between the USA and USSR, signed at the height of the Cold War in the 1970s. This treaty repeatedly uses the terms "unexplained nuclear incidents" involving "unidentified objects." In the link below - - that takes you to a previous post on this blog - - you can read more about the mentioned treaty on page 132, "International Agreements and Resolutions", in the "Rockefeller Briefing Document" (the post is in Swedish, but scroll to the bottom of the post to find the to the "Rockefeller Briefing Document to the UN").

Below is the video with and by Mr Robert "Bob" Salas.

"50th Anniversary of Malmstrom missile shutdowns." Published by and on Bob Sala´s YouTube channel, 22 March 2017. Duration: 6:23 minutes. 

March 16, 2017 is the 50th anniversary of the Minuteman missile shutdowns at Echo flight. The Oscar flight shutdowns occurred on March 24. There is a series of seven video clips by Robert Salas describing these events.

This is one video in a series of seven, where Mr Salas describes the several missile shutdowns at the Malmstrom Air Force Base. I recommend you to watch and listen to all seven videos. I choose this one because between the 1:20 minute mark and the 3:00 minute mark, Mr Salas talks about an incident at Malmstrom AFB that is perhaps less well known. At least, I cannot recollect reading or hearing about this UFO incident before.

What does it all mean?

There are, of course, many questions surrounding this connection between UFOs and nuclear facilities, either civilian or military ones. The more pertinent question, and probably the most loaded one, is the one about "threat or not." What are the UFOs intention or motive behind their interest in our nuclear power and nuclear weapons? There are many different, and sometimes, opposing opinions about the intention or agenda of UFOs monitoring and directly interfering with our nuclear (weapon) systems.

One factor that makes it even harder to answer that question is that we are probably dealing with different forms of intelligence ("ETs") with different motives. Perhaps, we in some cases, are dealing with different groups from the same form of intelligence that are not getting along with each other, competing against each other, etc. Or perhaps one form of intelligence is concerned about humanities use of nuclear power in general, and nuclear weapons in particular, while another form of intelligence is playing some kind of game with us?

I do not have any answers to "why?" No one does. But the answer to "what?" seems to be clear to probably the foremost authority on the UFO and nuclear connection, Mr Robert L. Hastings. If you want to know more about the facts, the witnesses and the general scope of these UFO incursions over nuclear facilities, I highly recommend you to get familiar with the work of  Mr Hastings. You can find his website at this link

On Hasting´s website, you can find his important book UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, interviews on Coast To Coast, the UFO-Nukes connection press conference he hosted at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., on September 27, 2010, and much more. Remember to click on "Documents"; a lot of great supporting documents, for instance, the "Los Alamos, December 1948 (FBI memorandum)", where the term "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" is used. So, UAP is not a current terminology.

Whether or not these UFO incursions over nuclear weapon sites worldwide are a potential threat, the world needs to know that this is going on. Whether or not these UFO incursions are a potential threat, the risk of accidental nuclear war due to misunderstood UFO activities seems quite real.

The world has a right to know.

* Mr Bob Salas shared this article on Twitter. It was the version on

Take care!

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