But, I believe a more accurate and even more urgent way to phrase the question is: Why do "the Others" want a disclosure now? Or, why do "they" want to make their presence known at this moment in human history? Perhaps from "their" perspective, it is more about "at this stage of Earth´s, or of biological life´s, evolution?" Or, we may have to think in even grander scales?
In part 1, I will start to reflect on the question "why disclosure now?" that I think of as the more terrestrial one and mainly concerns the human side of the disclosure process. That question is safer to speculate about and has somewhat plausible answers to it. At least, we have some public information as a common starting point that we can look at, and, then, either interpret in the same way or not.
The related question, why do "
So, if you are mainly interested in my thoughts about the latter question, you can scroll down to the second part of this text. The first part is probably most interesting for those unfamiliar with what has happened to the UFO subject in the previous 18 months or so.
And yes, with "the Others"/"they", I mean something or someone not from this Earth. To not make the subject more complicated than it already is, I will use the term "Non-Human Intelligence" (NHI) as an umbrella term for the different possibilities of what "the Others" can be; i
If you have followed my blog, you are probably familiar with my view on what/who is behind the UFO phenomena, is similar to Jacques Vallée´s view on the matter.
Before exploring the main questions, I think it is appropriate to clarify and give some background to part 1 and part 2.
So before I go into to my speculations or educated guesses, I would like the reader to please keep in mind that I am not claiming to know any of my beliefs/claims to be a fact. Neither do I want to spread nonsense nor unintentionally misleading information.
Even if I think my speculations have some soundness to them, and to some degree, are plausible (I would not express them otherwise), I am still well aware and open to that time can prove me to be a fool. And probably will.
What is important to me, the only thing that is important to me is that we all get to know the truth about the UFO phenomena. And I raise my hat to anyone who delivers information/data that takes us closer to the truth.
Therefore, you can think about this text as another opinion and perspective on the question "why disclosure now?" In the worst case, you will find my speculations as improbable or irrelevant. If you do, that is ok. In the best case, you may find some of my assumptions interesting and worth taking into consideration.
If you are new to the UFO subject and new to this blog, I would like to advise you not to believe a word I am saying in this text - after all, it is speculation - instead, do your own reading and reflections on the subject, and then make up your own mind on what to believe or not.
Ok, with those clarifications out of the way, what are my thoughts on the question, "why disclosure now?" I am referring to the terrestrial side of the question. What kind of possible scenarios can cause a careful and selective disclosure process to occur at this moment in human history? We know that attempts at disclosure have been made before. So what is different today? Why do the people who manage and direct the disclosure think they can do a better job than previous attempts?
Some of those questions can be answered without the need for much speculation. There are many questions related to the main one, "why disclosure now?" and the answers to all those related questions need to fit into a coherent pattern. But, I will not try to create a coherent pattern in this text simply because I think it is beyond my intellectual capacity. Or, to keep my ego intact, I can say that I could create a coherent pattern if I dug deeper into the question (really?).
My first answer to the main question, "why disclosure now?" is probably true on a very fundamental level, but also the least satisfying one: "Everything in the universe changes. Nothing stays the same."
I think that answer is a good start. Let us call it our foundation, from where we will build the rest of our structure. So, what has changed with the UFO phenomena?
That question has to be looked at from many different perspectives and analysed at different levels. To reach a full and clear answer, we would have to explore the question from both a micro-and macroscopic perspective, from a scientific and sociological perspective, from a psychological and political perspective, from a historical perspective, and so on. There are also essential domains, such as military organisations, compartmentalising, security clearance, special access programs, "black" budgets, etc.
I am not going to be able to cover all of those perspectives and levels. Simply because I do not have enough knowledge and understanding of some of those domains. As I have already mentioned, I feel most at home and comfortable with disciplines such as psychology, sociology, the history of the UFO phenomena, and to some extent, the political aspect.
If we start with our foundation, I think it is safe to claim that a lot has changed relating to the perspectives, levels and domains I mentioned above. It can seem like an obvious fact, but I believe it to be one of the most important pieces in answering the main question "why disclosure now?" and why this current attempt at disclosure may have a better chance of succeeding than past attempts.
Asresearcher and author Richard Dolan often has pointed out, disclosure is inevitable (he also says that disclosure is impossible in another way). By disclosure being inevitable, Dolan means that technological development, and how more and more people are connected through computers and the internet, makes it easier to find and share information. And of course, that information can spread fast to a vast amount of people all over the world. This global inter-connectedness also makes it more difficult to keep secrets. One factor of this difficulty is that the possibility for sharing - or leak - sensitive information is more available today than for 20 - 30 years ago if I understand Richard Dolan accurately.
Today, we have many examples of Richard Dolan being correct. Recently we had the anonymous leak of the "Core Secrets" documents (Dr Eric W Davis notes of a meeting with Adm Wilson). By the way, I have still not made up my mind regarding the document's authenticity or not. Before "To The Stars Academy" distributed the FLIR1, or "Tic Tac", video, it showed up on an internet site in 2008 (I may be wrong on the year 2008). Another example is when Wikileaks made public the email correspondence between Tom DeLonge and John Podesta. Of course, many other examples are not related to the UFO phenomena.
Now, we are all well aware that there is another side to the coin of the age of information/internet. Today, it is also easier to spread "fake news", dis- and misinformation, than 20 - 30 years ago, even if the phenomenon with dis- and misinformation goes back to at least ancient Greece.
How is the change in computer technology, and the internet, connected to the question "why disclosure now?" I believe it has made the people managing and directing the current disclosure very aware that the truth, or at least facts, about the UFO phenomena reaching the public domain, is becoming increasingly inevitable. And I believe their awareness of this increased risk of leaks is not something recent. If I may simplify, and say that the current disclosure started in October 2017 (TTSA´s press conference), then the planning of the present disclosure goes back at least 5 years.
