Friday, 25 October 2019

UFOs and nuclear weapon systems

"August 23, 2019, Before the Supreme Court of India - Sabir Hussain." Published on the YouTube channel of Bob Salas on August 22, 2019. Duration: 20:53 minutes.

The decision by the Supreme Court of India to consider this petition was historic. They now have the opportunity to create a world safer from nuclear war.

If you are unfamiliar with the UFO phenomenon in general and its significance to us all in particular, then the video above should make you more aware of why the military and the world's governments have taken the UFO phenomenon seriously for decades.

Mr Sabir Hussain, director of "Indian Society For UFO Studies" (INSUFOS), made the video above. Hussain has written the book Accidental UFO Apocalypse and based on the findings in his book, he has sent a petition to the Supreme Court of India with the purpose "to prevent an accidental India-Pakistan nuclear war due to misunderstood UFO activities." At the 9:20 minute mark (to the 11:40 mark) in the video above, Hussain describes why this awareness of UFO activity at and around nuclear military sites is critical in India and Pakistan today.

Monday, 21 October 2019

The U.S. Army and TTSA has entered a 5 year research and development agreement


Some days have passed since the U.S. Army and To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) announced their "Cooperation Research and Development Agreement" (CRADA).

The CRADA is between TTSA and The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center. You can read TTSA´s announcement of the CRADA in the news section on its website.

In the first link below, you can read the CRADA in its entirety, thanks to John Greenewald Jr, creator of The Black Vault. The title of the CRADA between TTSA and the U.S. Army is "Novel & Emerging Technology Exploitation." I recommend that you carefully read through the whole CRADA before reading my personal thoughts on the content in the CRADA and how this agreement between TTSA and the U.S. Army fits in the bigger picture of what I believe to be an ongoing disclosure process of the UFO phenomena.

The second link below takes you to a good article by Joseph Trevithick for The Drive. The article gives some background and context to the research and development "deal" between TTSA and the U.S. Army.

My thoughts on the CRADA

Now, to my personal thoughts on some of the explicit parts in the CRADA, and on what may or may not be implied with this cooperation between TTSA and the U.S. Army: "What could it all mean?" I have not further researched the technicalities and legal terms in the CRADA between TTSA and the U.S. Army. Neither have I taken a closer look at what The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center actually does, what kind of scientists and facilities it has, etc.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Is "Psychic X" doing historic work on psi abilities?

"CONFESSION # 1: Psychic X, historic work & Remote Viewing." Published on Alien Protocols´ YouTube channel on October 12, 2019. Duration: 9:59 minutes. 

I can’t mention everything and get into more specifics because in some cases I am covered by a non-disclosure agreement and in others I am still working with the individuals and groups… We are doing amazing things gang thank you for your support! Let’s keep making history! If there’s anything we can do to help you it is our honor! Just email If you’d like it make a donation We also have a Venmo account and would be happy to send you the info…

** IMPORTANT: I watched the video above and wrote the text below before the video was removed from Alien Protocols´ YouTube channel. I can guess why the video has been removed, and if Buddy, aka Psychic X, wants me to remove this post from my blog, I will do it. So the text below is written in the way as if the reader of this post could watch, listen to and make up her/his own mind about the information Buddy shared in the video above. **

*** Addendum 191014: At the end of this post, you will find a new YouTube video from Alien Protocols published in 191014. In that video, Buddy, or Psychic X, explains why his video above, published in 191012, was removed from his YouTube channel. ***

If you are not already, I would like to advise you to get familiar with the work of D. Baron "Buddy" Bolton, or as he is also known as, "Psychic X." Why? One reason being the great voluntary work he is doing by healing people. Another reason being his intriguing and exciting involvement with scientists on the consciousness aspect of the Phenomenon. You can listen to Buddy talk about his involvement in various scientific studies in his video clip above.