Sunday, 6 May 2018

The Richard Dolan Show: Breaking News on AATIP (Pentagon´s UFO program).

This episode of the Richard Dolan Show aired on KGRA radio April 30, 2018. The first hour is concerned with recent claims that the Pentagon's UFO program known as Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) may in fact have gone under another name as well: Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP). It seems the study of UFOs is nothing without some controversy. Richard interviews two guests, first Chase Kloetzke, who has interviewed Luis Elizondo twice and provides her insights. Second, he interviews Australian researcher Paul Dean, who has concluded that AAWSAP is indeed related to AATIP. During the second half of the program, Richard discusses the implications of these developments as well as examining some darker implications of the strange phenomena of our world, drawing mainly from research of David Paulides and Whitley Strieber. Listen live to the Richard Dolan show every Monday from 8-10 p.m. Eastern at Visit Richard Dolan's members' site at See the books published by Richard Dolan and his authors at
Published by Richard Dolan´s Youtube channel, 2nd of May 2018, under the heading: 

"Richard Dolan Show April 30 2018. AATIP or AAWSAP?" Duration; 1:45:23.

Why does it matter if the name of the Pentagon UFO program is "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)" - as reported by the New York Times on the 16th of December 2017 - or "Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP)"? And is there any important reason(s) to why the AAWSAP title has not been known until now? Those and other questions is discussed in the first hour of this episode of The Richard Dolan Show (a podcast). 

If I have understood the matter correct, it was UFO researchers Paul Dean and Roger Glassel who independently came over the name/title AAWSAP in connection to their research in aspects of the AATIP. 

Paul Dean is a guest in this episode of Richard Dolan´s podcast, and Dean and Dolan starts discussing the "is AAWSAP = AATIP?" issue around the 28 minutes mark. Paul Dean mentions Roger Glassel`s findings in the issue and you can read what Glassel has found out on the "AAWSAP = AATIP?" in the links below to Blue Blurry Lines website/blog.

The interview with Paul Dean ends at 55:30 minutes. Then, at the 59:30 minutes mark, Richard Dolan reflects on what has been said in the episode so far about the "AAWSAP = AATIP?" 

Perhaps the most interesting part of this episode of the Richard Dolan Show starts at 1 hour and 6 minutes and last to the end of the episode. The subject is what Richard Dolans calls the "dark and disturbing" aspect of the UFO phenomena. Dolans discusses some of the most "inexplicable" cases of encounters of the third and fourth kind (abductions). Dolan grounds his discussion and reflections on the abduction aspect of the UFO phenomena mainly on the works and research by David Paulides and Whitley Strieber. Richard Dolan also mentions an interesting conversation he had with the Dr. Hal Puthoff on remote viewing and free will. 

I am not going to comment on the discussions and content in this episode of The Richard Dolan Show, except from what Richard Dolan is saying with the start around 1 h: 6 min. and ending around 1 h: 09 min: 23 s. I think what Dolan is saying in that segment of his show about the field of UFO research is wise and important. I agree with Richard Dolan when he says something in the words of that the UFO phenomena/subject is very complex and therefore needs multiple perspectives to study it from. 

In another place on this blog, I have said that I consider myself to have a quite "conservative" perspective on the UFO phenomena. I am conservative regarding what the existing and publicly known evidence show and tell us about the UFO phenomena. That is, that the physical aspect of the UFO phenomenon is real, is validated by an overhelming amount of evidence. We are talking about quantity rather then quality of the evidence. But in my world, the existing and publicly known evidence, or data, cannot with a high degree of certainty tell us anything else about the UFO phenomena. 

With that said, I believe other aspects of the UFO phenomena  are as interesting and important to study as the physical one (the "nuts and bolts" perspective/aspect). I also believe that studying the encounter and abduction aspect is crucial in getting and understanding the whole picture of the UFO phenomena. How we go about in studying the abduction aspect in a scientific way is of course both an important and difficult question, or problem, to answer and solve. But all problems have  a solution, don´t they?

