Tuesday, 13 August 2019

New witness testimony to the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents

"#EXCLUSIVE - new #interview with a #RendleshamForest #UFO #witness." Published by and on the YouTube channel Anicka Plante @ The Analysis.net, on July 25, 2019. Duration: 41:03 minutes.

Important new information has emerged concerning the famous “UFO” incident at Rendlesham Forest.
A #military #eye-witness has reported that scientific data was planted into his mind during an #encounter with a #UAP, the second #RFI witness to make such a claim — in this case a formula and associated information concerning #antimatter and #antigravity.
All media in this video is subject to copyright. Follow the link to the associated article (above) for further information.
 © 2019 The Analysis

You can get some more background to the interview above with Stg. Michael Stacey Smith (Ret.) on the following link:


I got the permission from one of the copyright holders, Tim Acheson (@timacheson), to use the video interview above (if embedded). 

I am aware of, but not involved in, some kind of grouping regarding what is the actual truth about the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents. That is of course unfortunate, but not unusual in these kinds of high profile UFO cases, involving multiple events and witnesses. 

The reason I am posting the interview with Michael Stacey Smith is because I believe his testimony to be honest and genuine. It is another voice and another perspective to help us put together a more clear and complete picture of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents.

As always, I encourage anyone interested in finding out the truth, to do their own research, reflections and to make up their own mind about what to believe or not.

Take care!

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