Wednesday, 18 July 2018

More declassified UFO video releases? Probably, according to Dr. Hal Puthoff

**Addendum 2025-02-01: The link above to does not work. I encourage you to visit the following link to read a condensed transcript of Dr Hal Puthoff's address at the SSE/IRVA Conference: 

The condensed transcript is made by Kaleen Howdy and published on on October 6, 2019. My text below (from July 7, 2018) is still referring to the material on** / J. T.

Read carefully the text written and edited by Jack Sarfatti with the title "Hal Puthoff interview on USS Nimitz UFO close encounter." Sarfatti writes in his introduction:
In his address to the SSE/IRVA conference Puthoff became the third member of the TTS/AAS team to publicly discuss the FLIR video released to and published by the New York Times on December 16, 2017. As with Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo, he made it quite clear the advanced aerospace object was not of human design without saying it was of extraterrestrial origin.
So what Jack Sarfatti has done is to publish the talk, or presentation, that Dr Harold "Hal" Puthoff held at the SSE/IRVA conference on the 8th of June, 2018, in Las Vegas. It is Dr Puthoff's presentation I encourage you to read with focus, and carefully.

At the beginning of his talk, Dr Puthoff says,
The third area, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, I have not published anything in. Why? Because the program I was involved in, in the Pentagon and in the intelligence community has been Top Secret, behind-the-scenes and only recently has there been release of information about the program. So this is the first chance that I’ve had a chance to actually appear before the public and speak about details of the program and not go to jail. So I’m going to go along at a rapid clip; I’ve got a lot of information here. So here we go.

The following is my interpretation of the most important "message" in Dr Puthoff's talk or presentation:

Government and private experts worldwide know UFOs are real. The scientific evidence shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the UFO phenomenon is real.

We are almost certain that most UFOs, or Advanced Aerospace Vehicles, do not pose a threat to national security. We are certain - but are not allowed to say it in public - that some UFOs are not constructed or manoeuvred by human intelligence.

We continue to study the UFO phenomenon because we aspire to be first with understanding and developing technological applications from our findings (it is the same old arms race but some of us want to use the new and exotic technology and energy sources for peaceful purposes).

"We who are in the know" do not see eye to eye on many of the issues, problems, and dilemmas surrounding the UFO phenomena, for example, on the question of disclosure or not.

Some of us have decided to change the media's and the public's perception of the UFO phenomena from a woo-subject to a scientifically significant subject. In that way, we are hoping the pressure for a disclosure from informed citizens will be too strong for politicians and lawmakers to ignore.

My interpretation may be mistaken in parts or as a whole. I may have missed relevant and interesting points in Dr Puthoff's talk. And, of course, there are many questions about the different topics and aspects in Dr Puthoff's talk that come to mind.

One question would be: Who is giving Dr Puthoff and the other people behind "To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science" (TTSA), the clearance to publicly talk about sensitive information on the UFO subject, and implicitly say that UFOs/UAP/AAVs (whatever acronym you want to use) are not from earth?

I know that many people in the UFO community are very suspicious towards the individuals involved in TTSA, and strongly question the agenda with the whole initiative. And perhaps suspicious for good reasons, since the individuals have been (and probably some of them still are) working for the "enemy side". 

But I do not think that everyone on the "enemy side" is thinking in the same way, has the same values, has the same agenda, etc. I can back that up with basic group psychology and group dynamics. Eventually there is going to be tension and conflict in any kind of group of people. Sooner or later, a group is going to be divided into factions with informal leaders. More often than not, those tensions and factions are caused by "bad chemistry" between two individuals, rather than strong differences in opinions or values.

Also, and always, remember the universal rule of change: Nothing stays the same, everything is in a constant change (even if the change goes very slow and it is not visible to the naked eye).

What I am trying to say is that I think - I am quite certain - big changes have, and are, taking place in the ranks of the so called "power elite" behind the scenes. Now this is a difficult question, so I will not elaborate more on it here and now. But suffice to say is that the power elite (whoever they are) have been divided into at least two factions with different views on what to do with the UFO phenomena/subject.

 At the moment, I believe that Dr Harold Puthoff and the other individuals involved in TTSA (both the known and currently unknown individuals) are sincere and honest with their motives and goals. Many government entities and individuals, including TTSA, may be working together to disclose information about UFOs.

