Thursday, 13 June 2019

Let´s learn from the history of ufo leaks

Considering the latest emergence of documents with controversial information relating to the UFO phenomena, I think it can be a good idea to take a deep breath and pause. To keep our heads cool, and both our feet firmly onto the ground, I think it is wise to turn to history and learn from the past.

Many of those who are interested in the UFO phenomena in general, and the ufo-lore in particular, are familiar with this documentary from 2013:

The second link below takes you to the full-length documentary Mirage Men. Even if you have already watched the documentary, I think it is a good idea to watch it again, and ponder its content.
Especially, if it has been a while since you watch it. Especially, if you have made up your mind about the "Dr. Eric W. Davis notes" on his meeting with Admiral Wilson, the notes of the same Dr. Davis about his conversations with Christopher "Kit" Green, and the "Majestic 12 documents".

I recently watched Mirage Men for a second time. The first time was probably in early 2018. This second time around, and because of these recent "leaks", I found the information in Mirage Men more relevant than the first time I watch it. To watch and listen to all those past disinformation campaigns from Air Force intelligence (represented by Richard Doty), CIA, NSA, etc., helped me to be more level headed, and think and feel with greater detachment, about these recent "leaks" that have hit the ufo community.

What I remember most from Mirage Men, is that even the former disinformation-agents featured in the documentary says that all good disinformation has some important facts and truths in it. One of the former Air Force intelligence agents (Walter Bosley), even says that some of the facts, truths in a disinformation campaign, have to be the most extreme ones.

Disinformation about the UFO phenomena is old news. Everyone seriously interested in the UFO phenomena is well aware of that. That disinformation is a mix of facts, half-lies, and info impossible to neither verify nor falsify, is also well known in the ufo community.

So, why are some people ready to believe in every single "leaked" ufo document as fast as it comes out in the public domain, without any kind of scrutiny? Why are some people ready to dismiss every single "leaked" ufo document as a hoax as fast as it comes out in the public domain, without any kind of scrutiny?

If what the former AFOSI personnel are saying about the nature of all good disinformation is true, then we, at least, have an incentive to examine and assess the latest ufo leaks.

The challenge is to differentiate the truth from disinformation, and that effort is going to take time. Therefore, I raise my hat to anyone who will take on this challenge seriously and impartially.

So, remember what the AFOSI agents in Mirage Men are saying about a good and effective disinformation campaign.

The next challenge is: can we trust them? Below is the link to a full-length version of Mirage Men.!pyYj3YjC!vXs2Cv5q3vOieD0FCtgt9rZHPZf_CNuOyZ8NwoZAp5s

Enjoy and take care!


Tuesday, 11 June 2019

"We´ve just about figured out how UFOs work", according to Mr. Luis Elizondo

"A CONFERÊNCIA DE LUIS ELIZONDO NO XXIII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE UFOLOGIA." Published on Mr. Ademar Jose Gevaerd´s YouTube channel, June 5, 2018. Duration: 20:55 minutes. 

Como foi informado uma semana antes da realização do XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ufologia, para o qual Luis Elizondo estava confirmado como conferencista e principal atração, sua viagem ao Brasil teve que ser cancelada por um conflito inesperado em sua agenda.
Porém, a pedido da Revista UFO, Elizondo gravou uma mensagem em vídeo que foi apresentada durante o evento, esclarecendo seu interesse por UFOs e sua função dentro da Secretaria de Defesa dos Estados Unidos na pesquisa secreta de ocorrências ufológicas no país, conforme revelado pela edição 257 da UFO, nas bancas.

Luis Elizondo é o ex-agente de inteligência e contrainformação da Secretaria, até dezembro lotado no Pentágono e conduzindo o programa secreto de pesquisa ufológica denominado Programa Avançado de Identificação de Ameaças Aeroespaciais (AATIP). Foi ele quem chocou o mundo em 2017 ao revelar o que o Pentágono escondia sobre os UFOs.

No vídeo, quando ele se refere à Secretaria e a secretário, está falando da Secretaria de Defesa norte-americana e de seu titular, e quando se refere a programa ou projeto, está falando do AATIP. Hoje Elizondo trabalha com Tom DeLonge na To the Stars Academy.

Tradução: Leandro Murta Legendas: João Marcelo Marques Rios

Yes, I know, the video description above is in Portuguese (the main language in Brazil), but I can assure you, that the video comes from a legit source. Mr. Ademar Jose Gevaerd is the editor of "UFO MAGAZINE", and has been in the world of ufology for decades. You can read about Mr. Gevaerd and his ufo research here:

If you, like me, live in a country where the History channel is not yet showing the documentary "Unidentified", with the people on "To The Stars Academy", you can watch the first episode on The first episode is on the following link:

I am not sure if is going to post any of the other episodes of "Unidentified."

The video presentation above by Mr. Luis Elizondo is a bit dated (spring/summer of 2018), but I post it because I think Mr. Elizondo says some intriguing things. Considering the latest and fast coming ufo news and developments, I think what Mr. Elizondo said "yesterday" can shine some light on what is being said and happening "today", and vice versa. Mr. Elizondo made his presentation or talk on the 23rd ufology Congress of Brazil (I am not sure I got that right), in, I believe, 2018. The video was published on YouTube June 5, 2018, so presumably, the ufology congress was held sometime during the first 6 months of 2018.

I am not going to give my own thoughts or interpretations of what Mr. Elizondo is saying or not saying in his presentation above. Instead, I am going to point out the segments I found the most interesting and telling, but leave it up to you to make up your own mind of what Mr. Elizondo says (or do not say).

