Saturday, 23 March 2019

"There are pieces of evidence", says former Senator Harry Reid

"I-Team: Former Sen. Reid wants UFO studies made public." Posted on 8 News NOW Las Vegas YouTube channel on the 27th of February 2019. Duration: 5:10 min.

Former Senator Harry Reid says that he can bet money on that Russia and China have had, and have, their own UFO programs, and are trying to understand the technology behind the UFO phenomena.

That piece of information is of course nothing new or controversial for ufo enthusiasts. In fact, in the interview by George Knapp, former Senator Reid is not saying anything new or controversial.

So why post the interview? Personally, I think the most interesting thing in the interview is that Mr. Harry Reid is saying that "there are pieces of evidence" with a mischievous smile. Of course, Mr. Reid does not want to say what nature those "pieces of evidence" are or look like, and he claims that he just heard of it as a rumour.

But the interesting part for me is that Mr. Reid´s claim about "pieces of evidence" (followed by his mischievous smile) may tie into Dr. Eric Davids´ statements about the U.S. government having crash retrieval programs up until 1989, and attempts at back-engineering UFO technology. Without any success, according to Dr. Davids. You can listen to Dr. Davids talk about the topic in my previous post here.

So are we getting the correct information about the UFO phenomena? Or is there a faction in and outside the U.S. government that has hijacked - what I believe to be and call - the educational, or preparation, phase of the disclosure process?

But why at all start a disclosure process (if this truly is an attempt at disclosure) about the UFO phenomena, if you do not want attention from the public and media in the first place? Why release Department of Defense videos of UFOs in major newspapers, if you want to keep that knowledge secret? Why release information on AAWSAP and AATIP?

Where is the logic in "To The Stars Academy (TTSA)" being a CIA or DIA (or both) front?

Why all of this release of information and "insider" people coming out in the public, if one wants to keep working and spending money on the study of UFO technology without the general public, media, and congressmen interfering? Remember that TTSA has been, and still is, busy informing congressmen about the UFO phenomena, AATIP, AAWSAP, and so on.

The only way for me to make sense of all the seeming contradictions between on the one hand continue secrecy and denial, and on the other hand releasing information about the UFO phenomena in the public domain, is that there has to be at least two opposing factions inside the Pentagon, who are in disagreement about the nature of the UFO phenomena (threat or not), if the public has a right or not to know, if the public can handle the information or not, about geopolitical issues and so on and so forth.

I speculate that, what made the articles in the New York Times in December of 2017 possible, is a change in group dynamics and power balance between the two factions. I wrote more at length about my thoughts on these contradictions in my post from September last year.

I still believe - I am aware I can be wrong - that we are experiencing an "educational phase" of a disclosure process of the UFO phenomena. I also believe that the "what", "how" and "when" are well planned. That is, there is a clear and intentional strategy behind the phases of and the whole disclosure process. Nothing is random here. And "balance" is a keyword and aspect in the unfolding of the disclosure process.

But, I think it is crucial that the general public in the near future gets more involved in the disclosure process. I believe that a true, honest and transparent disclosure is only going to happen if the general public is given power and control over the disclosure process. What is on the other side of power and control? Yes, responsibility and effort.

I believe that TTSA and others are trying to facilitate the general public in gaining power and control. They are briefing congressmen, working with meta-materials, etc, and they are going to make their studies and results public. Then it is up to the general public to take responsibility and make an effort to analyze the information and take action accordingly.

In other words, disclosure has to be by and for the people. The people have to own and control the final disclosure. Disclosure has to be a bottom-up process, rather than a top-down process. Or at least, the powers at be and the people have to meet somewhere in the middle.

So, now is not the time for paranoia or knee jerk reactions to everything and everyone related to the Department of Defense and the intelligence community.

It is not necessarily so that people once - or who still are - working in the national security apparatus are agreeing with how the UFO phenomena have been handled in the past or in more recent times. Not everyone in the national security apparatus wears a black hat. Some are wearing white hats.

Take care!


Dr. Eric W. Davis says a key aspect of the UFO phenomena is the psychic aspect

"George Knapp Back engineering UFOs with Present or Near future Technology." Posted on COAST TO COAST AM OFFICIAL´S YouTube channel on the 17th of March, 2019. Duration: 39:29.

COAST TO COAST AM. Davis says that the efforts of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) and the Pentagon UFO program that was recently revealed were honest and legitimate programs to use the observed properties of UFOs to determine if they could be utilized or back-engineered with present or near-future technology. In fact, Davis said that he and others were tasked with researching "white papers" to determine if in at least 50 years in the future, humans could produce aircraft that could perform the observed characteristics of UFOs, which he said appear to be "tech that is not made on Earth by humans." As for skeptics who say that Navy and other pilots are poor observers whose testimony cannot be trusted, Davis said that as combat experts, "these guys cannot afford to have poor observational skills." Davis also emphasized more than once that “poltergeist or psychic phenomena are a major aspect” of UFO encounters.