So, way back, the people behind the current disclosure realised that they have to find a way to control the truth about the UFO phenomena. They realised they had to control what, how, who and when specific information would be released to the general public (mainly to people unfamiliar with the UFO phenomena like politicians, lawmakers and journalists).
"Control" may have negative connotations. But that is not how I perceive it. In this case, I think about "controlling the flow of information" as something positive, as a clever and well-planned strategy. As I have written in other posts, I believe the current disclosure process is divided into phases, with each and every phase having a distinct goal and desired effects.
Since October 2017, we are in a phase where the goal is to educate mainly people unfamiliar with the UFO phenomena. The desired effects are to reduce UFOs' social stigma and bring about an open and serious conversation about UFOs in the Senate, in the mainstream media, and in the general public (again, among people unfamiliar with the evidence of the existence of UFOs). Another desired, and essential effect is getting more military witnesses to step forward and publicly tell their UFO experiences and brief key individuals in Washington D. C.
Why - what I call - a selective and careful disclosure process? Why not come out with the whole and genuine truth about the UFO phenomena at once? An answer to that question has been given by Luis Elizondo at TTSA on several occasions, so people following the current disclosure are familiar with the answer, so I will not elaborate much further on it. The first and obvious answer is that TTSA is following their strategy. The main target group is not the ufo community or people generally curious about the UFO phenomena in the current phase. TTSA want to reach the goal and effects I have mentioned above. That is necessary to move on to the next phase in their strategy or disclosure process.
However, I think there are other reasons for TTSA´s chosen strategy. I believe it has to do with the more "dark" or potentially "frightening" aspects of the UFO phenomena. Like the phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch (even if the activities on the "Ranch" as being only, or mainly, "dark" is a misrepresentation), and the possible black programs of reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology and abductions. I believe TTSA first want to desensitise the general public of the existence of UFOs before the general public is prepared to digest and handle information about the darker or, let´s call it, the more complex sides of the UFO phenomena.
If disclosure would happen as an event rather than a process, then the risk of an ontological shock among the general public would be high. Or even denial, or ridicule, because of too much extraordinary information at once. In other words, that could potentially be counterproductive.
Maybe we can think about it as TTSA trying to get around the bureaucratic architecture and security clearances surrounding the unacknowledged special access programs? TTSA wants to provide people in Washington D. C with the correct information so that senators and lawmakers can make informed decisions and look into the secrecy or cover-up related to the UFO phenomena. And you would probably not get these high government officials on board the disclosure train if you started off briefing them about the Skinwalker Ranch or about abductees and contactees. At this moment, it is neither intelligent nor appropriate to use the term "aliens" or "ETs."
I also believe that when TTSA has achieved its goals and desired effect, TTSA will hand over disclosure to the U.S. Government. Luis Elizondo has always said that they (TTSA) want to facilitate disclosure. He has also several times said that disclosure is a collaborative effort. My interpretation of those two statements by Luis Elizondo is that TTSA´s plan from the beginning has involved hand over disclosure to the US government at one stage or another. That is, hand over it to people in the political and legal system, who can tear down the bureaucratic architecture of illegal and unconstitutional quasi-military programs from the inside. Thus, disclosure needed to begin from the outside and managed by credible individuals like TTSA.
Ok. So one answer to "why disclosure now?" is a need to control the "what", "how", "who", and "when", due to changes in computer- and information technology, which has made it difficult to keep secrets about, in our case, the UFO phenomena. As I have said above, attempts at disclosure have been made several times before through the decades since at least the 1950s. Maybe the people behind the current disclosure have learned from past mistakes? Maybe their conclusion was that disclosure can only succeed in the current way? Step by step, carefully, and to get key figures (senators, lawmakers, military witnesses, etc.) on the train as early as possible.
This leads me to a second, and possible, answer to "why disclosure now?" Partially, it has to do with the quality and quantity of evidence and witnesses to the UFO phenomena. We know many more UFO videos exist in the Pentagon and Department of Defense (DoD). For example, Luis Elizondo has said on "Coast To Coast", hosted by George Knapp in 2018, that there are many more and much better UFO videos, which are yet to be released. Harold Puthoff has said the same thing but was unsure if those UFO videos ever would be released to the general public.
We also know that specific senators and lawmakers have seen the whole video of some, or all, of the already released UFO videos (FLIR1, Go Fast and Gimbal). In addition, Navy Officials and some of the former Navy pilots and radar operators have briefed people at the Hill about their UFO sightings and encounters. Let us not forget that former majority leader Harry Reid probably has significantly influenced the "new openness" to the UFO phenomena among people inside Washington DC's political and legal system.
A third possible answer to "why disclosure now" concerns the individuals involved in the current disclosure process. I tend to agree with the analysis of the researcher, and according to herself, a MILAB victim, Melinda Leslie, of the lineage of "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP) going through Robert Bigelow´s BAASS, NIDS, and down to the initiative of John Alexander, "Advanced Physics." These military and private research initiatives are probably also closely related to what is sometimes referred to as the "Invisible College." TTSA is the most recent "family member" of this lineage, according to Melinda Leslie. I think she can be on to something. However, I disagree with Leslie that the current disclosure process has dubious intentions.
According to Melinda Leslie, Jim Semivan with TTSA once confirmed to her over dinner that TTSA is a much larger group than what is shown on TTSA´s website. I think a reasonably safe bet to make is that, for example, Robert Bigelow is affiliated with TTSA in one capacity or another. After the sixth and last episode of season one of the History Channel documentary "Unidentified", we know that Luis Elizondo is collaborating with some men and women still working in AATIP or in a similar program as AATIP, but most likely under a different name. And that the current program exits with "official blessing", according to Luis Elizondo.
My point being: Perhaps one of the more important differences compared to past attempts at disclosure is that today there is a critical mass of highly knowledgeable, competent and well-connected individuals, both in and outside the government, that has come together and decided to succeed with disclosure? So it is not only the well known and public faces in TTSA directing the disclosure process . TTSA is collaborating with key players, both in the private sector and in the US government. This time around, the disclosure process has a more well-designed strategy, carried out by a bigger and more powerful group of people than past attempts to disclose the UFO phenomena.