Lastly, I also tend to agree with Richard Dolan when he in the mentioned segment (or shortly before or after that  3- 4 minute segment) of this episode of his podcast, says that the more disturbing cases of encounters/abductions (not all cases of encounters/abductions are "dark and disturbing") could be a big reason for the official and formal denial on the significance of the UFO phenomena from the military and goverment. 

And let us always remember that behind these intriguing and highly strange cases of abductions, and some of them are indeed "dark and disturbing," there are human beings who some of them are traumatized by their experiences. It is ok to be fascinated by these extraordinary and inexplicable cases, but it is not ok to look at or treat the effected people as "cases." The human being is always more important then the abduction case itself. I hope the reader understands what I am trying to convey.  

Below is the link(s) to the swedish researcher, Roger Glassel´s, articles published on Blue Blurry Lines website. And you can find Paul Dean´s blog here.

More information about the official name of the Pentagon UFO program, AATIP or AAWSAP?, by the swedish researcher, Roger Glassel. Roger Glassel has written a couple of guest articles on Curt Collin`s website/blog Blue Blurry Lines. The link goes to an update article of Roger Glassel´s first article on Blue Blurry Lines, The AATIP, Targeting Pod Videos and the DOPSR Process.

Enjoy and take care!


Thursday, 3 May 2018

Why is the UFO phenomenon significant? Prof. McDonald probably had the best answer

Published by SpaceTimeForum on YouTube, 19th of May 2014, under the heading "James McDonald explains UFO debunking."

In a brief video clip, Professor James E. McDonald shares his thoughts on why the US government dismisses the scientific importance of UFOs.

Professor McDonald is one giant in the field of ufo-research. Anyone seriously interested in finding out if there is anything important with the UFO phenomenon or not, has to study at least some of the work about the phenomenon by prof. McDonald.

Explore the links below to learn about James E. McDonald's significant work on UFOs and its relevance to everyone still today.

Make sure to check out the University of Arizona Libraries link (the second link from the top), as it contains McDonald's data on various UFO cases, correspondence with military officials, etc.

This post about James E. McDonald's ufo-research is meant as another piece of the puzzle to the question about the strange discrepancy between the overwhelming evidence of the reality of the UFO phenomenon (the physical aspect of the phenomenon) and the government's/military/intelligence agencies official denial of the UFO phenomenons significance for national security and science.

Enjoy and take care!


By Arizona Archives Online under the heading "Scope and Content Note:"
Papers, 1904-1997 (bulk 1958-1971). Mostly correspondence, cases, reports, interviews, and printed materials relating to James E. McDonald's investigations, 1958 to 1971, into unidentified flying objects and similar sightings, and governmental investigations, responses and reports, including the United States Air Force's Project Blue Book, and Edward U. Condon's 1969 report, A Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, relating to these phenomenon. Correspondence, 1958-1971, is between McDonald and various government and military officials, other scientific and professional UFO researchers. Case files, 1945-1970, include investigations, mostly in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, on sightings by military pilots, tower control officers, law enforcement officers, scientists and citizens.
 Contains photocopies of approximately 580 Project Blue Book sighting reports, mostly by pilots, and some with airborne and ground radar verification. Also includes four handwritten journals, 1958-1971, describing UFO investigative activity; papers and talks, 1966-1977, given before conferences, symposia, and groups; research materials, including his 1967 trip to Australia and New Zealand; a referenced outline of an unpublished book; over 80 audio-tapes of interviews, talks, and conversations on UFO topics; photographic materials on various subjects; and supplemental materials.

Following said by James E. McDonald on page 5/12:
On the basis of my examination of the UFO problem during the past three years, I regard it as probably the outstanding scientific problem of the century. I believe the evidence clearly shows that Dr. Condon, like a number of other scientists who have previously had responsibilities in advising the Air Force on its task of sorting out the mysteries of the steady flow of UFO reports, really never opened his eyes to the significant evidence, never dug in and undertook the kind of extensive case-checking and witness-interviewing that leads one to see that in the UFO problem we are probably confronting a phenomenon of unprecedented scientific significance.