Note that the Coast to Coast AM episode with the host George Knapp and guest Dr. Eric Davis, is from 2018-06-24.  

I listened to the radio interview with Dr. Eric Davis when it was broadcast last summer, but the content during the 40 minutes above, is worth repeating and remembering (above is the second hour of two with Eric Davis from 24/6 2018).

Why? Well, if you have ears to hear with, listen. Listen very attentively and closely.

For example, listen attentively and closely at:

1) The segment of the interview that starts at the 22:55 minute mark and last until 28:40 minute. Dr. Eric Davis talks about the psychic, or poltergeist, aspect being a key aspect of understanding the UFO phenomena. Dr. Davis shares his personal experiences on the Skinwalker Ranch. He also says that the toughest marine soldiers with combat experience are scared of the psychic/poltergeist phenomena at the Skinwalker Ranch.

2) The segment that starts at the 28:40 minute mark and last until 32:20 minute. Here Dr. Davis answers the first caller`s question about government crash retrieval programs. Dr Davis does not only confirm the existence of such government programs up to 1989, when the programs were shut down because of lack of progress in the attempts to back engineer the advanced technology.

I agree with Dr. Eric Davis, and others like Jacques Vallée, about the psychic phenomena being a key aspect in the UFO phenomena. Or let me call it the consciousness aspect of the UFO phenomena. And I believe Dr. Davis is honest and sincere with his personal experiences at the Skinwalker Ranch and with the other things he is talking about that is related to the Skinwalker Ranch.

About Dr. Davis' statements about the crash retrieval programs and attempts at back engineering UFO technology, I simply have to take his word for it. I do not think Dr. Davis is lying or feeding disinformation intentionally, but I cannot know for certain that Dr. Davis himself has not been fed lies or disinformation by the Defense Intelligence Agency, or by any other player involved in the UFO phenomena. But he shares the information in a very matter of fact and like he is very sure about it, so at the moment, I am not sure what to make of the information about crash retrieval programs and attempts at back engineering.

As always, have an open, and at the same time, a critical mind. Do your own research, and form your own opinions and conclusions.

Take care!


Monday, 18 March 2019

Mr. Elizondo at Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena

On the 18th of March, 2019, Rob Freeman posted on his YouTube channel "Atmospheric Anomalies", a 2 h 29 min long version of the presentation below. The 51 minute version below of the presentation by Mr. Luis Elizondo - that was posted today, 19th of March - does not have the Q & A part that was in the version posted on the 18th March, 2019. Added to the description of the presentation posted today, 19th of March, is the sentence: "*Video posted with the permission from Luis Elizondo of TTSA and Rich Hoffman of SSU." That is, that sentence was not in the description of the 2, 5 h version posted yesterday (18/3). 

My comments below are on the 2, 5 h version posted on the 18th of March. /Janne

Luis Elizondo "UFOs ARE Real"- Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena March 15, 2019. Posted on Rob Freeman´s YouTube channel Atmospheric Anomalies, 19th of March 2019. Duration: 51:21.

Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the Pentagon's UFO program, recently spoke at SCU's Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena, stating that "UFOs ARE Real" on March 15, 2019.

Apologies for the movement, no one else was recording this, so I managed to video it, holding my iPhone by hand with no tripod, for 2.5 hours at the Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena hosted by the SCU - Scientific Coalition for Ufology: https://www.explorescu.org

*Video posted with permission from Luis Elizondo of TTSA and Rich Hoffman of SSU.
Over the last 4 years, we (the Making Contact Team), have been traveling around the world to over 13 countries, meeting CE-5 observers & documenting our experiences "in the field" with them & on our own. Rob Freeman, Mark McNabb, Lissette Rodriguez. Our "Making Contact Project":

Twitter/Facebook: @mcbiproject

View past expeditions & find out about upcoming expeditions:
Trailer for our doc “Making Contact: Be Inspired” which premiered at Starworks USA, Laughlin, NV, Nov 2, 2018:
Paola Harris puts on the Starworks Symposium every year in Laughlin, NV:
Our famous Squamish orb that MUFON has published in a magazine as one of the top 13 in the world for 2017:
And it made it to the CTV National News in Canada here:
The full, original Squamish Orb video:
WMD "Weapon of Mass Detection", the full camera & scope equipment:
This YouTube Channel clickable link: Rob Freeman - Atmospheric Anomalies:
This YouTube Channel Full URL to copy & paste:

Big thank you to Rob Freeman for holding the camera for two and a half hour, and posting the presentation for the rest of us to watch, listen to and analyze!