But perhaps the most important reason, or cause, to "why disclosure now?" is that the military sightings of and encounters with UFOs has increased in the last 10 - 20 years. An increase in UFO sightings can probably, in part, be explained with better and more sensitive military equipment/technology. However, I do not believe technological development is the whole explanation. Also, I think that the nature of both military sightings and encounters with UFOs have changed. Simply put, I think the sightings and encounters are more evident and indiscreet. Perhaps it is more evident than before that "the Others" are trying to communicate with us?
This last change, if true, goes to the heart of the question, "why disclosure now?" In my opinion, the change in frequency and nature of military UFO sightings/encounters is, at the moment, one of the most crucial aspects to understand. Why now?
All of what I have written about this far, relating to "why disclosure now?" is really just a description of why it is more likely that the current attempt at disclosure will succeed compared to past attempts.
In my mind, the increase in the frequency of military UFO sightings, and a change in the nature of military UFO encounters, takes us to terra incognita, and the question: "Why do `the Others` want to disclose their presence now?
Here is where my speculations genuinely start. What I have written this far are relatively established facts. And most of what I have written this far is in the public domain and can be checked. If you agree or not with my interpretations of the public information is another question.
What follows now is pure speculation and opinion from my part. I do not think there is any way to verify or falsify what I am writing in what follows.
Let me start by repeating what I said at the beginning of the text: with "the Others" or "they", I am referring to a non-human intelligence (NHI). I will use "NHI" as an umbrella term for all the possibilities of what "the Others" can be or originate from. So, with "the Others" or NHI, I am not necessarily saying that all UFOs are "extraterrestrial" in the traditional sense of the word, or that the whole of the UFO phenomena can be explained by the "Extraterrestrial hypothesis" because it cannot.
My main assumption - besides my assumption of the presence of NHI on earth - is that the Others "want", for whatever reasons, to disclose its /their existence at this moment in human history. Or in Earth´s evolution. Even if the assumption that we are dealing with NHI is valid, it does not follow that NHI wants, wish, or demand a disclosure. Still, my assumption is that the Others actually have an intent, a reason, motive, an agenda, or a wish with its/their willingness to be seen the military and civilians.
So, it is my primary assumption I am interested in exploring and speculating: why do the Others want to disclose their/its presence? What can their reasons be? Why now?
In the following, I am going to make it easy for myself and simplify the question by assuming that we are dealing with one specific form of the Others and that this specific form of the Others has, even from a human perspective, good reasons to why they want - or see necessary - to disclose their presence at this time in human history. And I mean revealing their presence on a grander scale than ever before in human history. A "specific form" means that I am pretty confident that Earth has been visited by many different forms of NHI. I think both the historical and modern records indicate that very strongly and clearly.
Also, I will simplify by not discussing the many different opinions on "why do the Others want disclosure?" However, it does not mean that I do not think any of those opinions or hypothesis can be plausible or worth considering. No one knows for sure what the Others are up to. None of us can claim to understand how all of the pieces of this immensely complex puzzle fit together.
So remember, I am looking at, speculating from, the narrow view of the Others as a specific NHI, or as a conglomerate of many different NHI, with a benign intention towards humans and/or towards planet Earth.
At the moment, and out of many interesting and more or less plausible opinions, I think the most reasonable opinion on why the Others want to disclose their presence now is that it has something to do with planet Earth´s biosphere changes. Climate change, global warming, extinction of life forms, and so on and so forth. I believe these threats to life on Earth are the main reason this specific form of NHI, at this moment in Earth´s evolution, want to communicate with human beings.
I do not believe that this specific form of the Others is particularly interested in the human race, other than the fact that humans are the one who has caused these threats to life on Earth and is the only species which also can solve the problems.
The Others main interest, and concern, is the biosphere of the Earth, how to slow down or stop the destructive processes that threaten the biodiversity of this planet. I am aware that some of these climate changes are a part of Earth´s natural cycle of changes - which in some cases are linked to the Sun´s activity. However, I think you must have lived under a rock the last 40 - 50 years to deny that human activity - mainly the production and consumption of resources - has not accelerated, or modified, Earth´s natural processes and changes.
Why would the Others be so concerned about what happens to life on Earth? Perhaps, Earth is actually their planet? Perhaps Earth is the Others` garden, which they have taken care of, for millions, or billions, of years? Maybe the Others seeded (directed panspermia) the Earth and consider this planet as their "baby" or "pet project?" If that is the case, and if the Others are not particularly interested in human life, why do they not eliminate the human race? My guess is that the Others sees the human race as a part of the web of life - the biodiversity - on Earth. It goes against their "ethics" or universal principle to annihilate another (sentient) life form. But such a universal principle - if it exists - do not, in some rare cases, prohibit the Others from intervening in some regulated way if and when another intelligent civilisation (a certain level of culture, technology, etc.) is on a destructive path with no signs of making positive changes.
Maybe the destruction of life on Earth, or the planet itself, would have consequences for the rest of the universe, or other dimensions, in ways we cannot even start to comprehend? Maybe the Others would not have a choice but to intervene in a very concrete and obvious manner if we humans cannot fix our problems ourselves? In a way, I am unsure if humanity is worthy of saving. But in another way, how can I blame future generations for the problems my and past generations have created and deny future generations their right to experience life on this beautiful planet? Now, just maybe, that is the line of reasoning of the Others too?
It may be the case that the Others are trying to circumvent this possible universal principle of "non-intervention" in attempting to change our way of perceiving and understanding reality. Perhaps, the Others are trying to facilitate a change in human consciousness? They are trying to expand and deepen our appreciation of life and how everything in the universe is founded on the principle of interdependence. What that means for us humans is that we have to start thinking in terms of "we" and "unity," instead of "I" and "separation." What I say and do will have consequences for the people around me. In the same way, what a nation says and does, will have consequences for other countries on Earth. What happens to life on Earth will, perhaps, have repercussions throughout the universe and/or other dimensions?