Some in the UFO community believe advanced propulsion technology already exists secretly, making TTSA's efforts redundant. I do not know if there is a secret space program or not. Maybe, maybe not. In my mind, that is not the point or the relevant aspect to focus on right now. What can you and I do if there is such a thing as a secret space program, or a breakaway civilisation that Richard Dolan is taking about? Can we stop it? No. Can we expose it (if it exists)? Perhaps, but then we need the help from guys like Dr Harold Puthoff and initiatives like TTSA.

For what reason? Well, TTSA is trying to empower the media and the public, politicians, and law makers with the information they are coming out with related to the UFO phenomena. I think the first step in TTSA's strategy is to make the UFO phenomena a legitimate subject to be interested in and openly and seriously discuss. They hope to encourage academic research into UFOs and make it safer for military personnel to come forward.

I think most of us interested in and following the UFO subject realise that disclosure will not be a "top down" process. It is going to be a "bottom up" process. I believe TTSA wants to support and trigger that bottom-up process.

Another question is: Why now? Why release the "Tic Tac", "Gimble" and other UFO videos at this point in time? I do not have any good answer to that question. I can only speculate that it has to do with changes within the power elite and those changes are mostly taking place behind the scenes. We also have to zoom out and take a bird's view on what is happening in the world. The question has to be looked at from different levels of analysis, but at the moment, the question is too complex for me, and there is too much information I am not aware of. So, any attempt to answer the question would be guess work from my part.

Instead, I encourage you to ponder Dr Puthoff's talk and draw your own conclusions on what it can mean or not. And consider the context; where was the talk being held, why and to who?

Enjoy and take care!

J. T

Monday, 16 July 2018

Another exclusive (maybe, maybe not) announcement from ALIEN PROTOCOL

"BIG UFO CASE!" Published by and on ALIEN PROTOCOLS Youtube channel, 16 th of July, 2018. Duration; 3:45 minutes.

BIG UFO STORY NOT BEING REPORTED!!! UFOs have long made in their presence known at nuclear bases in the United States and China and Russia. Malmstrom & Minot bases have had numerous major incidents in the past!
Now its happened again & no one is reporting it...except us ...and a few more!!!

If you have not already, please read my thoughts about ALIEN PROTOCOLS (AP) here. In that way, you will have some background to and better understand this my second post about AP. Or rather posts about the content and information that AP is publishing on their YouTube channel.

I am not going to waste my time and energy on speculating who is behind AP, what their agenda is, if they are an independent group or not, and so on. Time will eventually give all the answers.

 I am probably wrong when saying that AP seems to be an interesting new player on the UFO research arena, and if AP's information about the UFO encounter at Malmstrom nuclear facilities in the beginning of this year is correct, then AP seems to get some inside information.

And yes, I am aware of what kind of people can be hiding behind AP and/or what kind of inside connections AP naively(?) is working with.

But let us wait and see what comes out of AP in the future. And let us wait and see if the Malmstrom UFO case in question, is going to be confirmed by other sources.

If AP's information about the Malmstrom UFO case is correct, then it truly is a big and an important case to further investigate and to be made known to the public.

Take care!


"Congress approves half a billion dollars for UFO research." Bullshit or not?

"Congress approves historic Ufo funding!" Published by and on ALIEN PROTOCOLS-Youbutbe channel, 14 th of July, 2018. Duration; 9:19 minutes.

For months special secret groups have been going around briefing congress and Senators... The results are Congress has secretly approved half $1 billion.... and that obviously doesn't include the black money that's already being pumped into several different aspects of the technology already!!!

First I want to say that the group of people behind ALIEN PROTOCOLS ( I call them "AP" from now), is new to me and I have not yet decided what to think of them, if they are serious or not, independent and sincere or not, etc.

I have not yet found any other sources that can corroborate AP´s claim that the U. S. Congress has approved 500 million dollars going into various UFO research programs. Therefore, I am still somewhat skeptical to AP`s claim and to AP in general.

So why make and publish this post?

Well, I have looked at some of the videos on AP´s Youtube channel and found that some of them are quite intelligent and informative. Especially those videos (they are usually, 3 to 8 minutes short) about the possible technology and propulsion systems behind UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).

I have also watched an interview with the man talking in the video clip above, done by Kerry Cassidy at Project Camelot. You can find that interview on Youtube, but I want to say that I am not a fan of Kerry Cassidy´s way of interviewing her guests. Particularly in this interview she is constantly interrupting her guest, but even worse, being condescending toward her guest, that is, the man from AP and who´s voice you are hearing in the video above.

A second reason I am posting the video above by AP, is that I support AP´s purpose and goal: A disclosure of the UFO phenomena by and for the people. That is, as long as AP are what they claim to be and that their goal genuinly is about an open and a transparent disclosure based on data and evidence.