People "pro TTSA" will probably find Luis Elizondo´s presentation somewhat informative, clarifying and hopeful. People "con TTSA" will probably find the presentation insipid, vague and with false promises, and, perhaps, even with disinformation.

Mr. Elizondo´s presentation ends around the 54 minute mark and the remaining 1 h 30 minutes is Q & A. Some really good questions from the audience, but unfortunately Mr. Elizondo cannot answer the most interesting and important questions due to his non disclosure agreements. Yes, I think it is frustrating that Mr. Elizondo in many cases does not want to give even his personal opinion to some of the questions, but I believe he has good reasons not to do so.

One of the reasons, at the moment, being that TTSA is in a delicate process of getting attention from and creating trustful relationships with members of the U.S. Congress (some specific sub committees), and important people in the sciences, both in- and outside the U.S.

As I have said before, I think TTSA is genuinely trying to ignite a serious public conversation of the UFO phenomena, to inform politicians and other key players about the reality of the UFO phenomena, and to facilitate a disclosure process by and for the people. A bottom up process, rather than a top down process.

But it does not mean that I blindly trust TTSA. Or more correctly, I do not blindly trust the people who are in charge of the disclosure process and therefore also in charge of  TTSA.

I am fairly sure that TTSA would not be able to do what they are doing - or are going to do in the close and far future - if TTSA did not have a green light from a faction in the higher echelon of the Department of Defense, CIA, NSA and other stakeholders and key players in the UFO phenomena.

Watch and listen with both an open mind and a critical mindset.

Take care!

Sunday, 10 March 2019

The Kumburgaz UFO case 2007-2009. Interview with Dr. Roger Leir

"Dr. Roger Leir & George Knapp discuss the Turkey UFO Case - Coast to Coast March 31, 2013." Published on Turkey UFO Incident´s YouTube channel 13/4 2013. 

For a thorough background to the "Turkey UFO case", or the "Kumburgaz UFO case 2007-2009", go to the following link:

The Turkey UFO case - that includes several sightings by several and different people between the years 2007 and 2009 - is well documented and well researched. As you can read and watch at, many academics and technically skilled people have analyzed the case, especially the extraordinary video of the beings sitting in one of the UFOs. 

Even the Turkish government has openly been involved with analyzing the case and the videos. 

And if I have not missed any recent development, the video of the UFO with beings in it, is still not determined to be real or fake. I have some problems with and questions about the events leading up to the most famous video with the beings in a UFO, but I may write about them in a post in the future. 

Dr. Roger Leir passed away in 2014. He was well known by UFO enthusiasts for his work on alleged, or potential, alien implants. Dr. Leir became a witness to one of the UFO sightings in Turkey and he saw when the most famous and debated video with the beings was filmed. That is what Dr. Leir is mostly talking about in the interview above with George Knapp. 

Be open-minded, and at the same time, skeptical of the Turkey UFO case. Only form an opinion or draw a conclusion after you have taken a serious look at the case. 

Take care!

Dr. Sarfatti on the physics of the "Tic Tac UFO"

"Edition 1: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on the Physics of the 'Tic Tac' UFO." Posted on The Stardrive Report´s YouTube channel, on the 29/12 2018.

This video is about new physics discoveries on how UFOs like the "Tic Tac' are able to fly using very small amounts of energy. We discuss the political and military ramifications of this disruptive technological surprise in the light of Trump's replacement of General Mattis by Patrick Shanahan, the former student of his uncle, MIT Professor John Trump. Shanahan is allegedly the man who released the information we discuss and he has also championed the creation of the US Space Force.

If you are not familiar with Dr. Jack Sarfatti, his work in theoretical physics and consciousness, you can read his CV and some of his research papers on the following link:

Since approximately a month back, the 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) have been made public, or at least most of them. I think the paper by Kit Greene on the biological effects on human tissue is still classified. You can read more about the DIRDs, their purpose and titles on this excellent blog:

I believe the DIRDs not to be merely "thought experiments" about future technology and possibilities, but a description of what we actually know and understand about the physics and technology behind UFOs, or AAVs (Advanced Aerospace Vehicle). Or, at least, knowledge and understanding we are close to having. "We" are people like Eric W. Davis, Hal Puthoff, and the other authors of the DIRDs.

Dr. Jack Sarfatti also seems to be one in the know, or very close to know and understand "the magic" behind objects like the "Tic Tac." At least, according to himself. Since I am not a scientist, I do not have the competence to assess the validity of Dr. Sarfatti's theoretical model of the flight characteristics of the Tic Tac. 

But as a layman I think it is interesting to listen to what Dr. Sarfatti is saying in the interview above, and compare it with what, for example, Hal Puthoff is writing about "engineering the space time metric."

Take care!