I am not fond of the idea of humanity transforming into some kind of collective consciousness or a "hive" mind. I do not think that is the plan for us from this specific form of NHI. I believe this particular form of the Others wants us to stay human, to maintain what makes us humans unique compared to other sentient beings in the universe.
What the Others do want is for us to wake up before it is too late. At least, this specific form of NHI, I am talking about. Indeed, other forms of NHI do not want humanity to wake up or want us to become a single consciousness that they can control. But that isfor another text.
It is quite possible to expand and deepen your understanding (different from "knowledge about") of both your inner universe and the outer universe (which, of course, on a fundamental level are the same) without losing your individuality, autonomy and free will. Now, free will is very closely related to intention, which I have to say a few words about.
Even if I have stated above that the Others are not so interested in humanity as preserving Earth's biodiversity, I believe there may be one or several reasons why this specific form of NHI, and probably other forms of NHI, is directly curious about human beings. Those reasons could be the human ability to direct her intention and her rich palette of emotions.
I am unsure if this specific form of NHI is directly or indirectly interested in human intention and emotions. Still, either way, I think I can state with some degree of certainty that "they" are utilising our ability to direct our intention. And our disposition to let emotions control our choices, decisions and behaviour.
The latter is, at the same time, our greatest strength and vulnerability. Anyone who thinks that they are always making decisions on only rational, logical reasons should think again. Emotions are actually necessary to make sound and logical decisions. You can look that up in any modern literature on neuroscience or cognitive neuroscience. There are probably some NHI with very sharp logical and abstract reasoning, but something the 14th Dalai Lama has said seems suitable regarding human uniqueness compared to some of the NHI;
Jacques Vallée has written many books about this "control mechanism" or "conditioning" and in a vastly better way than I am doing here. So for anyone who wants to know more about this aspect of NHI being interested in human perception of reality and how to manipulate it, I highly recommend Jacques Vallée (for example, Dimensions and The Invisible College).
If it is the case that the Others are interested in our ability to direct, or focus, our intention, and our rich emotional life, for what reason?
This specific form of NHI/the Others is probably utilising our intention and emotions to confuse us, shock us, and even frighten us. Why? Because the Others wants us to start questioning what is possible and impossible to happen in our so-called reality. Above all, the Others wants us to start learning about what the manifestations, and behaviours, of some UFOs actually implies. Yes, the physics and the technology behind UFOs. In a very covert and elusive way, the Others are saying:
One could argue that what I have written so far has nothing to do with the reality of the UFO phenomena but reflects my own wishes or personal disposition. That may very well be the case, and probably is to a large extent. As I have already mentioned above, I do not claim to know anything of what I have written in this text to be a fact, and I am well aware that time will probably prove me to be a fool.
Nevertheless, I believe my opinion, speculation about the Others` reason for wanting a disclosure now (within the next 5 - 10 years) being mainly out of concernof the poor state of the Earth´s biosphere, to be one plausible explanation among many others.
Also remember, that I have looked at the question from a very narrow perspective. For example, I am only considering the reason, or intention, of a specific form of the Others. Many other NHI visits Earth and has their own motives, both good and bad (from a human perspective and understanding), and neutral motives.
I am aware that there are many questions I am not addressing in the text or only partially have addressed. For example: Why do not the Others interact with key people who could help solve our environmental issues if they are so concerned about the future of life on Earth? How come the Others only interact with, or manifest to, one individual at the time, or in some rare cases, a large group of people? What kind of global effects do the Others think that kind of interactions will lead to, if any? There are, of course, many other questions related to my text that I have not addressed, raised, or even thought about.
Hopefully, we will have some more pieces of the puzzle soon. On an individual level, it is at this point in the disclosure process irrelevant who is right or wrong. The only relevant thing is the truth, and I believe the Others would like to see humans make a collective effort with the conscious intention to get to the truth.
Remember, the truth will always, and eventually, show itself. The questions are:
1) Can those shown the truth, handle it, even less, understand it?
2) How will the journey towards the truth unfold?
3) What part do you as an individual want to play in this "cosmic drama?"
In the third question, you have control. You have a choice. Do you understand your choice?
One last thing:
Even though the UFO phenomena, and the truth about the UFO phenomena, is as serious as any subject possibly can be, do not forget, once in a while, to smile and laugh at the absurdity and complexity of the UFO phenomena.
Take care!
Some clarifications
Yes, my assumption is that a disclosure process has started and probably is (almost) unstoppable by now. Another assumption is that the current careful and selective disclosure process is benign in nature and intent. Who - on a terrestrial level - is managing and directing the disclosure process is a question that I am not going to discuss here. But I am confident that the group managing disclosure is constituted by more individuals than the public faces in "To The Stars Academy" (TTSA) or listed as an associate on TTSA´s website.
In the following, I base my speculations concerning the question "why disclosure now?" mainly on the information made public during the last 18 months. It is the information coming from witnesses of the Nimitz 2004 Tic Tac encounters and the Roosevelt 2014-2015 UFO incidents, from the "Core Secret" document leak, from the analysis of the information by ufo researchers like Richard Dolan, Melinda Leslie, Keith Basterfield, and others.
I also base my speculations on the opinions and perspectives of various "ufo believers" and "non-believers" expressed in social media. Last but not least, I base my beliefs on multiple statements and appearances made by individuals in TTSA in the mainstream- and alternative media.
Remember that I am just a curious person with a serious interest in the truth about the UFO phenomena. I am not a ufo researcher. I am not a trained or experienced investigative journalist. I am not a scientist. With that said, I have some theoretical and practical knowledge of the scientific method (mainly in the social sciences), critical thinking, etc. Due to my university studies in philosophy, psychology and my training and work experience as a high school teacher. My point being, I know the importance of being a true sceptic (as Bernard Haisch defines "sceptic" on his web page).