Now, that is not an easy thing to pull off and I doubt AP will succeed with reaching their goal, but I respect and applaud AP´s seemingly genuine enthusiasm and motivation. And I agree with AP when they say that the big and official Disclosure people are talking about and are waiting for is not going to come from neither the U. S. goverment nor any other countries goverment. Disclosure is going to have to come from the grass root level, by and from the people. And it may very well be that "we" already have got some help to make disclosure happen, and that "we" are going to keep getting some help from high level people whom either remain behind the scenes or has stepped out from behind the scenes?

On the other hand, I am not sure if I at the moment have a correct understanding of AP´s view on "what" or "who" is causing the UFO phenomena, if AP thinks there are there different beings with different agendas, if  these beings are all friendly or not, and other questions about contact with and communications with these beings from other galaxies, dimensions or where ever they are coming from. In the video above, the man is talking about "our space brothers and sisters", and that makes me think of some kind of "flower power" approach to the UFO phenomena. An approach that can be foolish,  in my opinion.

But what mostly makes me somewhat skeptical is the discrepancy between what AP is saying and what they are doing. "I don`t trust words. I trust actions," is one of the principles I try to follow in my own life.

For example, AP is talking about "being transparent" in everything they do and that AP is all about "the people." But in their videos they are wearing masks and not using their real names?

To be fair, the man talking in the video above, takes off his mask in the end of the above mentioned interview by Kerry Cassidy.

AP is also secretive about who "they" are, that is, the individuals that constitutes and are behind the AP initiative/group. AP claims to have connections and communications with individuals in "high places" and with insight in the UFO phenomena.

Claims. Words. At the same time, I am going to give AP a chance to prove that "they" are genuine and honest, and that "they" are an independent and serious group of people wanting and trying to do something constructive and good, instead of dreaming or praying that the "aliens" one day will land on the lawn of the White House. That scenario is highly improbable, and also, naive, and for reasons I will not go into to here.

So, I post the video above by AP mainly cause I respect their initiative to actually do something constructive and productive to try to get a better understanding of the UFO phenomena and gather data, evidence of the phenomena that may take us a step or two closer to a disclosure. I think and feel the same way about "To The Stars Academy" (TTSA).

That is, if ALIEN PROTOCOLS - and "To The Stars Academy" - is a sincere and an genuine initiative. I do not care if they will succeed or not with their goals. But I do not like being lied to, and I am tired of all the bullshit and nonsense in the field of UFO research.

Time will tell about AP (and TTSA)...

Take care!


Saturday, 14 July 2018

What does the Skinwalker Ranch tell us about the bigger picture of the UFO phenomena?

"George Knapp (06-17-08) Hunt for the Skinwalker." Published on the UPARS´s Youtube channel, 11th of  February 2015. Duration; 2:01:27.

Are you ready to go further down the rabbit hole? If not, you should skip listening to George Knapp´s presentation about the Skinwalker Ranch. 

Let me first say that I think that George Knapp, together with Leslie Kean, is probable the best professional journalist investigating and covering the UFO phenomena today, and has been so since he started writing about the UFO phenomena in the late -80´s. He is driven by a genuine curiosity, he is humble about his knowledge and understanding about the UFO phenomena, and he knows a lot of high level people invovled in the UFO research field. For example, in this presentation he mentions people like Robert "Bob" Bigelow and Jacques Vallée. 

So George Knapp is not a "UFO nerd" with a tin foil hat on his head. Neither are the people he is connected to and work with. 

I want to make that clear here in the beginning, because George Knapp´s presentation above is nothing less than one of the most bizarre ,and in some instances, the most disturbing phenomena I have ever heard of. In other words, it is hard to know what to think and believe or not about all the different abnormal activity going on in the Skinwalker area; everything from UFO sightings and encounters to poltergeist phenomena.

And like George Knapp himself is saying in the beginning of his presentation: To inform the public about the truth is his trade and obsession, but the Skinwalker Ranch case, or phenomena, has made him think twice about if the truth always should be told to the general public.

What is also important to know is that the Skinwalker phenomena is not just stories and anecdotes from credible and honest people. There has been several scientists and teams of scientists, trying to study, document and evaluate the Skinwalker phenomena with rigours scientific approach and methods. Around the 1 hour and 11 minutes mark, George Knapp describes what kind of science has been done on the Skinwalker Ranch and in the surrounding area. 

