Sunday, 21 February 2021

The consciousness aspect of the UFO phenomenon. III.


This is the third post on the connection between consciousness and the UFO phenomenon. However, this post has a somewhat different purpose than the two previous ones. I`ll come to the point of this post further down.

 My personal belief is that a deeper understanding of consciousness can help us better understand the UFO phenomenon and vice versa. How? My best guess at the moment is that the common factor that will explain the intimate connection between consciousness (i.e., altered perception/experience of reality as reported by experiencers) and the UFO phenomenon is some kind of quantum process. Perhaps consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe, and every one of us is a specific manifestation, or expression, of the fundamental consciousness? 

That is, of course, highly speculative. Still, even prominent people like Sir Roger Penrose endorse the view of consciousness as a fundamental property of the universe (but not in a panpsychism-manner, as my last question in the paragraph above is, perhaps, implying). That is, consciousness is not an emergent phenomenon or epiphenomenal. You can read about the philosophical underpinnings and problems of emergent properties in this entry on  

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Want to help UAP disclosure?

 The link below takes you to an article on the website If you want to help to raise the public´s awareness of the validity of the UAP (UFO) issue, then the article will explain what and how you can do that. Also, the article provides you with some material (a Google drive link) you can use on social media and/or in other contexts. Here is the link to the article:

The article is a part of a bigger campaign - #EndUAPSecrecy - which is mostly taking place on "UFO Twitter". If you are unfamiliar with the campaign, the article explains its purpose and goals. I have not been on Twitter for the last year or year and a half, so I am not updated on the details of the current nature or status of the campaign. 

However, I am aware that people like Luis Elizondo (the former manager of Pentagon´s UFO program "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP)), acknowledge the #EndUAPSecrecy-campaign, and other efforts by the ufo-community to inform the public about the UFO phenomenon and to push for more governmental transparency. For example, you can hear Elizondo express his gratitude for the efforts of the ufo-community (perhaps currently mostly on Twitter) on this podcast. (The link takes you to one of my previous posts). 

Back to the article. It mentions an upcoming initiative, which I find promising:

There is an upcoming initiative, ‘The Big Phone Home’ which is going to take place 24/04/2021, the idea is people from mainstream Ufology and some in UFOTwitter are contacting congressional representatives to request UAP transparency. We in EndUAPSecrecy could use this data to do a global social media push into the mainstream. A few hundred or even thousand people all demanding UAP transparency across the internet should make waves.

Overall, I stand behind the purpose and goals of #EndUAPSecrecy. I think it is an important campaign and I believe it has had some positive effects of mainly reaching outside the ufo-community with credible information on the UFO issue. In other words, I think the campaign has contributed to raise the status of the UFO phenomenon as a serious subject to discuss, and to reduce the social stigma. In my book, that is more than something. 

I also think these kinds of campaigns should remind us of what people can accomplish when they come together, find a common purpose, and coordinate their efforts to reach a meaningful goal. What if humans could use this "power and energy of the collective" for good and something constructive more often?

Take care!


Saturday, 13 February 2021

The Aguadilla UFO Incident: Data for scientists to examine

"Aguadilla UFO Incident - George Knapp - Mystery Wire." Published on Mystery Wire´s Youtube channel on February 12 2021. Duration: 22:02 minutes.​ Aguadilla UFO Incident - George Knapp talks with UFOlogist Rich Hoffman about this sighting and the video recorded by the U.S. government.

The video clip/interview summarises a longer interview with Mr Rich Hoffman about the Aguadilla UFO case. You can find part one of that longer interview here. If you are not familiar with the Aguadilla UFO case, then you should look into it. I find it more compelling regarding data/evidence than the Tic Tac UFO case. The full report on the Aguadilla UFO case, which Mr George Knapp och Mr Hoffman refers to in the interview, can be found on Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU) website. (Click on the link and scroll down to the second full report).

You can read more about Mr Hoffman´s background and credentials on SCU´s website (or listen to part one of the longer interview), so I will not say more about that here. Neither am I going to comment on what is said in the video clip above about the Aguadilla UFO incident, except for the following: