Sunday, 10 March 2024

New incursions by unknown flying objects over protected facilities in Sweden

The geopolitical situation with the Russian-Ukraine war and Sweden's Nato membership makes it challenging to decipher the nature of the unidentified flying objects.

Two years ago, simultaneous incursions occurred by unidentified flying objects over at least three Swedish nuclear facilities. A similar simultaneous incursion by unidentified flying objects happened on the 9th of March 2024 in the south of Sweden.

What happened on the 9th of March 2024 and where?

According to the Swedish newspaper, Sydsvenskan, “several drones have been observed during the evening and night to Saturday on several locations in Skane” (“Skåne” is the most south region of Sweden). The news media company, TV4 Nyheterna, reports that “according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna, several big drones have been observed on several locations in Skane”. Some of those locations were the closed nuclear facility Barsebäck (closed since 2005 and today a protected facility), and Malmö Airport (Malmö is the biggest city in the south of Sweden, and the third biggest in Sweden). Other locations were the “drones” — or UFOs — were observed was in Svedala and Ystad (see the map below).

Several big “drones” were observed in several locations in the most south region of Sweden on the evening of the 8th of March and night to the 9th of March 2024. Most notable of those locations are the closed nuclear facility Barsebäck and Malmö Airport.

Both the Sydsvenskan and TV4 Nyheterna report that the police and defence department are working together with the investigation of the simultaneous incursions by several “big drones” over protected facilities/areas like Barsebäck and Malmö Airport. A spokesperson for the police of Region South, Sara Andersson, tells the Sydsvenskan that these kinds of simultaneous observations and incursions are “relatively unusual”.

Some further information is given by the same spokesperson for the police of Region South to the public news service channel, SVT Nyheter: “We are going to begin with analysing the material we have recorded and see what that analysis gives us.” In the same article by STV Nyheter, an academic at the college of the defence department, states that the recent incursions are likely connected to Sweden’s membership in Nato.

Similarities and differences between the incursions in 2022 and 2024

A rough overview of some of the similarities and differences between the incursions in January 2022 and March 2024 can be described as follows, and beginning with the similarities:

Both years involve multiple unidentified flying objects — “big drones” — simultaneously flying over civilian and protected facilities/areas (nuclear facilities, airport). For both years, it seems like the UFOs or the “big drones” either want to be detected or do not care if detected. For both years, the UFOs are flying over civilian facilities and areas rather than military ones. In both years, the simultaneous incursions or fly overs occurred during a tumultuous geopolitical situation or development. Both years, the incursions happened close to large bodies of water. Also, there is recorded material (footage) of some of the UFOs or drones from both years.

The main difference between the incursions in 2022 and 2024 is the geographical one. In January 2022, the simultaneous incursions occurred over a large geographical area (south of Sweden, on the east and west coast) compared to March 2024 (restricted to a relatively small area on the south coast of Sweden). Another difference is that the media reporting of the incursions is even more scarce this year than in 2022. A third, and perhaps an important, difference is that this year’s incursions involved a civilian airport.

What conclusions can we infer from the incursions of 2022 and 2024?

I am afraid we cannot draw any conclusions with a high degree of certainty. The publicly available information is too thin, incomplete. Which makes any inferences or interpretations of the nature and intent of the UFOs or “big drones” fraught with uncertainties and risk of errors. You could make an equally reasonable case for the incursions of 2022 and 2024 being caused by “genuine” UFOs or by a foreign military power. The characteristics of the incursions in 2022 and 2024 fit both explanations. Of course, some high-quality evidence — for instance, the “recorded material” — could at least eliminate one or the other explanation.

Update, 10th of March 2024

During the Saturday evening on the 9th of March, the police got calls for more sightings of unknown flying objects in the area around the closed nuclear facility, Barsebäck, according to the Swedish newspaper, Expressen. Witnesses are telling about fighter jets circling the area (that is, seeking the unknown flying objects, and also showing military presence and capability). What I find strange and annoying with both the articles from earlier today (above) and this recent one, is the lack of reporting of the witnesses’ perception of the objects. How would the witnesses describe the unknown flying objects? For example, did the objects make any sound or not?

Regardless of who is the behind the “big drones” or UFOs, they seem sure of not getting caught and the intention seems to be “poke the hornet’s nest and study the effects”.

Take care