It is almost impossible for me to give you particular high lights in Knapp´s presentation, because the whole presentation is filled with examples of all the different and weird ways in which the Skinwalker phenomena is manifesting. But I can recommend - not really the right expression - the video clip of a case of a cattle mutilation that Knapp shows 57:30 minutes into the presentation. That particular cattle mutilation was investigated by Robert Bigelow´s team of scientists. 

The weird, bizarre and disturbing phenomena are not something new or current for the Skinwalker area. The whole Uintah basin of Utah seems to have been a "hot spot" for UFO sightings and paranormal activity for hundreds of years. And the Skinwalker area seems to be the "epicenter" of all that "high strangeness." In the native american folklore a "skinwalker" is a shape shifting witch or soccerer who can manipulate and controll the human mind. 

I do not believe in all the weird and bizarre stuff that is being claimed happening on the Skinwalker Ranch. I do not think George Knapp´s or other peoples interpretations of the Skinwalker phenomena are correct. And Knapp is not claiming that he himself or any other person has the answers to what is happening on the Skinwalker Ranch, what is causing the phenomena or how. 

But I think that some very strange phenomena and activity are manifesting in the Skinwalker area. What and how is as far I can understand still a mystery. 

The last 30 or 40 minutes of the presentation George Knapp answers questions from the audience, and the questions are mostly about other topics than the Skinwalker phenomena, for example, about John Lear and Bob Lazar. 

For a more recent development of the Skinwalker Ranch phenomena, you can listen to Open Minds UFO Radio podcast with the guest documentary filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell. You can listen to Jeremy Corbell talk about his work with George Knapp "to create a documentary with footage that has never been seen by the public of an investigation by Bigelow Aerospace’s Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) division. It has recently been revealed this investigation was funded in part by the Department of Defense", here.

The podcast "Jeremy Corbell - Upcoming Documentary on The Skinwalker Ranch" was posted by Alejandro Rojas on Open Minds UFO Radio, May 15, 2018. Duration; 75 minutes. The interview with Jeremy Corbell starts around 25:20 minutes into the podcast. The link to the interview with Jeremy Corbell again,

I can also recommend the interview with Jeremy Corbell done by Robbie Graham and published on Mysterious Universe website, 29 June, 2018. The interview is mostly about the Skinwalker Ranch and Corbell´s up coming documentary about the phenomena at the Skinwalker area, but Corbell also gives some interesting information on the difference between the "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP) and the "Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program" (AAWSAP), and the U.S goverment´s interest in and scientific investigations of the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch.

Here is the link to the interview;

I know, it is very hard for even open minded people to decide what to think and believe or not about what is happening on the Skinwalker Ranch. 

Take care!


Wednesday, 11 July 2018

R Dolan `s two part interview with contact/abduction researcher, Kathleen Marden.

 "Richard Dolan interviews Kathleen Marden -Part One." Published on Richard Dolan´s Youtube channel on the 1st of July, 2018. Duration; 52:07 minutes.

Richard Dolan speaks with Kathleen Marden Leading UFO researcher, author and lecturer, and expert on the Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience
 This is Part One of a Two-Part video 
For more on Kathleen, check out her books; 
The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported -
 Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers: The Truth Behind the Misinformation, Distortion, and Derision by Debunkers, Government Agencies, and Conspiracy Conmen

 Richard Dolan starts introducing Kathleen Marden, UFO researcher, 2:45 minutes into the show and the prerecorded interview with Marden starts around the 3:40 minutes mark. This is part one of two. Part two of the interview with  Marden is found below ("Richard Dolan interviews Kathleen Marden (Part 2)" ).

In this part one of the interview, Kathleen Marden is mostly describing and talking about her own and other researhers studies on the experiencer phenomenon (what I call the "contact aspect" of the UFO-phenomena). Marden defines "experiencers" as "those people who had contact with non human entities." Both positive and negative contacts and experiences. These non human entities is not always necessarily what we would think of as extraterrestial beings or "aliens", according to Marden´s and other researchers data.

What is interesting - and what makes the contact aspect very strange and complex - is that Kathleen Marden´s research shows that 88 % of experiencers say that after an UFO-encounter/experience and/or abduction they also start to experience paranormal activity in their homes and lifes.

In the first 25 minutes of this part one, Marden talks about her recent commonality study were most of the experiencers in the study say that they have become more intuitive and empathic (not the same as "empathetic"), and they ascribe these heighten abilities with their experiences with the non human entities.

Marden also asked the experiencers in her study if they would like their extraordinary experiences to stop. 71 % answered that they did not want their experiences to stop, while a significant minority, 29 %, answered that they want their experiences to stop.