1:12 minutes - 3:30 min: "What does it mean to be a human?" A highly interesting reflection follows.

7:07 min - 8:40 min: (me paraphrasing) "We´re no closer to know what UFOs are, but I´m very excited cause we´ve just about figured out how they work." Mr. Elizondo, in this segment, also says that he cannot talk for the "private side", only from the "government´s perspective" (on the "how" UFOs works, the physics behind UFOs, etc.).

Around the 12 minute mark, to the end of the talk, Mr. Elizondo answers five questions from the audience:

"What made you (Luis Elizondo) leave the Department of Defense?" "Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?" "Do you believe we are close to understanding how they (UFOs) work?" Again, listen closely to Mr. Elizondo´s answer, and also, look at his non-verbal expressions. "What was the single and the largest credit with working in AATIP?" And, "how important is Latin America in understanding the phenomena?" A good question (around the 17 min mark), and an interesting answer from Mr. Luis Elizondo.

Enjoy and take care!


Monday, 10 June 2019

Counter arguments against a benign disclosure of the UFO phenomena.

"UFO CIA DISCLOSURE: DEEP STATE COVERUP! DARK JOURNALIST & GRANT CAMERON." Played live February 2, 2018, on Dark Journalist´s YouTube channel. Duration: 2:40:19. 
Through the Deep State UFO Looking Glass with Grant Cameron! Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt & his Special Guests Forbidden Knowledge TV's Alexandra Bruce & Presidential UFOs Grant Cameron go deep on the Mainstream Media and CIA push to spin UFO Disclosure as a National Security Threat program while covering up the mysterious phenomena!
On Daniel Liszt´s ("Dark Journalist") web page, the same episode as above, has a more detailed description than the description related to the video / episode published on DarkJournalist´s YouTube channel. The description of the episode on Dark Journalist´s web page is as follows:
 The Covert Agencies Controlling the UFO File!
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt & his Special Guests Forbidden Knowledge TV's Alexandra Bruce & White House UFOs Grant Cameron go diving through the Deep State UFO Looking Glass into the Mainstream Media and CIA push to spin UFO Disclosure as a National Security Threat program while covering up the mysterious phenomena!

Clandestine Ops 
Through detailed connections, they cover how covert intelligence agencies have been working on a plan for over two decades to present a false and incomplete version of UFO Disclosure as a way to create a new "Threat' scenario from space in order to generate new defense funding and roll out a full scale Space Weapons Program. They follow the clandestine involvement of career CIA Officials Luis Elizondo, Dr. Ron Pandolfi, Hal Puthoff and Jim Semivan that form the core of the false UFO Disclosure rollout.
From the development of Tom Delonge's 'To The Stars Academy' to the misleading and dubious New York Times breakthrough article describing a secret Government program to track UFOs called The 'Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program' (AATIP), the underlying factor that connects these developmements is the intelligence of Deep State players.
 Informative, unnerving, ground breaking and full of implications, don't miss this fascinating Dark Journalist Episode!

This is another post with the purpose to present perspectives and opinions that differ from my own view or belief that we are living in an ongoing "careful and selective disclosure process" (my term) of the truth about the UFO phenomena.

Or more specifically, opinions and arguments that goes against my own reasoning that the people at "To The Stars Academy" (TTSA) have benign intentions with their efforts and work to facilitate a disclosure of the truth about UFOs or UAPs.

As with my previous post of "counter arguments" against my own standpoint concerning disclosure and TTSA, I am not going to make any comments on the content in the Dark Journalist episode above, neither am I going to make any counter arguments against what is said in the episode in question.

Instead, I leave it up to the visitor to listen with both an open and a critical mind, and make up his or her own mind about "true disclosure or deception?", if TTSA is a "Deep State" operation or not, etc.

My purpose with these "counter argument" posts, is simply to present different ways of interpreting the same set of data/same piece of information, and come up with different conclusions about the implications, and so on and so forth.

Take note: 1) The episode above is from February, 2018, so yes, for many in the "ufo community" it is old news, and by now, debated in absurdum. 2) Remember, that this blog is primarily for people unfamiliar with the research done on the UFO phenomena.

Take care!


Sunday, 2 June 2019

Reconstruction of the "Tic Tac" encounters.

"The Nimitz Encounters 5 26 19." Uploaden on UFONN´s YouTube channel May 26, 2019. Mr. Dave Beaty´s documentary has a duration of 32:37 minutes. 
The revised version of Dave Beaty's documentary uploaded here with his expressed permission. Thanks Dave!

A fascinating visualization of the now so famous "Tic Tac" encounters, or "The US Nimitz 2004 UFO encounter." Mr. Dave Beaty´s revised version of his documentary, is above all important and interesting because of the new military witnesses of the "Tic Tac" encounters in 2004, who have been following Cmdr David Fravor´s example. Mr. Fravor was the US Navy pilot who went public with his experiences of the "Tic Tac" in the New York Times articles in December, 2017.

In the video interview below, you can listen to the creator of the "The Nimitiz Encounters" Mr. Dave Beaty, and two of the (relative) new witnesses figuring in Mr Beaty´s documentary, Mr. Kevin Day and Mr. P J Hughes, talking about the "what", "how" and "why" concerning the documentary, and, of course, the witnesses´ respective views on and experiences of the "Tic Tac" encounters.

"PART 1 OF 2: Nimitz Encounters Supershow with Dave Beaty, PJ Hughes & Kevin Day 1/20/19." Published on UFONN´s YouTube channel January 20, 2019. Duration: 1:11:40.

We had some tech issues, so be sure to watch part 2 here:

Enjoy and take care!