So before I go into to my speculations or educated guesses, I would like the reader to please keep in mind that I am not claiming to know any of my beliefs/claims to be a fact. Neither do I want to spread nonsense nor unintentionally misleading information.
Even if I think my speculations have some soundness to them, and to some degree, are plausible (I would not express them otherwise), I am still well aware and open to that time can prove me to be a fool. And probably will.
What is important to me, the only thing that is important to me is that we all get to know the truth about the UFO phenomena. And I raise my hat to anyone who delivers information/data that takes us closer to the truth.
Therefore, you can think about this text as another opinion and perspective on the question "why disclosure now?" In the worst case, you will find my speculations as improbable or irrelevant. If you do, that is ok. In the best case, you may find some of my assumptions interesting and worth taking into consideration.
If you are new to the UFO subject and new to this blog, I would like to advise you
Part 1. Why disclosure now?
Ok, with those clarifications out of the way, what are my thoughts on the question, "why disclosure now?" I am referring to the terrestrial side of the question. What kind of possible scenarios can cause a careful and selective disclosure process to occur at this moment in human history? We know that attempts at disclosure have been made before. So what is different today? Why do the people who manage and direct the disclosure think they can do a better job than previous attempts?
Some of those questions can be answered without the need for much speculation. There are many questions related to the main one, "why disclosure now?" and the answers to all those related questions need to fit into a coherent pattern. But, I will not try to create a coherent pattern in this text simply because I think it is beyond my intellectual capacity. Or, to keep my ego intact, I can say that I could create a coherent pattern if I dug deeper into the question (really?).
My first answer to the main question, "why disclosure now?" is probably true on a very fundamental level, but also the least satisfying one: "Everything in the universe changes. Nothing stays the same."
I think that answer is a good start. Let us call it our foundation, from where we will build the rest of our structure. So, what has changed with the UFO phenomena?
That question has to be looked at from many different perspectives and analysed at different levels. To reach a full and clear answer, we would have to explore the question from both a micro-and macroscopic perspective, from a scientific and sociological perspective, from a psychological and political perspective, from a historical perspective, and so on. There are also essential domains, such as military organisations, compartmentalising, security clearance, special access programs, "black" budgets, etc.
I am not going to be able to cover all of those perspectives and levels. Simply because I do not have enough knowledge and understanding of some of those domains. As I have already mentioned, I feel most at home and comfortable with disciplines such as psychology, sociology, the history of the UFO phenomena, and to some extent, the political aspect.
If we start with our foundation, I think it is safe to claim that a lot has changed relating to the perspectives, levels and domains I mentioned above. It can seem like an obvious fact, but I believe it to be one of the most important pieces in answering the main question "why disclosure now?" and why this current attempt at disclosure may have a better chance of succeeding than past attempts.
Today, we have many examples of Richard Dolan being correct. Recently we had the anonymous leak of the "Core Secrets" documents (Dr Eric W Davis notes of a meeting with Adm Wilson). By the way, I have still not made up my mind regarding the document's authenticity or not. Before "To The Stars Academy" distributed the FLIR1, or "Tic Tac", video, it showed up on an internet site in 2008 (I may be wrong on the year 2008). Another example is when Wikileaks made public the email correspondence between Tom DeLonge and John Podesta. Of course, many other examples are not related to the UFO phenomena.
Now, we are all well aware that there is another side to the coin of the age of information/internet. Today, it is also easier to spread "fake news", dis- and misinformation, than 20 - 30 years ago, even if the phenomenon with dis- and misinformation goes back to at least ancient Greece.
How is the change in computer technology, and the internet, connected to the question "why disclosure now?" I believe it has made the people managing and directing the current disclosure very aware that the truth, or at least facts, about the UFO phenomena reaching the public domain, is becoming increasingly inevitable. And I believe their awareness of this increased risk of leaks is not something recent. If I may simplify, and say that the current disclosure started in October 2017 (TTSA´s press conference), then the planning of the present disclosure goes back at least 5 years.
So, way back, the people behind the current disclosure realised that they have to find a way to control the truth about the UFO phenomena. They realised they had to control what, how, who and when specific information would be released to the general public (mainly to people unfamiliar with the UFO phenomena like politicians, lawmakers and journalists).
"Control" may have negative connotations. But that is not how I perceive it. In this case, I think about "controlling the flow of information" as something positive, as a clever and well-planned strategy. As I have written in other posts, I believe the current disclosure process is divided into phases, with each and every phase having a distinct goal and desired effects.
Since October 2017, we are in a phase where the goal is to educate mainly people unfamiliar with the UFO phenomena. The desired effects are to reduce UFOs' social stigma and bring about an open and serious conversation about UFOs in the Senate, in the mainstream media, and in the general public (again, among people unfamiliar with the evidence of the existence of UFOs). Another desired, and essential effect is getting more military witnesses to step forward and publicly tell their UFO experiences and brief key individuals in Washington D. C.
Why - what I call - a selective and careful disclosure process? Why not come out with the whole and genuine truth about the UFO phenomena at once? An answer to that question has been given by Luis Elizondo at TTSA on several occasions, so people following the current disclosure are familiar with the answer, so I will not elaborate much further on it. The first and obvious answer is that TTSA is following their strategy. The main target group is not the ufo community or people generally curious about the UFO phenomena in the current phase. TTSA want to reach the goal and effects I have mentioned above. That is necessary to move on to the next phase in their strategy or disclosure process.
However, I think there are other reasons for TTSA´s chosen strategy. I believe it has to do with the more "dark" or potentially "frightening" aspects of the UFO phenomena. Like the phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch (even if the activities on the "Ranch" as being only, or mainly, "dark" is a misrepresentation), and the possible black programs of reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology and abductions. I believe TTSA first want to desensitise the general public of the existence of UFOs before the general public is prepared to digest and handle information about the darker or, let´s call it, the more complex sides of the UFO phenomena.