Dolan and Marden are of course discussing possible answers to and interpretations of the statistical data I have mentioned above, and also about other findings in Marden´s and other researchers studies that I have not mentioned here.

As always; listen with both an open and a skeptical mind. Form your own opinions about the subject in question. //Janne

"Richard Dolan interviews Kathleen Marden (Part 2)." Published on Richard Dolan´s Youtube channel on the 7th of July, 2018. Duration; 1:01:53.

Richard Dolan speaks with Kathleen Marden Leading UFO researcher, author and lecturer, and expert on the Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience.
This is Part Two of a Two-Part video.

You can skip ahead in the show to 6:30 minutes to avoid the annoying commercial break. In this part two of the interview, Kathleen Marden starts with describing an abduction/experiencer case with multiple and credible witnesses. This case also shows how paranormal activity can follow - or somehow seems to be triggered by and seems correlated with - UFO encounters and/or abduction experiences.

22:30 minutes into the show Marden shares her own extraordinary experiences that occured in her childhood and inlcuded other members in her family. In relation to her personal story, Marden also talks about the modus operandi of the debunkers of the UFO-phenomenon.

The second half of this part two interview/show Dolan asks Marden where she thinks the abduction research is today, what are the current hypotheses, and so on. That conversation starts around the 34 minutes mark, but I am not sure if Dolan and Marden really discusses Dolan´s above mentioned guestions. Instead they go on a tangent - a fascinating tangent - about a woman named Francess Swann (I am unsure of my spelling) who in the 1950´s was in contact with some high level individuals in goverment and in the military about the abduction/experiencer phenomena.

Take care!


Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Dr John E. Mack on why the abduction phenomenon is important to study.

Published by the Youtube channel, John E. Mack, on the 24th of March, 2014: 
"1995.04.28 John E. Mack, M.D. presentation at IONS on alien encounters."  Duration; 1:10:23.
A presentation by Dr. John Mack on the subject of alien encounters, held at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in Sausalito CA, April 28, 1995. Includes discussion of the Ariel School sighting (though the clips of the student interviews have been omitted at the request of Dr. Mack). He also briefly discusses a private group meeting with the Dalai Lama that occurred in 1992.
John E. Mack, M.D. (1929-2004) was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
 This video is no longer for sale at and appears by kind permission of IONS. Edited by Adrian Amsems, IONS. Transferred from VHS by Maria Talcott.
This post is a continuation of the exploration of, what I call, the contact aspect of the UFO phenomena. We have left the physical aspect - or the nuts n`bolts - of the UFO phenomena, that has been the theme since the start of this blog and that ended with this first post on the contact aspect. 

The video above shows more of a conversation than a presentation between Dr. John E. Mack and the group of scientists and laypeople he is talking to and with. Among the group of scientists are Jacques Vallée and Peter A. Sturrock. Both are participating in the conversation and discussion about the contact/abduction phenomenon that starts around 25 minutes into the video.

The conversation was held at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in California, 1995. IONS was co-founded in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut and sixth man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell. "Noetic" comes from the Greek word "noetikos", meaning "direct knowing", "inner wisdom" or "subjective understanding."

In short, the conversation between Dr. Mack and his audience is of an ontological and epistemological character. Dr. Mack has written down five questions and he goes through them beginning at the 4:40 minutes mark. Those questions then serve as a platform for the conversation about the nature of the contact/abduction phenomenon, its meaning, effects, and so on.

Around the 19:25 minutes mark, Dr. Mack talks about the Ariel School contact case, which happened in Ruwa, Zimbabwe in 1994, and which I hold as the most significant contact case in modern history. You can listen to one of the witnesses from the Ariel School contact case in my directly previous post to this one. 

In the segment starting around 56 minutes into the video and ending at 57:10 minutes, Dr. Mack talks about why he personally finds the contact/abduction phenomenon so fascinating and important.

Finally, let us always remember that behind all the fascination for the contact/abduction phenomenon and all the interesting intellectual, abstract discussions, there are human beings who in some cases have experienced something very disturbing and traumatic.

That is why it is crucial to have people like Dr. John E. Mack getting involved with doing research on the phenomena itself, but more importantly to help people to deal with, understand, and in some cases, heal from their extraordinary experiences.

The human side, the psychological and emotional effects of the abduction phenomenon, were always the primary concern for Dr. Mack. Let us try to always keep in mind what is the most important thing with this strange, bizarre, fascinating and sometimes utterly disturbing abduction phenomenon: The human beings who are having these extraordinary experiences.

Enjoy the interesting conversation and take care!


