The UFO phenomenon is validated. The phenomenon is real, but no one can prove who or what is causing it. This blog presents the research done over many years by competent people showing that the UFO phenomenon is a validated mystery and, therefore, is of a profound existential and great scientific significance.
One of the men behind the initiative to the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), ex. Senator Harry Reid in an interview by George Knapp.
The most interesting thing with the interview is, perhaps, the lack of denial from Harry Reid to some of George Knapp´s formulations and choice of words.
And of course, Harry Reid probably knows much more about the UFO phenomena, involvement of the government, and so on, then he has acknowledged so far in different interviews.
Again, the most interesting in this interview is not what Harry Reid says, but rather what he´s not saying.
"Kevin Day, Navy UFO Contact After-Effects |403|." Published on the 19th February 2019, on the skepticoYouTube channel.
Kevin Day, was the TOPGUN Navy, Air Controller when he was thrust into one of the biggest UFO events in history.
"One of the biggest UFO events in history" is of course referring to the "USS Nimitz UFO encounter" --also known and talked about as the "Tic Tac incident" -- in 2004, that Leslie Kean and others wrote about in the now famous articles in the New York Times on December 2017.
Together with US Navy pilot commander David Fravor, Navy air controller Kevin M Day has been the most open and outspoken witness from the Nimitz UFO incident, or incidents/encounters, because there were several UFO sightings and encounters during a period of several days.
In this interview (starts around the 5:20 minute mark) on skeptico, Kevin M Day is not talking so much about what happened or what he experienced on the USS Nimitz in 2004, but how his experiences of the UFOs affected him psychologically and emotionally, and how the Nimitz UFO incident has changed him as a person.
Interestingly, Kevin M Day mentions around the 10:35 minute mark a paper by Jacques Vallée and Eric W. Davis, that you can find on this blog here. You'll find the paper in the last third of the list of links with the name "Incommensurability, Orthodoxy and the Physics of High Strangeness." There are many reasons to why I find it interesting that Kevin M Day mentions the paper by Vallée and Davis, but the more interesting reason is the "consciousness aspect" of the UFO-phenomena. And Mr Day seems convinced that the object he saw in 2004 was conscious and somehow affected his consciousness.
Around the 40:20 minute mark of the interview, Kevin M Day says that he's "determined to play a role in helping people understand what's about to happen, in every way that I can." Yes, what's about to happen. He also says that he hopes to be called for the Congress to give his testimony about what he saw and experienced on the USS Nimitz in 2004, and that he gets the opportunity to talk about the Nimitz UFO incident for the president of the United States.
As always, listen with both an open and a skeptical mind, form your own opinions and draw your own conclusions.