If disclosure would happen as an event rather than a process, then the risk of an ontological shock among the general public would be high. Or even denial, or ridicule, because of too much extraordinary information at once. In other words, that could potentially be counterproductive.
Maybe we can think about it as TTSA trying to get around the bureaucratic architecture and security clearances surrounding the unacknowledged special access programs? TTSA wants to provide people in Washington D. C with the correct information so that senators and lawmakers can make informed decisions and look into the secrecy or cover-up related to the UFO phenomena. And you would probably not get these high government officials on board the disclosure train if you started off briefing them about the Skinwalker Ranch or about abductees and contactees. At this moment, it is neither intelligent nor appropriate to use the term "aliens" or "ETs."
I also believe that when TTSA has achieved its goals and desired effect, TTSA will hand over disclosure to the U.S. Government. Luis Elizondo has always said that they (TTSA) want to facilitate disclosure. He has also several times said that disclosure is a collaborative effort. My interpretation of those two statements by Luis Elizondo is that TTSA´s plan from the beginning has involved hand over disclosure to the US government at one stage or another. That is, hand over it to people in the political and legal system, who can tear down the bureaucratic architecture of illegal and unconstitutional quasi-military programs from the inside. Thus, disclosure needed to begin from the outside and managed by credible individuals like TTSA.
Ok. So one answer to "why disclosure now?" is a need to control the "what", "how", "who", and "when", due to changes in computer- and information technology, which has made it difficult to keep secrets about, in our case, the UFO phenomena. As I have said above, attempts at disclosure have been made several times before through the decades since at least the 1950s. Maybe the people behind the current disclosure have learned from past mistakes? Maybe their conclusion was that disclosure can only succeed in the current way? Step by step, carefully, and to get key figures (senators, lawmakers, military witnesses, etc.) on the train as early as possible.
This leads me to a second, and possible, answer to "why disclosure now?" Partially, it has to do with the quality and quantity of evidence and witnesses to the UFO phenomena. We know many more UFO videos exist in the Pentagon and Department of Defense (DoD). For example, Luis Elizondo has said on "Coast To Coast", hosted by George Knapp in 2018, that there are many more and much better UFO videos, which are yet to be released. Harold Puthoff has said the same thing but was unsure if those UFO videos ever would be released to the general public.
We also know that specific senators and lawmakers have seen the whole video of some, or all, of the already released UFO videos (FLIR1, Go Fast and Gimbal). In addition, Navy Officials and some of the former Navy pilots and radar operators have briefed people at the Hill about their UFO sightings and encounters. Let us not forget that former majority leader Harry Reid probably has significantly influenced the "new openness" to the UFO phenomena among people inside Washington DC's political and legal system.
A third possible answer to "why disclosure now" concerns the individuals involved in the current disclosure process. I tend to agree with the analysis of the researcher, and according to herself, a MILAB victim, Melinda Leslie, of the lineage of "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP) going through Robert Bigelow´s BAASS, NIDS, and down to the initiative of John Alexander, "Advanced Physics." These military and private research initiatives are probably also closely related to what is sometimes referred to as the "Invisible College." TTSA is the most recent "family member" of this lineage, according to Melinda Leslie. I think she can be on to something. However, I disagree with Leslie that the current disclosure process has dubious intentions.
According to Melinda Leslie, Jim Semivan with TTSA once confirmed to her over dinner that TTSA is a much larger group than what is shown on TTSA´s website. I think a reasonably safe bet to make is that, for example, Robert Bigelow is affiliated with TTSA in one capacity or another. After the sixth and last episode of season one of the History Channel documentary "Unidentified", we know that Luis Elizondo is collaborating with some men and women still working in AATIP or in a similar program as AATIP, but most likely under a different name. And that the current program exits with "official blessing", according to Luis Elizondo.
My point being: Perhaps one of the more important differences compared to past attempts at disclosure is that today there is a critical mass of highly knowledgeable, competent and well-connected individuals, both in and outside the government, that has come together and decided to succeed with disclosure? So it is not only the well known and public faces in TTSA directing the disclosure process
But perhaps the most important reason, or cause, to "why disclosure now?" is that the military sightings of and encounters with UFOs has increased in the last 10 - 20 years. An increase in UFO sightings can probably, in part, be explained with better and more sensitive military equipment/technology. However, I do not believe technological development is the whole explanation. Also, I think that the nature of both military sightings and encounters with UFOs have changed. Simply put, I think the sightings and encounters are more evident and indiscreet. Perhaps it is more evident than before that "the Others" are trying to communicate with us?
This last change, if true, goes to the heart of the question, "why disclosure now?" In my opinion, the change in frequency and nature of military UFO sightings/encounters is, at the moment, one of the most crucial aspects to understand. Why now?
All of what I have written about this far, relating to "why disclosure now?" is really just a description of why it is more likely that the current attempt at disclosure will succeed compared to past attempts.
In my mind, the increase in the frequency of military UFO sightings, and a change in the nature of military UFO encounters, takes us to terra incognita, and the question: "Why do `the Others` want to disclose their presence now?
Here is where my speculations genuinely start. What I have written this far are relatively established facts. And most of what I have written this far is in the public domain and can be checked. If you agree or not with my interpretations of the public information is another question.
Part 2. Why do "the Others" want disclosure now?
What follows now is pure speculation and opinion from my part. I do not think there is any way to verify or falsify what I am writing in what follows.
Let me start by repeating what I said at the beginning of the text: with "the Others" or "they", I am referring to a non-human intelligence (NHI). I will use "NHI" as an umbrella term for all the possibilities of what "the Others" can be or originate from. So, with "the Others" or NHI, I am not necessarily saying that all UFOs are "extraterrestrial" in the traditional sense of the word, or that the whole of the UFO phenomena can be explained by the "Extraterrestrial hypothesis" because it cannot.