Monday, 9 July 2018

Debate on the abduction/contact experience between Budd Hopkins and Dr. John E. Mack

Published by UFOTV The Disclosure Network on the 12th of October 2011: The Alien Abduction Experience - Budd Hopkins and Dr. John E. Mack.  Duration; 1:03:20.
From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. EBE Award Winner! Feature Length - In loving memory of Budd Hopkins 1931 - 2011, and John E. Mack, M.D. 1929 - 2004, and their contribution to Alien Abduction and Extreme Experience Research.
 Legendary Alien Abduction Researchers - Budd Hopkins - Author, Researcher and John Mack, M.D. - Harvard Professor of Psychiatry, come together to discuss what they believe is happening to people who report experiences of being abducted by Aliens and taken aboard their craft. Get the facts in this rare and heart felt presentation. Originally taped in 1997.

The debate or dialogue about the "alien abduction experience" between Budd Hopkins and Dr. John E. Mack is an informative introduction to some of the different views and opinions on the subject that I call the "contact aspect" of the UFO-phenomena.

The dialogue occured in 1997 and the first thought that hit me when watching and listening to Hopkins and Mack were: why don't we see and hear this kind of open and serious discussion about the UFO-phenomena in the mainstream media today? Or even in the so called alternative media?

Around the 38 minutes mark the audience gets to ask questions to Hopkins and Mack. Most of them very good questions that triggers interesting and respectful debate between Hopkins and Mack.

I highly respect both of the gentlemen, Budd Hopkins and John E. Mack, for their work and contribution to the study of the contact aspect of the UFO-phenomena. In particular I respect Dr. John E. Mack´s courage to risk his reputation as a clinical psychologist and his academic standing when he decided to listen to peoples stories about their extraordinary experiences.

In this debate, I mostly agree with Dr. John E. Mack´s perspective on the "alien abduction experience."  But I can also see and understand where Budd Hopkins is coming from.

My interpretation of Mack´s perspective is that he do not want to make the contact aspect a question of "good" or "bad" "aliens". He even thinks that we probably never are going to get the (full) answers to what is going on behind this contact/abduction phenomenon. Instead, Mack urges us to go from a literal interpretation of the phenomenon to an more ontological one. What does the phenomenon say about our perception of reality, ourselves and the planet we are living on?

The contact aspect of the UFO-phenomenon is complex, to say the least. It is up to each individual to make up their own mind about the contact/abduction aspect. But in order to do so, we at least have to give the research and material on the phenomenon a fair chance. We cannot dismiss the contact aspect of the UFO-phenomena without first looking at the material with both an open and a skeptical mind. If we have given the research a fair chance, then it is ok to disagree with parts of it or dismiss it as a whole. 

"Curiosity didn´t kill the cat. Ignorance did." - Unknown

Take care!


Ariel School UFO encounter witness, Salma Siddick, and director of "Ariel Phenomenon"

Published by Martin Willis Live Shows on Youtube. Live broadcast played on the 18th of October, 2017. Duration; 1:29:48.

Salma Siddick (Ariel School Encounter Witness) brilliantly tells her story during the Ariel School encounter on September 16, 1994. Randy Nickerson discusses his film of the event Ariel Phenomenon. Host Martin Willis, Podcast UFO: Show notes: Help fund the completion of this important film:
What happens when you see something so extraordinary that no one believes you? Filmmaker Randall Nickerson is exploring this question through his upcoming feature-length documentary, Ariel Phenomenon. The film explores an event in 1994 when sixty school children claim to have seen an unusual space craft land near their primary school in Ruwa, Zimbabwe and witnessed an incredible event that, to this day, they can hardly comprehend themselves.

This is a continuation of my last post about the "Ariel Phenomenon", which you can find here.
As you can read in the quotes above taken from text related to the live broadcast on the Martin Willis Live Shows, host Martin Willis interviewed one of the over 60 school children, Salma Siddick, who had an extraordinary experience in Zimbabwe, 1994. Another guest in the show is Randall Nickerson, the director and producer of the documentary "Ariel Phenomenon", portraying the extraordinary event that Salma and the other children shared in Zimbabwe in 1994.

The live broadcast has some technical issues throughout the broadcast, especially in the beginning. However, the interview with both Salma Siddick and Randall Nickerson is still worth watching and listening to. The interview with Salma starts around the 4:30 minutes mark.

I leave it up to the curious reader of this blog to listen to Samla and Randall and form their own opinions about the Ariel school UFO encounter in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, 1994.

All I can and want to say at the moment is that it´s tough to believe that Salma Siddick, the other children and witnesses of the Ariel School UFO encounter, were making up the story in 1994.

