Tuesday, 11 June 2019

"We´ve just about figured out how UFOs work", according to Mr. Luis Elizondo

"A CONFERÊNCIA DE LUIS ELIZONDO NO XXIII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE UFOLOGIA." Published on Mr. Ademar Jose Gevaerd´s YouTube channel, June 5, 2018. Duration: 20:55 minutes. 

Como foi informado uma semana antes da realização do XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ufologia, para o qual Luis Elizondo estava confirmado como conferencista e principal atração, sua viagem ao Brasil teve que ser cancelada por um conflito inesperado em sua agenda.
Porém, a pedido da Revista UFO, Elizondo gravou uma mensagem em vídeo que foi apresentada durante o evento, esclarecendo seu interesse por UFOs e sua função dentro da Secretaria de Defesa dos Estados Unidos na pesquisa secreta de ocorrências ufológicas no país, conforme revelado pela edição 257 da UFO, nas bancas.

Luis Elizondo é o ex-agente de inteligência e contrainformação da Secretaria, até dezembro lotado no Pentágono e conduzindo o programa secreto de pesquisa ufológica denominado Programa Avançado de Identificação de Ameaças Aeroespaciais (AATIP). Foi ele quem chocou o mundo em 2017 ao revelar o que o Pentágono escondia sobre os UFOs.

No vídeo, quando ele se refere à Secretaria e a secretário, está falando da Secretaria de Defesa norte-americana e de seu titular, e quando se refere a programa ou projeto, está falando do AATIP. Hoje Elizondo trabalha com Tom DeLonge na To the Stars Academy.

Tradução: Leandro Murta Legendas: João Marcelo Marques Rios

Yes, I know, the video description above is in Portuguese (the main language in Brazil), but I can assure you, that the video comes from a legit source. Mr. Ademar Jose Gevaerd is the editor of "UFO MAGAZINE", and has been in the world of ufology for decades. You can read about Mr. Gevaerd and his ufo research here:https://ufo.com.br/gevaerd

If you, like me, live in a country where the History channel is not yet showing the documentary "Unidentified", with the people on "To The Stars Academy", you can watch the first episode on ufo.com.br. The first episode is on the following link:

I am not sure if ufo.com.br is going to post any of the other episodes of "Unidentified."

The video presentation above by Mr. Luis Elizondo is a bit dated (spring/summer of 2018), but I post it because I think Mr. Elizondo says some intriguing things. Considering the latest and fast coming ufo news and developments, I think what Mr. Elizondo said "yesterday" can shine some light on what is being said and happening "today", and vice versa. Mr. Elizondo made his presentation or talk on the 23rd ufology Congress of Brazil (I am not sure I got that right), in, I believe, 2018. The video was published on YouTube June 5, 2018, so presumably, the ufology congress was held sometime during the first 6 months of 2018.

I am not going to give my own thoughts or interpretations of what Mr. Elizondo is saying or not saying in his presentation above. Instead, I am going to point out the segments I found the most interesting and telling, but leave it up to you to make up your own mind of what Mr. Elizondo says (or do not say).

1:12 minutes - 3:30 min: "What does it mean to be a human?" A highly interesting reflection follows.

7:07 min - 8:40 min: (me paraphrasing) "We´re no closer to know what UFOs are, but I´m very excited cause we´ve just about figured out how they work." Mr. Elizondo, in this segment, also says that he cannot talk for the "private side", only from the "government´s perspective" (on the "how" UFOs works, the physics behind UFOs, etc.).

Around the 12 minute mark, to the end of the talk, Mr. Elizondo answers five questions from the audience:

"What made you (Luis Elizondo) leave the Department of Defense?" "Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?" "Do you believe we are close to understanding how they (UFOs) work?" Again, listen closely to Mr. Elizondo´s answer, and also, look at his non-verbal expressions. "What was the single and the largest credit with working in AATIP?" And, "how important is Latin America in understanding the phenomena?" A good question (around the 17 min mark), and an interesting answer from Mr. Luis Elizondo.

Enjoy and take care!


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