My main assumption - besides my assumption of the presence of NHI on earth - is that the Others "want", for whatever reasons, to disclose its /their existence at this moment in human history. Or in Earth´s evolution. Even if the assumption that we are dealing with NHI is valid, it does not follow that NHI wants, wish, or demand a disclosure. Still, my assumption is that the Others actually have an intent, a reason, motive, an agenda, or a wish with its/their willingness to be seen the military and civilians.
So, it is my primary assumption I am interested in exploring and speculating: why do the Others want to disclose their/its presence? What can their reasons be? Why now?
In the following, I am going to make it easy for myself and simplify the question by assuming that we are dealing with one specific form of the Others and that this specific form of the Others has, even from a human perspective, good reasons to why they want - or see necessary - to disclose their presence at this time in human history. And I mean revealing their presence on a grander scale than ever before in human history. A "specific form" means that I am pretty confident that Earth has been visited by many different forms of NHI. I think both the historical and modern records indicate that very strongly and clearly.
Also, I will simplify by not discussing the many different opinions on "why do the Others want disclosure?" However, it does not mean that I do not think any of those opinions or hypothesis can be plausible or worth considering. No one knows for sure what the Others are up to. None of us can claim to understand how all of the pieces of this immensely complex puzzle fit together.
So remember, I am looking at, speculating from, the narrow view of the Others as a specific NHI, or as a conglomerate of many different NHI, with a benign intention towards humans and/or towards planet Earth.
At the moment, and out of many interesting and more or less plausible opinions, I think the most reasonable opinion on why the Others want to disclose their presence now is that it has something to do with planet Earth´s biosphere changes. Climate change, global warming, extinction of life forms, and so on and so forth. I believe these threats to life on Earth are the main reason this specific form of NHI, at this moment in Earth´s evolution, want to communicate with human beings.
I do not believe that this specific form of the Others is particularly interested in the human race, other than the fact that humans are the one who has caused these threats to life on Earth and is the only species which also can solve the problems.
The Others main interest, and concern, is the biosphere of the Earth, how to slow down or stop the destructive processes that threaten the biodiversity of this planet. I am aware that some of these climate changes are a part of Earth´s natural cycle of changes - which in some cases are linked to the Sun´s activity. However, I think you must have lived under a rock the last 40 - 50 years to deny that human activity - mainly the production and consumption of resources - has not accelerated, or modified, Earth´s natural processes and changes.
Why would the Others be so concerned about what happens to life on Earth? Perhaps, Earth is actually their planet? Perhaps Earth is the Others` garden, which they have taken care of, for millions, or billions, of years? Maybe the Others seeded (directed panspermia) the Earth and consider this planet as their "baby" or "pet project?" If that is the case, and if the Others are not particularly interested in human life, why do they not eliminate the human race? My guess is that the Others sees the human race as a part of the web of life - the biodiversity - on Earth. It goes against their "ethics" or universal principle to annihilate another (sentient) life form. But such a universal principle - if it exists - do not, in some rare cases, prohibit the Others from intervening in some regulated way if and when another intelligent civilisation (a certain level of culture, technology, etc.) is on a destructive path with no signs of making positive changes.
Maybe the destruction of life on Earth, or the planet itself, would have consequences for the rest of the universe, or other dimensions, in ways we cannot even start to comprehend? Maybe the Others would not have a choice but to intervene in a very concrete and obvious manner if we humans cannot fix our problems ourselves? In a way, I am unsure if humanity is worthy of saving. But in another way, how can I blame future generations for the problems my and past generations have created and deny future generations their right to experience life on this beautiful planet? Now, just maybe, that is the line of reasoning of the Others too?
It may be the case that the Others are trying to circumvent this possible universal principle of "non-intervention" in attempting to change our way of perceiving and understanding reality. Perhaps, the Others are trying to facilitate a change in human consciousness? They are trying to expand and deepen our appreciation of life and how everything in the universe is founded on the principle of interdependence. What that means for us humans is that we have to start thinking in terms of "we" and "unity," instead of "I" and "separation." What I say and do will have consequences for the people around me. In the same way, what a nation says and does, will have consequences for other countries on Earth. What happens to life on Earth will, perhaps, have repercussions throughout the universe and/or other dimensions?
I am not fond of the idea of humanity transforming into some kind of collective consciousness or a "hive" mind. I do not think that is the plan for us from this specific form of NHI. I believe this particular form of the Others wants us to stay human, to maintain what makes us humans unique compared to other sentient beings in the universe.
What the Others do want is for us to wake up before it is too late. At least, this specific form of NHI, I am talking about. Indeed, other forms of NHI do not want humanity to wake up or want us to become a single consciousness that they can control. But that is
It is quite possible to expand and deepen your understanding (different from "knowledge about") of both your inner universe and the outer universe (which, of course, on a fundamental level are the same) without losing your individuality, autonomy and free will. Now, free will is very closely related to intention, which I have to say a few words about.
Even if I have stated above that the Others are not so interested in humanity as preserving Earth's biodiversity, I believe there may be one or several reasons why this specific form of NHI, and probably other forms of NHI, is directly curious about human beings. Those reasons could be the human ability to direct her intention and her rich palette of emotions.
I am unsure if this specific form of NHI is directly or indirectly interested in human intention and emotions. Still, either way, I think I can state with some degree of certainty that "they" are utilising our ability to direct our intention. And our disposition to let emotions control our choices, decisions and behaviour.
The latter is, at the same time, our greatest strength and vulnerability. Anyone who thinks that they are always making decisions on only rational, logical reasons should think again. Emotions are actually necessary to make sound and logical decisions. You can look that up in any modern literature on neuroscience or cognitive neuroscience. There are probably some NHI with very sharp logical and abstract reasoning, but something the 14th Dalai Lama has said seems suitable regarding human uniqueness compared to some of the NHI;
"Intelligence without empathy is destructive."
Jacques Vallée has written many books about this "control mechanism" or "conditioning" and in a vastly better way than I am doing here. So for anyone who wants to know more about this aspect of NHI being interested in human perception of reality and how to manipulate it, I highly recommend Jacques Vallée (for example, Dimensions and The Invisible College).