Richard Dolan Show 26 March 2018 1994 Zimbabwe UFO. Published on Richard Dolan´s Youtube channel, 29th of March 2018. Duration; 1:40:21. 
Topics (1) Richard discusses the rollout of his new member site and discusses current UFO-related news. (2) Richard interviews Randall Nickerson, Director/Producer of the documentary film “Ariel Phenomenon,” which discusses one of the most incredible UFO encounters of our lifetime. That is the September 16, 1994 encounter of over 60 school children with a landed UFO and non-human beings. It’s a case that is not only fascinating, but emotionally powerful, not least because of the interviews done shortly after the event by Harvard psychologist Dr. John Mack, which brought out the deep impact the encounter had on these highly articulate, sincere, and thoughtful children. Randall Nickerson has been working on a documentary that follows up on these witnesses, now adults, to re-examine their thoughts and perceptions of what happened and how it affected them. Richard’s interview with Randall is itself powerful and sheds much light on the case. Visit the documentary website at Listen live to the Richard Dolan show every Monday from 8-10 p.m. Eastern at Visit Richard Dolan's members' site at See the books published by Richard Dolan and his authors at

The segment with Randall Nickerson, director/producer of the documentary "Ariel Phenomenon", starts around the 26 minutes mark and last for the remainder of the Richard Dolan Show.
 Before the interview with Randall Nickerson, Dolan has some interesting reflections about the current state of the study and the status of the UFO phenomenon and why he feels hopeful about the future of UFO research. Those reflections start around the 13:45 minute mark.

I think the most important things said in this interview are what happened to the children from the Ariel primary school after the UFO encounter. How did the UFO encounter affect them in 1994 and afterwards? How did their families and media react to and handle their experiences? In what ways did the UFO encounter change their view of reality and life in general?

And in what ways is the UFO encounter in 1994 still affecting them today?

The tragic side of the Ariel school UFO encounter is that some of the children (and perhaps some of the adult witnesses) never had the opportunity to talk about their extraordinary experiences. For some of the children, the UFO encounter in Zimbabwe in 1994, was traumatic and they did not get any help or support to understand and deal with what happened to them.

Again, all I can and want to say about the Ariel school UFO encounter at the moment is that I am convinced that the children and the other witnesses really experienced something extraordinary that day in September 1994, in Ruwa, Zimbabwe.

The Ariel school UFO case is, like all of the other credible contact cases, incomprehensible. These contact cases leave us with questions only. To my knowledge, no one has any kind of explanations for "who", "what", "how", or "why" to the contact aspect of the UFO-phenomena.

For now, we can only speculate about the causes and reasons for the contact aspect. And speculating is far from knowing and even further from understanding. So why not have a conversation about events like the Ariel school UFO encounter and learn something from them?

Take care!


60 school children share an extraordinary experience in Zimbabwe, 1994.

Ariel Phenomenon 2017 Promo. Published on Ariel Phenomenon Youtube channel, 16th of August 2017. Duration; 8:20 minutes.

We are now leaving the physical aspect - the "nuts n`bolts" aspect - of the UFO phenomenon(-na) and entering a much more strange, bizarre and puzzling aspect. Starting with this post, this blog will explore and present material about people claiming to have had contact with non-human beings: the contactee and abductee aspect of the UFO phenomena.

I will refer to this aspect of the UFO phenomena as the "contact aspect" even if the contactee and abductee cases can be seen as different categories or experiences.  

I am not going to go through the history of the contact aspect or present material on all the most well-documented cases. I am not trying to convince anyone that there is solid evidence supporting the contact aspect to be real (well, who decides what is "real" and how?).

Because I have not found any kind of evidence (this is also a question of definition; what counts as "evidence" and in which context, etc.?) to support people`s claims of having had communication or encounters with non-human intelligence.

With that said, I believe some of those claims and stories are worth listening to and taking seriously. And my main purpose with this and coming posts on the contact aspect of the UFO phenomena is to present some of the credible cases so that the reader can evaluate the material and make up their own mind.

One of those credible stories - or contact cases - worth listening to and taking seriously is the one about the experience that over 60 school children and other witnesses shared in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, in 1994.

The Youtube clip above is a promotion trailer for the full-length documentary "Ariel Phenomenon" that is trying to raise public awareness of the event in Ruwa, -94.

You can read more about what the 60 school children experienced in -94 and about the documentary "Ariel Phenomenon" here.

Whether or not we believe that some of the more credible contact cases actually happened - like the one in Ruwa 1994 - there is no doubt in my mind that in some of the contact cases the individuals are sincere, honest and truly believe in their experiences. In most contact cases, the individuals seem to be affected profoundly by their experiences. Sometimes positively, sometimes in a negative way, and perhaps most often, affected by their experience in a complex way of both "good and bad."

If anything, the contact cases show that the UFO-phenomena do not fit neatly into a category or box. Yes, the physical aspect of the UFO phenomena is validated, but even the nuts n´bolts aspect has far more questions than answers.

The contact aspect of the UFO-phenomena is truly and highly strange. Even weird, sometimes. But I cannot help thinking that the contact aspect has something essential to tell us about the UFO-phenomena and the nature of consciousness and its interaction with matter, space, and time. The answer(s) may have something to do with non-human intelligence. Whatever "they" are, and where ever "they" may come from.

Take care!


Sunday, 8 July 2018

Senator Harry Reid about his invovlement in Pentagon´s UFO-program, AATIP.

The link above leads to an article by George Knapp and Matt Adams for the "I-Team." Knapp and Adams writes about a document from 2009 "in which Reid made the case for protecting and expanding the project." The project the quote is referring to is the much talked about in the ufo-community, Pentagon´s UFO-program "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP). (UFO researcher Paul Dean has found another name and acronym than AATIP, and the question is if the different names stands for two different UFO-programs/projects or not?). "Reid" is senator Harry Reid who initiated the military study of UFO encounters in 2007.

According to Knapp´s and Adams´ article from the 28th of June 2018, senator Harry Reid in a 2009 letter to the deputy secretary of defense said "that the AATIP study was already a success, and that exotic technologies could be catastrophic if used by our adversaries."

Why is that statement interesting? First of all, senator Reid is saying that the AATIP was a success almost immediately after its implementation, but perhaps most intriguing is that senator Reid´s statement goes against the spokesperson for the AATIP who has said something in the following; "we did not learn much and it was decided to spend the taxpayers money on something else."

The Pentagon has said that the program ended in 2012. Luis Elizondo, the former director for the AATIP and now at the "To the Stars Academy", has said that only the funding ended in 2012, but that the program was still running when he left his position as the director of the AATIP.

The link above has also a 4 minutes short news clip with George Knapp interviewing senator Harry Reid and Luis Elizondo about the 2009 document/letter. Very interesting in the news clip is the segment with Dr. Hal Puthoff talking to a science group in Las Vegas. Listen carefully on what dr. Puthoff was telling the group of scientists.

The link to "New York Magazine" leads to another interview - a more in depth interview than the first link above - with senator Harry Reid. In this article he goes into more detail about his involvement in the AATIP, why a scientific approach in the study of the UFO phenomenon is crucial, etc.

Below is a quote from senator Harry Reid on the question about secrecy or not, or a cover-up or not, regarding information about the UFO-phenomenon.
Let me give you something that the press has totally failed and conjured. We have hundreds and hundreds of papers, pages of paper, that have been available since this was completed. Most all of it, 80 percent at least, is public. You know something? The press has never even looked at it. Not once. That’s where we are. I wanted it public, it was made public, and you guys have not even looked at it.

Enjoy and take care!


Sunday, 1 July 2018

Navy pilot and commander David Fravor about his Tic Tac Ufo encounter.

Below you will find a two-part interview with Navy pilot and commander David Fravor made by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell.

It is a very important interview in which commander David Fravor clarifies some of the speculations and misconceptions about the video and written report on the "Tic Tac" incident outside the coast of San Diego in 2004.

Visitors to this blog probably have read the article in the New York Times (NYT) from 2017-12-17, on the Department of Defense UFO program, AATIP, who released the video of the Tic Tac UFO encounter. If not, you can read the NYT article and watch the Tic Tac video here.

The written report on the Tic Tac UFO encounter has been published on "To the Stars Academy (TTSA)" site and can be read here.

Anyone seriously interested in the UFO-phenomenon - skeptics as well as believers - should listen carefully to the whole interview (part one and two).

Ask relevant and critical questions. Not just only on this one UFO encounter, but also how it fits - or do not fit - in the bigger picture of the UFO-phenomenon.

Perhaps the most important question is: What are - or should be - the implications of the Tic Tac UFO encounter for the scientific study and general discussion of the UFO-phenomenon?

Enjoy and take care!


Published June 23 2018 on Jeremy Corbell's Youtube channel. Duration: 28:13 minutes. Part one.

Published June 27 2018 on Jeremy Corbell's Youtube channel. Duration: 26:07 minutes. Part two.