If it is the case that the Others are interested in our ability to direct, or focus, our intention, and our rich emotional life, for what reason?
This specific form of NHI/the Others is probably utilising our intention and emotions to confuse us, shock us, and even frighten us. Why? Because the Others wants us to start questioning what is possible and impossible to happen in our so-called reality. Above all, the Others wants us to start learning about what the manifestations, and behaviours, of some UFOs actually implies. Yes, the physics and the technology behind UFOs. In a very covert and elusive way, the Others are saying:
"Hey, we are not supposed to be here or do this, but if you guys can figure out the what's and how's of us being here, doing all this crazy stuff with our crafts, then you can solve your issues with the climate and environment. As a start."
Whatever one thinks about Dr Steven Greer, I personally think he should be given credit and respect for what he has done in the past for the disclosure movement and for some elements in his overall philosophy about "the ETs", their intentions, and teachings. With that said, I disagree with Dr Greer about all NHI being benevolent.
I agree with Dr Steven Greer when he says that the Others wants human beings to grow up, learn to take responsibility, and become a peaceful civilization. If we do not, then we are stuck on this planetor solar system. By many of the Others, we are seen as best as immature teenagers ("I`m the centre of the universe."), and as worst as an aggressive and a hostile species.
So, in the long run, I believe this specific form of the Others are interested in or see it in their interest that human civilization becomes an intergalactic, or perhaps, aninter-dimensional civilization.
But first, we have to figure out how to fix the problems we have caused to the environment. Whether during or after, we have to take a deeper look into ourselves and discover that we will find ourselves in the "outer" universe if we go deep enough. We will also discover that every dot in the universe is connected to and interdependent on every other dot in the universe on the same journey. That is easy to understand when you look into someone else´s eyes, and they look back into your eyes. Because, on a fundamental level, there is only consciousness.
That is the uniqueness, the beauty and strength with us humans. On an intuitive and unconscious level, we can sense this connection and interdependence. We can connect to, in principle, anyone and anything. Because, on a fundamental level, there is only consciousness.
Now, I believe that this specific form of the Others wants to facilitate the evolution of our uniqueness, our greatest strength. The Others, perhaps, wants to give us a nudge in the right direction and to a path of exploring our unconscious and sporadic way of sensing the fundamental consciousness (the substrate of reality). We will learn and practice to use our intention more consciously during that path, and that practice also involves using our emotional reactions with more discernment and control. Sometimes emotions can distort, disturb the signal, and sometimes emotions can enhance and clarify the signal. It is about timing: doing the right thing at the right time and in the right situation. What signal? The signal - or the information - from the fundamental consciousness.
Whatever one thinks about Dr Steven Greer, I personally think he should be given credit and respect for what he has done in the past for the disclosure movement and for some elements in his overall philosophy about "the ETs", their intentions, and teachings. With that said, I disagree with Dr Greer about all NHI being benevolent.
I agree with Dr Steven Greer when he says that the Others wants human beings to grow up, learn to take responsibility, and become a peaceful civilization. If we do not, then we are stuck on this planet
So, in the long run, I believe this specific form of the Others are interested in or see it in their interest that human civilization becomes an intergalactic, or perhaps, an
But first, we have to figure out how to fix the problems we have caused to the environment. Whether during or after, we have to take a deeper look into ourselves and discover that we will find ourselves in the "outer" universe if we go deep enough. We will also discover that every dot in the universe is connected to and interdependent on every other dot in the universe on the same journey. That is easy to understand when you look into someone else´s eyes, and they look back into your eyes. Because, on a fundamental level, there is only consciousness.
That is the uniqueness, the beauty and strength with us humans. On an intuitive and unconscious level, we can sense this connection and interdependence. We can connect to, in principle, anyone and anything. Because, on a fundamental level, there is only consciousness.
Now, I believe that this specific form of the Others wants to facilitate the evolution of our uniqueness, our greatest strength. The Others, perhaps, wants to give us a nudge in the right direction and to a path of exploring our unconscious and sporadic way of sensing the fundamental consciousness (the substrate of reality). We will learn and practice to use our intention more consciously during that path, and that practice also involves using our emotional reactions with more discernment and control. Sometimes emotions can distort, disturb the signal, and sometimes emotions can enhance and clarify the signal. It is about timing: doing the right thing at the right time and in the right situation. What signal? The signal - or the information - from the fundamental consciousness.
Final words
Nevertheless, I believe my opinion, speculation about the Others` reason for wanting a disclosure now (within the next 5 - 10 years) being mainly out of concern
Also remember, that I have looked at the question from a very narrow perspective. For example, I am only considering the reason, or intention, of a specific form of the Others. Many other NHI visits Earth and has their own motives, both good and bad (from a human perspective and understanding), and neutral motives.
I am aware that there are many questions I am not addressing in the text or only partially have addressed. For example: Why do not the Others interact with key people who could help solve our environmental issues if they are so concerned about the future of life on Earth? How come the Others only interact with, or manifest to, one individual at the time, or in some rare cases, a large group of people? What kind of global effects do the Others think that kind of interactions will lead to, if any? There are, of course, many other questions related to my text that I have not addressed, raised, or even thought about.
Hopefully, we will have some more pieces of the puzzle soon. On an individual level, it is at this point in the disclosure process irrelevant who is right or wrong. The only relevant thing is the truth, and I believe the Others would like to see humans make a collective effort with the conscious intention to get to the truth.
Remember, the truth will always, and eventually, show itself. The questions are:
1) Can those shown the truth, handle it, even less, understand it?
2) How will the journey towards the truth unfold?
3) What part do you as an individual want to play in this "cosmic drama?"
In the third question, you have control. You have a choice. Do you understand your choice?
One last thing:
Even though the UFO phenomena, and the truth about the UFO phenomena, is as serious as any subject possibly can be, do not forget, once in a while, to smile and laugh at the absurdity and complexity of the UFO phenomena.
Take care!
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